Monthly Archives: September 2019

Canon Lawyer Priest Checks In, Confirms

Hello Ann,

My name is Fr. P and I thoroughly enjoy your blog due to its blunt exposition of the truth. I am very good friends with Bishop Gracida.

I agree with your assessment of Bergoglio not being the true Pope and that Pope Benedict is still the current reigning Pope. I am also a Canon Lawyer and your arguments make perfect sense.

Keep up the good work! Take care and God Bless You!

Fr. P

(Let it be noted and noted well that Father originally wanted his name and location published, and I asked him as a condition of publishing his email to reconsider and confirm his decision before Our Lord in the Tabernacle, and he agreed that this was not yet his “Wedding at Cana” moment, while acknowledging that eventually he and every faithful priest will have to assent to the Blessed Mother’s intercession and declare their position.

Friends, please, seriously, PRAY FOR PRIESTS. And for Pope Benedict Ratzinger. Every day.)

Mailbag: Another Hardcore Videogamer Quits Cold Turkey, Sickened By Gaming Industry’s Sodophilia

Hello Ann,

If any readers/listeners need any additional encouragement to stop playing video games, I put together an image that speaks a thousand words. The four brands pictured (Sega, Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox) are arguably the most recognised in the industry and they’re all promoting sodomy or at least allowing their western branches to do so. Something I’ve learned is that whatever one might argue about the merits of video games, the majority of the companies producing and profiting from them are not friendly to Christ or his Church. 

I’ve decided to take your advice and go completely cold turkey on playing games myself. I was slowly moving that way but it is better to just stop rather than keep making excuses not to. I’ve been heavily into gaming for a long time and not just playing them in a dark room. I’ve written and contributed to publications and been heavily involved in the subculture. I have friends that I connected with through the same interest that I’ve just told I’m stopping. My family and friends are surprised and find it hard to believe but it is for the best. My point in telling you this is that if I can go cold turkey – anyone can!

God bless,


Barnhardt Podcast #094: Profit Without End

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we finally talked about financial topics — but not before going over some industry expert feedback on the troubles with the 737 MAX and renewing the call to get off of Insta-Face-App. We discussed cashing in a 401K to buy a house, PMI and equity, the biblical basis for women to work from home (Prov. 31) and waded into the waters of Catholic Economic Theory (spoiler: we don’t like distributivism). And we almost ended the show correctly!

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #093: Negative Content Rate

Correction: the story about the Saudi man paying $350MM for model airplanes was a satire — Ann didn’t know until after the episode was recorded.

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss ZIRP, NIRP, and DIRP, the insanity of 84 month car loans, Boeing’s ongoing issues with the 737 Max, how the Kardashians got their money, and a fake story about a Saudi Man — who acts kinda like Florida Man but with a few billion more dollars — and stress the point that neither Ann nor the other person on the podcast gives investment advice. Evar!

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

NIFTY! Barnhardt Collected Essays Paperbacks Now Being Delivered!

Well, this is nifty-wifty, to be sure!  The paperback Collected Essays are being delivered, and by all reports, they look GREAT!  Huzzah!

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


THANK YOU to all of the buyers, and hopefully we’ll get more volumes typeset and available before Christmas.  Again, THANK YOU!!!  Remember, Barnhardt Benefactor Masses are offered DAILY AT MINIMUM, and most days now have TWO Masses offered in which all Barnhardt Benefactors and Supporters are commemorated (because “no purchase necessary!” Also, “batteries not included.”)

Oremus pro invicem!!
(Let us pray for each other!)


Mailbag: Dona Nobis Pacem

(The Truth, even when horrific, brings peace, because Jesus Christ IS the Truth. This letter, just over the transom, exemplifies this.)

Dear Ann,

Thank you for the reminder to speak with our friends and family about the anti-papacy of Jorge Bergoglio. I have been a little on the timid side with this topic. I am very outspoken on other topics such as anti-abortion, communism but with this one I am reluctant.

So tonight, I called a friend to convey birthday wishes and well, we were having a grand ol’ chat… and so I sprung it on her… and with a sigh of relief she was so grateful for the direction to your blog and Bp Gracida’s blog. It ended up being a great birthday gift for her. My friend is a very faithful Catholic (in our 20’s when most others were off, she was remained steady) but she just didn’t know what to make of what is going on with this Anti-pope Bergoglio. I was so happy to give her this boost and on her birthday no less… (also the anniversary of Michael Davies death). 

Thanks again.

Keep up the good work.

God Bless,


Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.