Monthly Archives: April 2019

Barnhardt Podcast #080: A Lament for Notre Dame

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss the fire at the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris and how this event is not only the loss of a magnificent artistic and cultural achievement but is oddly symbolic: the destruction of a church from within… from the top. Over a billion dollars have been pledged to rebuild the cathedral, but in a new way, with new materials, representing the “New France” — and the “new Church.” A melancholy episode during the week when we meditate on the passion of Christ and His Church.

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Holy Thursday: The Office of Tenebrae Is Now A Recitation of Current Events

The liturgical highlight of my year is upon us: the Offices of Tenebrae in Holy Week.  Go to all three if you possibly, possibly can.

Every year, the Pslams, lessons, lamentations, responsories and Canticles leap off the page with stunning relevance.  He went through everything before us and for us.  Contempt.  Calumny. Kangaroo trials. The ascendancy of the wicked all around Him. And finally, and certainly worst, betrayal.

The Thursday Offices of Tenebrae, terrifyingly, read like a recitation of current events, with Antipope Bergoglio and his coven, to everyone’s horror but no one’s surprise, as Judas and the Temple priests and guards.

Here is the Responsory after the eighth lesson in the Third Nocturn of Matins for Holy Thursday, which hit me especially hard this year:

Could ye not watch one hour with Me, ye that were ready to die for me? Or see ye not Judas, how he sleepeth not, but maketh haste to betray Me to the Jews?  Why sleep ye? Arise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.


Read John 6.  It is all right there. There is nothing new under the sun.

Agony. Agony. Agony. Judas, worst of the traffickers, approached the Lord with a kiss: He like an innocent lambrefused not the kiss of Judas; For a few pence he delivered Christ to the Jews. Agony. Agony. Agony.
Judas, worst of the traffickers, approached the Lord with a kiss: He like an innocent lamb refused not the kiss of Judas; For a few pence he delivered Christ to the Jews.


Spy Wednesday: The Proto-Doxxing

Remember, Judas didn’t betray Our Lord for the money.  He did it because Judas was so embarrassed and enraged by The Bread of Life Discourse (John Chapter 6) which concluded with a massive crowd, ready to make Jesus King – and thus Judas and the rest of the Apostles very powerful men of Jesus’ “court” – walking away in disgust calling Our Lord “crazy”. The embarrassment and loss of power which he was so close to grasping (he thought) drove him insane with anger, hatred and bitterness toward Our Lord that he resolved to bring about His murder.  And I’m sure in his mind he told himself that he was totally justified, and doing the world a favor.

“Eat His flesh and drink His blood?  What is that nut talking about?”

NOTHING incites hatred so much as embarrassment.  Judas, like such a high percentage of clerics and prelates today, hate Our Lord because they don’t believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, and are EMBARRASSED at any mention or indication of It.

In short, they don’t actually believe any of that “Catholic bulls***”.



Notre Dame Will Be Repaired at Taxpayer Expense, but as a “Shared Cultural Space”. And That Is How It Will Become a Mosque.

Notre Dame Will Be Repaired at Taxpayer Expense, but as a “Shared Cultural/Spiritual Space”. And That Is How It Will Become a Mosque.

This will be done with the FULL support and cooperation of Antipope Bergoglio and his coven occupying the Vatican.

The “repurposing” of Churches into “Shared Ecumenical Spaces” after the Notre Dame model will become all the rage, and will probably become legally mandated.  Fire nor earthquake needed.  Just the Compass and Square of Freemasonry under the sword of islam.

As someone else said and said well yesterday, God is JUST GETTING STARTED with France.  And it won’t stop with France.

PRAISE GOD, but KEEP PRAYING: Mr. Bob Quarteroni has seen a priest, and is in this priest’s care

Across the transom just now from the SSPX priest that made efforts to contact Mr. Quarteroni.

“It looks like the publicity has had some effect. It motivated the local priests to reach out to poor Bob.

One of my parishioners has been looking into the situation. Apparently the local parish priest has the matter in hand.”

“Act, and God will act.” –St. Joan of Arc

Persist.  Persevere.  Some of you emailed me with reports of your Novus Ordo priests refusing to get involved – one even trying to cite Canon Law and another (of course) citing Antipope Bergoglio’s rantings against “proselytism”.  Don’t despair.  Don’t lose hope.  Keep going!

Other human beings matter.  This is the Fruit of the Second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary – the Visitation.  FRATERNAL CHARITY.





Please, keep praying during this Holy Week for Mr. Quarteroni’s heart to be melted like wax, and that he receive the forgiveness, pardon and peace that Our Lord so desperately wants to give him.  And pray for the priests involved.

Our Lady, Assumed into Heaven, pray for us!
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!

(By the way, this is the man you are praying for)

Reuters linked on Drudge Sub-headline: “Conservatives still see Benedict, not Francis, as Pope”

I post this only to show that it isn’t just “that seriously crazy Barnhardt and her three remaining schizo fanboys” that even countenance the notion that Pope Benedict is the Pope and “Francis” is an antipope.

Don’t fall for the gaslighting campaign that you are not only crazy, but crazy and ALONE in so much as even questioning Bergoglio’s legitimacy. Reuters wouldn’t have put that bullet point sub-headline there if it were just a handful of people raising the alarm.

No matter why Reuters wrote and published that bullet, even if was an attempt to smear “conservatives”, the fact is that today millions more people who do not live in Traddyland nor read any “Trad, Inc.” sites have now been exposed to the idea that a non-trivial number of people recognize Pope Benedict as still being the Pope and Bergoglio an antipope.

That is all.

“No longer DIRECTLY responsible…”

Lemme guess. No longer DIRECTLY responsible… for the governance of the Church? But remain in a new way, always and forever, in the enclosure of St. Peter, living out a passive ministry of prayer?

NYPost on Pope Benedict’s latest document. You can’t make this up, folks.

The retired pontiff has drafted a 6,000-word document in his native German and aims to publish it in a monthly periodical for clergy in his home region of Bavaria. Benedict says the document, an English translation of which I’ve reviewed, is meant to assist the Church in seeking “a new beginning” and making her “again truly credible as a light among peoples and as a force in service against the powers of ­destruction.”

In the preface, he makes it clear that he is “no longer directly responsible” for the church and that he consulted Pope Francis (sic) before ­resolving to make the document public.

Nevertheless, Benedict’s “The Church and the Scandal of Sexual Abuse” has the unmistakable ring of a papal document. You might even call it a post-retirement encyclical.

UPDATE: Here’s the whole text.

As one reader put it, he didn’t resign the Office, he simply announced that he would no longer be answering the phone. Which is to say, the See was not vacated, therefore it was and is logically, canonically and metaphysically impossible for a valid conclave to have been called. The College of Cardinals only has the ability to call a conclave if the See is vacant. No empty See, no conclave. Period. You can call as many fake conclaves and go through the motions as you want, but if the See isn’t vacant, it’s all totally invalid and canonically meaningless.

Let’s go back to this, just for review. February 27, ARSH 2013:

The “always” is also a “for ever” – there can no longer be a return to the private sphere. My decision to resign the active exercise of the ministry does not revoke this. I do not return to private life, to a life of travel, meetings, receptions, conferences, and so on. I am not abandoning the cross, but remaining in a new way at the side of the crucified Lord. I no longer bear the power of office for the governance of the Church, but in the service of prayer I remain, so to speak, in the enclosure of Saint Peter. Saint Benedict, whose name I bear as Pope, will be a great example for me in this. He showed us the way for a life which, whether active or passive, is completely given over to the work of God.