Monthly Archives: March 2019

The Biggest Lie Pope Benedict XVI Has Told Is NOT That There Were No Black Cassocks….

No.  Not even close.  The biggest lie Pope Benedict XVI has publicly told is a lie so gargantuan that, like the “no black cassocks” lie which looks positively quaint by comparison, it must be assumed in charity to be a cry for help.

The biggest lie Pope Benedict XVI has told was to German journalist Peter Seewald, with whom he collaborated on his memoir, “Final Conversations”.  In this book, Pope Benedict XVI said that there was a “gay lobby” inside the Vatican of “FOUR or FIVE” people, and that he, Pope Benedict, successfully broke it up.

Ummm.  Yeah… NO.  Maybe four OUT OF five, but not four OR five.

I have read the Frederic Martel book, titled “Inside the Vatican Closet” in the U.S., but more pointedly, “Sodoma” in the rest of the world, which is, like most things today, an admixture of truth and lies.  I found it fascinating but not the least bit surprising that two of Martel’s main sources in Rome would be considered “far-right”:  Steve Bannon’s tragic fanboy and professional name dropper Benjamin Harnwell (who seems to have missed the news that Bannon is not only completely washed-up and exposed as a totally self-serving fraud, but so toxic in the U.S. that only 17 people including the campaign staffers showed up to a campaign rally for a congressional candidate in Kansas that Bannon “headlined” last fall – I guess Bannon’s eight-figure net worth from his Seinfeld rerun royalty stream covers a multitude of sins…), and Msgr. Francois Bacque, a retired nuncio (Vatican diplomat/ambassador) who learned the Tridentine Rite approximately five years ago, who personally installed the militant open sodomite Martel in two Vatican residences, and was instrumental in getting Martel even installed in an apartment inside the Vatican – with the help of Bacque’s friend, Msgr. Battista Ricca.  Ricca, you will remember, is the flaming sodomite who runs the Casa Santa Marta hotel AND is Antipope Bergoglio’s appointed liaison to the Vatican Bank, to whom Msgr. Bacque introduced Martel.  As I have been saying for years and years now in this space, Rome is a roiling scum-topped sea of faggotry, sacrilege, bitchery and lies, and the Vatican proper is a fully-functioning BATHHOUSE.  You couldn’t pay me to step foot inside St. Peter’s Basilica at this point, knowing what I know.  I’ve watched too many Fr. Ripperger lectures to not know how dangerous physical spaces where unspeakable acts of sacrilege go on, and filled with human demoniacs each surrounded by a retinue of demons, are.

The most credible sections of Martel’s book are Martel’s sojourns in Cuba and Latin America, wherein he reports that Pope Benedict finally realized while in Cuba in ARSH 2012 how utterly infiltrated and overrun the Curia and the global college of bishops was with sodomites that he despaired and resolved to try to quit (quite unsuccessfully, as it turned out by the Divine Providence), as he had done several times previously in his life.  Ratzinger fled the University of Tubingen in ARSH 1968 rather than stay and fight the Marxist student uprisings, and the heresies of men like Hans Kung, and Ratzinger also submitted his resignation from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to Pope JPII in April of ARSH 1997, requesting to be allowed to become the head of the Vatican Archives as a form of pre-retirement.  Pope JPII strenuously refused the resignation.  As one of Pope Benedict XVI’s longtime Bavarian friends said upon learning of his attempted resignation on 11 February ARSH 2013, “HE HAZ KVIT EVVYZING HE HAZ EVVA DUN!”

So, you see, the ginormous whopper that there were no black cassocks for him to wear, and the baldfaced lie that he had to quit because he couldn’t take the flight to Brazil for World Youth Day 2013 weren’t even close to the biggest lie he has told.  The biggest lie Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger has told is:

“There was a gay lobby in the Roman Curia of four or five, but I managed to break up this power group….”

“Yeah, that’s the ticket!” or cry for help?  Either way, pray for Pope Benedict XVI, and for Holy Mother Church.

My Take On ++Pell’s Conviction – FWIW

The case of Cardinal Pell is tricky.  Here are my thoughts and insights gained over the past 6+ years:

-I was told from my earliest engagement with Rome and these “churchy” issues that George Pell was a stone-cold, dead-eyed, full-blown sociopath, and that one should not, under any circumstance whatsoever, hitch their proverbial cart to his horse.  Since then, the whole question of personality disorders has become much clearer, and we now know that sociopathy and psychopathy are simply different names for DIABOLICAL NARCISSISM, and we know that all species of sexual perversion are derived from DIABOLICAL NARCISSISM, and that sexual perversion is a downward spiral that generally gets worse with the passage of time.

-It is painfully obvious to all by now that the Bergoglian usurpatious criminal regime would never, ever, ever let ANYONE who wasn’t massively compromised and blackmailable anywhere near the Vatican Bank or any Vatican Finances at all.  Pell was clearly named as the “financial reform czar” because he had a massive built-in kill switch.  And, as an added bonus, ++Pell was considered “hard-right” on the spectrum, and even did Traditional Mass liturgical stuff, so for him to publicly implode would be doubly-good for the anti-church.   I wrote about this almost two years ago HERE, in my piece, “New Verb: To Be COSBYED”.

-The charges that ++Pell was convicted of simply don’t hold water.  The notion that he or anyone could orally rape two lads in a busy sacristy while fully vested immediately after a huge pontifical Mass is defies all logic, reason and common sense.  Here is what I think happened:  I think that the Rule of Law is so far gone in the post-Christian west (as Australia definitely is) that the jury found Pell guilty NOT of the crimes that he was indicted for in this case, but just “GENERALLY GUILTY”.  I suspect that they did this with the thought that if they didn’t find him guilty now, that he would return to Rome and be permanently ensconced in the Vatican, and thus be unextraditable.   This is a full-blown assault on the Rule of Law and a huge plunge down the slippery slope into the abyss of “WROL” (without rule of law).  It is better to let a guilty man go free than to permit this idea of conviction of “general guilt” detached from the structure of indictments, and thus trials, evidence, truth, or anything else civilized.  It is positively Stalinesque.  Any charge could be concocted against anyone, and the person found “generally guilty” for “the greater good”.  I am reminded of Our Lord’s words in John 16: 2… “They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God.

-Having said that, I do not think that ++Pell is a martyr or anything of the sort.  I found his Australian 60 Minutes interview to be sickening, wherein Pell is clearly caught lying.  I have been told by Australian priests and laypeople that the situation in Australia with regards to priests chasing and assaulting lads is absolutely terrible and has been for over 60 years, and that as children in Catholic schools the boys were propositioned almost every time they entered the confessional.  It was constant and ubiquitous.  Australia and New Zealand, like Germany and the Low Countries, should probably be put under interdict and considered mission territory.

-Also, the very fact that ++Pell jumped in bed with Antipope Bergoglio at all speaks volumes.  Folks, we HAVE to start judging people by their associations.

-I won’t be surprised if Pell doesn’t last long in prison.  He is one of the most hated men in Australia, and sociopaths when they hit rock bottom can be suicidal.  I personally don’t think fear of hell is much on a man like Pell’s radar.  I hope I’m wrong.