Monthly Archives: October 2019

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs: Fragments of Ceiling of St. Peter’s Basilica Fall During Bergoglio’s Mass

It happened to the left side of the high altar. The area was evacuated. This Mass was to consecrate four new bishops, and took place after the pagan shaman ritual in the Vatican Gardens in which demons were invoked to “protect the earth” with Antipope Bergoglio present and presiding.

Click here for algorithmic translation of the Italian reportage.

A Meditation on Credits and Debits

I have received emails from very kind readers expressing exasperation that, according to Voris and Church Militant, people are now “starting” to discuss the possibility that Bergoglio is, in fact, an Antipope, per the post immediately below.  Very kind readers are frustrated that I (and others) are not being “credited” with researching and explaining the mountain of Canon Law and observable evidence demonstrating the invalidity of Pope Benedict’s attempted partial abdication in February ARSH 2013, and the subsequent Bergoglian Antipapacy.

This brings up a great point.  Folks, speaking for myself, I DO NOT CARE A WHIT if I get any “credit” for anything with regards to exposing the Bergoglian Antipapacy.  I’m not doing this for any personal glory – God knows.  I don’t care if others get credit and I get zero.  ALL THAT MATTERS IS GETTING THE TRUTH OUT, AND PREVENTING AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE FROM BEING SCANDALIZED AND/OR DECEIVED BY THE BERGOGLIAN ANTIPAPACY. I’m just glad that invalidity is being discussed.  This is a step forward.  Praise God.

Folks, rest assured that we are all – every one us – going to get FULL CREDIT for everything we do (and don’t do) in this mortal coil.  It’s called THE GENERAL JUDGMENT.  And the thought of it should cause every one of us to fear and tremble, as St. Paul put it.  Every deed, for good or ill, will be exposed, and Our Lord will judge all.  Any good that I might do in my life, in this or any other context, will eventually be credited to me by Christ Himself, but I really don’t care much about that right now.  What occupies my thoughts, and should occupy everyone’s thoughts, is being credited with the evil that we do and the sins we commit, both sins of commission and sins of omission.  If you are spending any time worrying about “getting credit” from men for “good deeds” or “accomplishments” in this world, your eye is on the wrong ball.  BIG TIME.

In the Lord’s Prayer, there is no petition for “getting credit” for good deeds, but there is a petition for HAVING OUR DEBTS FORGIVEN, AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS.  Worry about your debts, and have faith in Our Lord’s justice and goodness with regards to any possible “credits”.  But Our Lord made crystal clear that one should have ZERO expectation of ANY “credit” in this world.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  So, don’t self-sabotage by expecting any “worldly credit” for anything.

And so, we continue, without any thought of, much less demand for “credit”.  All that matters is getting the truth out, and helping prevent scandal.  If we are thinking about and even angrily demanding to receive a laurel crown while we are still running the race, and are yet FAR from the finish line, we are doomed.  For now, just run the race.  One foot in front of the other.  Forgive us our debts….

And when the Son of man shall come in His majesty, and all the angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the seat of His majesty. And all nations shall be gathered together before Him, and He shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats: And He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on His left.  Matthew 25: 31-33

No, “Francis” is NOT the Pope and never has been, and I’m available to help walk folks through the mountain of canonical and visible evidence in any way I can. No hard feelings.

Patience is the Fruit of the Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross

My videos on the Bergoglian Antipapacy HERE.

Here is ChurchMilitant’s video of the day, just released:


We’re bringing you these series of reports to help you better understand the stakes.

There are whispers and quiet chatter all over Rome just days before the controversial Amazon Synod kicks off that the conclave which elected Pope Francis might have been invalid; a very close second to the talk of an invalid conclave is that Francis may have committed heresy.


All of these things, and much more, have started a lot of private conversations in and around Rome, as well as other parts of the Church, explicitly asking the question: Is Francis really the true pope?

So, quiet dinner conversations are punctuated with topics about whether the conclave that elected him was actually valid.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church.

