Monthly Archives: March 2019

RED ALERT: Vatican Says Yes To “Sex Change” Drugs For Children



Opening paragraph:

Also from the Vatican comes the blessing for the drug block-puberty, and in the Church you cry out at the scandal. The placet arrived in the form of a compliant interview that the official Vatican portal Vatican News has made to the philosopher of law Laura Palazzani, a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life and of the National Bioethics Committee (CNB). Palazzani has defended the recent decision of the Agency of the drug (AIFA) to include the molecule Trp-triptorelin, also known as drug blocker-puberty, among the medicinal products available to the National Health Service. In practice, adolescents considered to suffer from gender dysphoria, or who have difficulty identifying with their sex, will be able to administer at the expense of the tax payer this drug that will block for a few years a fundamental physiological event, puberty, waiting for the teenager decides what “gender” wants to be.

-Fr. Linus Clovis

An Allegory to Pray For: “When Joey left the dining room, not a Gallen boy was standing. He said, ‘This one’s for Holly,’ as he watched the last one fall.”

There’s someone for everyone, and Joey’s love was Holly
In her arms, he didn’t have to prove he was a man
One day while he was working, the Gallen boys came calling
They took turns at Holly, n’there was three of them

Joey opened up the door, and saw his Holly crying
The torn dress, the shattered look was more than he could stand
He reached above the fireplace, and took down his Daddy’s picture
As the tears fell on his Daddy’s face, he heard these words again


The Gallen boys just laughed at him when he walked into the dining room
One of them got up and met him halfway ‘cross the floor
When Joey turned around they said, “hey look, old yeller’s leaving”
But you could’ve heard a pin drop when Joey stopped and locked the door

Fifty years of crawling was bottled up inside him
He wasn’t holding nothin’ back, he let ’em have it all
When Joey left the dining room, not a Gallen boy was standing
He said, “this one’s for Holly,” as he watched the last one fall

“I promised you, Dad, not to do the things you’ve done
I walk away from trouble when I can
Now please don’t think I’m weak, I didn’t turn the other cheek
And Papa, I sure hope you understand
Sometimes you gotta fight when you’re a man”

Everyone considered him the coward of the county….


So, what EXACTLY is it going to take? Antipope Bergoglio tells priests of Rome that The Indefectible Bride of Christ is in “flagrant adultery”.

Not being beaten, raped, and attempted to be murdered by the criminal usurper antipope and His Freemason sodomite coven.

No, the Bride of Christ HERSELF is a flagrant adulteress. It’s HER fault. She’s the whore.

Nah, there’s no evidence to think that something might be terribly amiss. I mean, between Pope Benedict all but skywriting that the sodomites were gunning for him from the first days of his papacy, the partial attempted abdication of just the “active governance” ministry, not the Petrine Office, the retention all the visible marks of the Petrine Office, and the fact that Bergoglio is a foaming-at-the-mouth blaspheming apostate Freemason happily swimming laps in a pool of sodomy between shifts running a D11 Caterpillar tasked with scraping the Church from the face of the earth and replacing it with a Freemasonic Antichurch – nah. You’re just stupid, crazy and a schismatic if you dare think anything might be hinkey here, so shut up, stupid, ignurnt Papolator!

Argentinian Sources Check In: Jaitt’s “Producer” Caught on Video Lifting Jaitt’s Cellphone from Crimescene and then Lying About It.

The Argentinians have checked in after I asked them if there was anything new on the Natacha Jaitt death that the English-speaking world should be aware of.  They said the big news was that Jaitt’s “producer”, Raúl Velaztiqui Duarte, was caught on video lifting Jaitt’s cellphone from the crime scene, wrapping it in a towel, and putting it in his backpack, then lying through his teeth about this to the cops.

Not a great look for Raúl.


So, at this point, pretty much everyone in Argentina thinks there was foul play here.  The thing to remember is that Jaitt was threatening not just Gustavo Vera (although it was Vera who was suing Jaitt, and that trial was set to begin right about now… with all of the discovery and presentation of evidence that would go along with a trial.) Jaitt was threatening to expose the whole Buenos Aires pedophile ring, which included celebrities and sports stars, just as it does in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Finally, let me point out that YES, Natacha Jaitt, was, in fact, a complete and total train wreck, and certainly no saint or martyr.  She was a proud, self-confessed prostitute, for goodness sake.  Again, this is PAR FOR THE COURSE when we are talking about people blowing the whistle on the goings-on in the gay bars and prostitution rings of any major city. If you are going to wait around for cloistered nuns to blow the whistle on such things, what you are really doing is dodging the problem entirely.

