In a message exchange yesterday, I was directed to Ecclesiastes 9:7. Amusingly, at, the Douay-Rheims Bible online, I first mistakenly opened Ecclesiasticus (aka Sirach) 9:7 instead. Much nerdy giggling on my part resulted. The juxtaposition here is delightful.
Here is what I was supposed to see in ECCLESIASTES 9:7
Go then, and eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with gladness: because thy works please God.
Vade ergo, et comede in laetitia panem tuum, et bibe cum gaudio vinum tuum, quia Deo placent opera tua.
And here is what I mistakenly looked up in ECCLESIASTICUS 9:7 instead:
Look not round about thee in the ways of the city, nor wander up and down in the streets thereof.
Noli circumspicere in vicis civitatis, nec oberraveris in plateis illius.