St. Michael, guardian angel of the Roman Pontiff, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Mailbag: Totally unsurprising 401k fraud story


I was listening (to Barnhardt Podcast #094) and reached the part about 401-ks and had to stop and write.

I was working for Conagra and in their plan was a company stock buy/sell option. A friend and I (pre-red pill) believed we knew a lot about stocks etc. and as their stock at the time was bouncing up and down in a narrow tunnel (aka sideways channel) of about $6.00 we decided to day trade it within the 401-k.

We set up an excel spreadsheet and bought and sold at/near the tunneling lows/highs. However, our accounts never reflected the profits we showed should have been there.

Turns out the company was collecting all the buy orders and sell orders and then allocating in bulk monthly to the days most advantageous to themselves as holders of stock they were trading against us. So they would allocate our buy orders to the highest priced day of the month, and our sells to the lowest, and this ability ended up being in the rules.

Screwed again. Older, wiser, and poorer. Now I have almost $30k in a lock box behind my mini-14.


Ray V.

It’s a small club folks, and YOU AIN’T IN IT.

ACTION ITEM BY REQUEST: Blasphemous Pervert Priest Speaking at SSPX Conference with +Fellay

Yeah, this is BAD.  I suspect the SSPX/Angelus/+Fellay simply didn’t do their homework on this guy, but, COME ON.  Anytime “Theology of the Bawdy” is mentioned, RED ALERT! Duh!

This priest has been invited to speak at Angelus Press’ “Defense of the Family: Fortifying Catholic Marriage” conference this weekend (Oct 4-6) in Kansas City.  Link to conference homepage HERE.

For those who don’t know, Angelus Press is the SSPX’s publishing house.

This Novus Ordo priest of the diocese of Lincoln, NE is named Fr. Sean Kilcawley.  I have transcribed his sickening blasphemy in this video below:

“And a better way of approaching our temptations, instead of asking Our Lord to take them away – which gives us the impression that Jesus enters into our life to take away our temptations so that we can then fix ourselves and eventually be worthy of Him to come back and enter in, is to simply invite Our Lord into our temptation and into our thoughts in the present moment. To say, “Jesus, I want to look at pornography right now.” Or, “Jesus, I’m having an impure thought right now. You’re welcome into my imagination.  You’re welcome to watch these thoughts with me.”

This is SO SICK, and I can tell you right now that every less-than-well-catechized person who would hear this would say, “Oh, okay.  That priest said it’s okay to willfully entertain impure thoughts, and even watch porn, as long as I ask Jesus to watch. And then if I don’t stop, and take it to completion, I guess that means Jesus was cool with it, otherwise He would have stopped me. And it was an SSPX event, so he must be right….”

Action Item: Get this guy OFF the Angelus Press program.

Here, again, is the link to the event.

I would recommend contacting both Angelus Press and the SSPX directly.

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Martin Luther Probably Committed Suicide

It was recently pointed out to me that what Luther did in leading so many of the faithful into schism – that is, denying the Papacy IN SE, denying the Papacy in principle, denying the Primacy, Absolute Monarchy, and Universal Jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, Supernaturally graced with a negative protection guaranteeing infallibility (much like people in Trad Inc. are doing today – funny that) – was far worse than full apostasy or paganism, because the agony of eternal damnation is far worse for the Baptized.  In founding a schism that brought people to Baptism, and then IMMEDIATELY put them in mortal sin, Luther didn’t merely lead people to hell, he led and leads them to the WORST hell, because the damned will know that they had, for no matter how short a time, the Snow White baptismal garment, which they then immediately rejected and tore off.  THAT agony is the worst eternal torment.

Not long after, over my transom came a link to THIS, which details the dirty little secret of Luther’s exit from this mortal coil.  Click over, read the whole thing, and save as a bookmark.

Yep.  He hung himself.

NOT surprising in the least.