Also, it has been noted that Jaitt was a Jew.  Yes, Jaitt is a Jewish name, and almost all people with that surname today are in Argentina.  You realize what that means, don’t you?  Had anyone reached out to this woman, the primary focus of proselytizing her could and should have been that as an unbaptized person, ALL of her sins – and they were numerous and horrific – could have been instantly and permanently washed away in the waters of Baptism.  She could have had every stain of sin washed away in the Blood of the Lamb, and worn a snow-white baptismal garment.  She wouldn’t have even needed to make a confession.  What a lost opportunity.  It COULD have been so easy.  But now she is dead, and in all likelihood, she didn’t make it.  We can’t say for an absolute certainty, but… yeah, it doesn’t look good at all.

This is why The Great Commission was given.  This is why proselytism is such a good and charitable act. This is why we don’t just sit and shrug, and should at least TRY. This is also why SCANDAL is such a big deal.  All Jaitt ever saw of “c”atholics  and “c”atholicism was corruption and unspeakable evil.  The word “scandal” means “stumbling block”.  How do you even begin to explain to a person like Jaitt that the Holy Catholic Church is the Spotless and Indefectible Body and Bride of Jesus Christ?  Relative to what she ever saw of the institutional Church, that sounds like the biggest joke ever told.

But, all things are possible through Jesus Christ. And so we continue, making ourselves appear as fools for Christ, always ready to explain exactly why it is that we have hope. (I read that somewhere once, and so I just Rosica-ed it.)

Repost: Asking God to make Antipope Bergoglio “a good pope” is like asking God to make Bruce Jenner a “beautiful woman”.

(Originally penned and posted on February 17, ARSH 2017.  This piece has “aged well”, indeed.)

People are losing their faith.

They are losing their faith because a man who is not the pope is masquerading as the pope, people are calling him the pope, he is an agent of evil, enacting a satanic agenda, and tearing the Church apart before their eyes.

And people keep calling this man “the pope”.

I get emails and I know other bloggers get these same emails, because I have seen them address them.  Badly.  Well, here is an amalgamated sample of the things I hear.  And below is a FIRM ANSWER.  Not some idiotic nonsense about, “Well, don’t bother your pretty little head about Pope Francis, just focus on the other good popes!  Adopt a pope! Read all about Leo XIII and pay no attention to “Pope Francis” while he drives your children, grandchildren, friends and enemies into hell.  Just look away and pretend it isn’t happening! Besides, there is absolutely nothing we can do about it anyway, and it really doesn’t matter who the pope is.”  And if that response doesn’t work, then the gaslighting (Stupid! Crazy! Schismatic! Papolater!) and Alinsky Rule 13 are deployed.

Isn’t the pope supposed to be supernaturally protected from ever doing even a fraction of the satanic, evil things this man is doing on a near-daily basis?  Didn’t Jesus say that Peter was the Rock upon which He would build His Church? Didn’t Jesus say that he had prayed specifically for Peter and that this prayer extended forward to ALL of the popes?  Is it all just a lie?  Is the Church a lie? Is the papacy a lie? Is Jesus a lie? Is God a lie?

We pray and pray and pray for “Pope Francis”, and yet it just keeps getting worse!  Tell me why I shouldn’t lose my faith!

Of course God hears our prayers.  Every one of them.  He even hears the groaning of our souls that we aren’t even consciously aware of, or able to articulate in words.  The problem is with us, and in this case, what we are praying for.

Praying that God make “Pope Francis” a good pope is like praying to God that He make “Caitlyn Jenner” the prettiest woman in the world. There is no “Pope Francis”, only Antipope Jorge Bergoglio.  There is no “Caitlyn Jenner”, only Bruce Jenner.

“Caitlyn” Jenner is a man named BRUCE Jenner.  So we have a problem right off the bat.  Yes, God knows that when someone says “Caitlyn” Jenner they are referring to Bruce Jenner, but in calling Bruce Jenner by his drag queen name, it is clear right off the bat that the person in question praying the prayer has a completely disordered connection to reality, and in this case, sexual morality.  THEN, when a person asks God to “make Caitlyn Jenner the prettiest woman in the world”, because the petition is not only asking God to ratify, support and magnify public mortal sin and scandal, but is primordially detached from OBJECTIVE REALITY, namely that Bruce Jenner is A MAN, NOT A WOMAN, well, what do you think God does with such petitions?  How do such clearly immoral petitions, detached from reality, square or jibe with God’s Perfect Holiness, His Perfect Justice, or His being the The Truth and The Author and Sustainer of Reality Itself?  Now, God is omnipotent and can certainly do whatever He wants, but He is also RATIONAL, and thus is always internally consistent.  Scripture POUNDS on this truth of God being IMMUTABLE – that is, UNCHANGING.  His IMMUTABLE WILL is intimately tied up with His RATIONALITY. That is why we can trust Him, His Promises, and His Law.

I think the Bruce Jenner example makes the concept easier to understand, but it maps precisely to asking God to make “Pope Francis” a good Pope.  First, Antipope Bergoglio IS NOT THE POPE, so how can God make an Antipope a “good pope”?  This defies the principle of non-contradiction.  In the case of the Bruce Jenner example above, beauty is a good thing, in fact, beauty is an attribute of God Himself.  For women to be authentically beautiful is certainly an intrinsically good thing.  HOWEVER, in the case of Bruce Jenner, the “beauty” being asked for is a false beauty, tied directly to a lie.  It is actually a scandalous monstrosity for a man to ape the beauty of women, so even though beauty qua beauty is good, to twist beauty into a satanic mockery of beauty is evil.  Such is the case with Antipope Bergoglio.  We all want a good Pope, but asking for that attribute in the context of an ANTIPOPE is simply irrational.  Bergoglio IS NOT the pope, so what, exactly do you expect God to do with your petition that he be “a good pope”?  Once again, here we are right back at the principle of non-contradiction.

What we all should be praying for is Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, and that he do no further harm, repent of what he has done, and be liberated from whatever fear, coercion, error or disorientation he is under.  THEN we should all pray that ANTIPOPE Bergoglio be removed and his antipapacy acknowledged as null, and that Bergoglio repent of what he has done, REVERT TO CATHOLICISM, die in a state of grace, and someday achieve the Beatific Vision.  

Now there’s a petition completely in accord with reality that God can work with.  And the odds don’t matter.  Remember Lepanto.  What matters most is whether or not what we are asking God for is in line with Reality and His Perfect Will and Justice.

Now, after reading this, can not every single one of you look back upon your lives and see numerous instances in which your prayers, in retrospect, turned out to be based on a false premise, or asking God to bring about, strengthen or maintain something that was sinful?  I know I can.  “What I want” is not by virtue of itself a valid petition that God can or will answer.  The key with prayer – MATURE PRAYER – is the discerning of the specific petition in and of itself.  Does it make sense?  Is it rooted in Reality and Truth? Is it perfectly Just? Is it in accord with God’s Will?

This is why prayers for “Pope Francis” to be “a good pope” are not only not doing any good, but actually causing people to lose their faith.  All false premises, eventually, after enough logical corollaries, lead straight to hell, straight to the feet of satan, “the father of lies”. You CANNOT expect a false base premise to EVER lead to truth, and you certainly can’t argue that sometimes and in some cases, a false base premise is “necessary” or “the best we can do” or just “the easier way out”. Nor can you ever appeal to numbers.  No matter how many people call Bruce Jenner by his drag queen name, that will never, ever change the fact that Bruce Jenner is a man.  And no matter how many people call Antipope Bergoglio “pope”, that in and of itself will never cause Pope Benedict XVI to stop being pope and bestow the papacy upon Bergoglio. The Mob is not the arbiter of truth nor reality, as specifically stated in Canon 332.2.

This Antipope Bergoglio thing is going to get MUCH worse.  I think the odds are high that he is the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, and that he is going to set up a OneWorldReligion tied directly to the NewWorldOrder (U.N/Soros/etc.). He is going to split the Church and institute a new “liturgy”, which, it seems probable, will be the “abomination of desolation”.  People who cling to the false premise that this man is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth will, it seems to me, either lose their faith, or go completely batshit bonkers, because there is only so much irrationality and internal contradiction that the human psyche can bear before it snaps.

I hope this helps.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI and the Matthew 17: 20 Initiative.

Antipope Jorge Bergoglio and Bruce Jenner. Two men living a lie, with near-unanimous public ratification.

Vatican Secretariat of State writes official letter referring to Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger as “His Holiness Benedict XVI”.

I’ve confirmed this two ways. It isn’t an internet photoshop hoax. The post-date gave me pause, but it is double confirmed real.

“His Holiness Benedict XVI”

Papal style. Papal name. And not an emeritus in sight.

But remember, folks, there is absolutely, positively no evidence of anything whatsoever, and if you don’t swallow this Bergoglian antipapacy like a good little Legion of Christ/Regnum Christi mindless drone, you are a mentally ill schismatic.

Because, as Our Blessed Lord said to the disciples of John the Baptist, “Shut up and wait for the Sanhedrin to tell you what you have seen and heard, you stupid uppity schismatics!”

Barnhardt Podcast #076: Naval Gazing

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

Independence Class LCSIn this episode SuperNerd recounts the trip to San Diego he and his wife took recently, with particular emphasis on San Diego’s connections to the events of September 11, 2001, and lots of commentary stemming from getting a chance to tour an Independence-class LCS (Littoral Combat Ship). And as usual, many tangents developed. Finally we concluded with some thoughts and recommendations for Lent (like putting your phone in airplane mode for 55 minutes of every hours — the reduced distractions are amazing!).

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter.

Do the BigMac Maneuver!

Click here for The Stale Big Mac Maneuver

Listen on Google Play Music

The man Jesus Christ suffered and died on the Cross for, Mr. Bob Quarteroni, urgently needs help

A longtime reader emailed today. Mr. Quarteroni is a childhood friend, a Cradle Catholic, who like so many of his generation fell away and into apostasy and atheism.

Mr. Quarteroni has been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gherig’s), and has announced his intention to murder himself publicly on Facebook.

The public post is HERE.

Mr. Quarteroni is in Pennsylvania.

Mr. Quarteroni killing himself, and thus condemning himself to eternal damnation, is the worst possible thing that could happen. There is no way the situation could be worse than that.

I’m putting the call out to any priests to reach out to this man, Christ’s beloved, who was once cleansed of all sin in the waters of his baptism, and might have been confirmed. Fathers, act like you believe, and reach out to this man. Again, there is no downside risk, because we are already dealing with rock bottom – hell for eternity. Make an effort. Be a conduit of grace. Cooperate with the Holy Ghost, and do the difficult right.

Everyone, pray for Mr. Bob Quarteroni, beloved of Christ, whom God made to be with Him in heaven forever, was scourged at the Pillar, and died on the Cross to redeem.

Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Amazon “Synod” Which Will Abolish Priestly Celibacy Will Also Gun For INVALID MATTER (Yuca instead of Wheat), and thus INVALID MASSES, RESULTING IN IDOLATRY

“Another issue Taborda said is likely to come up during the synod is the possibility of replacing bread used in the consecration of the Eucharist with yuca – a shrub native to South America which is commonly cultivated as an annual crop in tropical regions, where it is popular to eat the root of the plant.”

Okay, folks, here’s your INVALID non-Mass with no consecration, resulting in full-blown idolatry. This wouldn’t be merely illicit, it would be completely INVALID.  And it looks like they are going to gun for it, or try to sneak it through.

Illicit means Jesus comes down on the altar, but He ain’t happy. You know, like every Novus Ordo Mass, for example.

Invalid means Jesus does not come down on the altar at all. No Mass. No Holy Sacrifice offered.  DESOLATION.  Anyone who adores the non-transubstantiated yuca bread would be committing the sin of idolatry.  SACRILEGE.

Hosts made out of ANYTHING except wheat INVALIDATE.

Let’s take a look at the passages from the Book of Daniel regarding the “Abomination of Desolation”:

And he shall confirm the covenant with many, in one week: and in the half of the week the victim and the sacrifice shall fall: and there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation: and the desolation shall continue even to the consummation, and to the end.  Daniel 9: 27

And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall defile the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the continual sacrifice, and they shall place there the abomination unto desolation. And such as deal wickedly against the covenant shall deceitfully dissemble: but the people that know their God shall prevail and succeed.  Daniel 11: 31-32

And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days.  Daniel 12: 11

If we look up the term “Abomination of Desolation”, we quickly discover that this term has also been translated from the Hebrew in the book of Daniel to … wait for it … DESOLATING SACRILEGE.