If you would like to see a small sampling of Luther’s obvious insanity and reprobation, which included BLASPHEMY (it ALWAYS eventually ends up in blasphemy – the cursing and narcissistic devaluing of God Himself), click HERE for a compendium I put together a few years ago.

How did Luther Die?

The official Protestant version narrates that the greatest architect of the Christian rupture died of a natural death on February 15, 1546, after a trip to Eisleben and suffering from angina pectoris; Was it really like this?

A contemporary German scholar, Dietrich Emme, offers a very different version in a review of events. In his book “Martin Luther, Seine Jugend und Studienzeit 1483-1505. Eine dokumentarische Darstelleng “[1] (“Martin Luther: Youth and Years of Study from 1483 to 1505. Bonn 1983”) points out that Luther committed suicide, and he is not alone in pointing this out.

Likewise, a Freudian psychoanalyst, M. Roland Dalbiez, in his study Luther’s Anguish [2], attributes him “… a very serious neurosis of anguish, so grave that one may wonder whether it has not been due to a border-state between neurosis on the one hand and “suicide raptus” on the other, a teleological anti-suicidal automatism”[3].

Indeed, Luther had suicidal tendencies, as it can be corroborated in his own “Tischreden” (“Table Talk”), where one of his conversations with Pastor Güben Leonhard Beyer, in 1551 is documented:

“He told us that when he was a prisoner the devil had wickedly tormented him and that he had laughed heartily when he (Luther) took a knife in his hand, saying:” Go ahead! Kill yourself! “(…). This has happened to me very often, so much as to put a knife in my hand … and what evil thoughts came to mind in this way, so evil that I could no longer pray “[4].

In 1606, Franciscan Heinrich Sedulius in his “Preaescriptiones adversus haereses”, narrates something analogous bringing up the valuable testimony of Ambrosio Kudtfeld, a witness and man of confidence of the “reformer” who, far from accounting a death from angina , says:

“On the night before his death, Martin Luther let himself be overcome by his habitual intemperance and in such excess that we were obliged to take him, completely drunk, and place him in his bed. Then, we retired to our bedroom, without sensing anything unpleasant! The next morning, we went back to our lord to help him get dressed, as usual. Then – oh, what a pain! – we saw our master Martin hanging from the bed and strangled miserably! His mouth was crooked, th right part of his face was black, his neck was red and deformed.”[5]

Indeed, at that time raised beds supported by columns were used.

“In the face of this horrible spectacle, we felt great fear! We ran, without delay, to the princes, his guests of the day before, to announce to them the execrable end of Luther! They, full of terror like us, immediately promised us, with a thousand promises and the most solemn oaths, to observe, with respect to that event, an eternal silence. Then they ordered us to remove the rope from Luther’s hideous corpse, lay him on his bed, and then report to the people that “Master Luther” had suddenly abandoned this life!”[6]

Maritain himself points out that Dr. De Coster, who examined Luther, explained that the deceased’s mouth was crooked with the face black and the neck red and deformed [7].

Likewise, Oratorian priest Bozio, in his book “De Signis Ecclesiae”, published in 1592 [8], points out that one of the reformer’s household indicated that his lord was found hanged from the columns of his bed; Dr. Géorges Claudin says the same: [9].

As Villa points out, “Luther, then, did not die a natural death, as has been falsely written in all the history books of Protestantism, but died as a suicidal, hanged from his bed after a splendid dinner, in which, as usual, he had drunk too much and was satisfied with food beyond all bounds!”[10].


When Sodomites Go to War Against Each Other, I’m Reaching For the Orville Redenbacher, and Rooting for Casualties

So the “Vatican Prosecutor” just executed a raid on the Vatican Secretary of State’s offices looking for evidence regarding financial shenanigans at the Vatican Bank.

I am reliably informed that three Commodore 64 computers and ten 5.25 inch floppy disks containing thousands of bytes of data were seized in the raid.

It seems that the deep and abiding bond of sodomitical Omertà between the fags in the Vatican is finally breaking down.

Motus in fine velocior.

Footage just in from the Catha Thanta Martha: