One of the quotes from St. Bernard of Clairvaux in the post immediately below is:
“What we love we shall grow to resemble.”
Yes, it is a warning. I’m sure I’m not alone in having had THIS sobering thought…
One of the quotes from St. Bernard of Clairvaux in the post immediately below is:
“What we love we shall grow to resemble.”
Yes, it is a warning. I’m sure I’m not alone in having had THIS sobering thought…
Christ Embracing St. Bernard, Francisco Ribalta, ARSH 1627, Museo del Prado
Since we now are specifically enjoining St. Bernard’s intercession with regards to the Bergoglian Antipapacy, here is a very small collection of quotations from St. Bernard, each one a priceless point of departure and reflection, particularly now during Lent:
I’ve been screeching for a decade now about how politics is pretty much Kabuki theater, and thus I just can’t see wasting my time (and yours) trying to parse as legitimate something which clearly isn’t. BUT, I did watch with interest the AOC video that so many folks sent to me, and yes, I think it is an accurate description of what the “next-level” plan is – installing completely expendable, completely inept, completely controllable “facade” candidates (generally based on affirmative action/quotas/the victim group du jour) like AOC, that are rotated QUICKLY into and out of office, while the controlling entity never changes. I think the days of the grifters like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Charlie Rangel, John Conyers, and John Boehner squatting in Congress for decades are over. Yes, I think we are seeing a paradigm shift from the days of the VISIBLE criminal political class to the INVISIBLE.
Then, last night, it occurred to me that this is the same thing as the Freemasonic agenda of “demythologization” that we have talked about with regards to the Papacy. The plan with the whole (doomed to failure) attempt to completely dissolve the Papacy qua Monarchy and turn it into a quick-rotating succession of meaningless figureheads (via the normalization and EXPECTATION of resignation) is almost exactly the same as the AOC paradigm. Antipope Bergoglio is an idiot that was hand-picked by the Sankt Gallen Mafia (the equivalent to the “Justice Democrats” mafia described in the AOC video) to be the usurper because he was “Latin American”. That was Antipope Bergoglio’s “affirmative action” qualification. But I think that even Antipope Bergoglio is too “independent” for the real power players. I think someone more to their liking, if they aren’t stopped and they get another invalid conclave and another Antipope, will be this guy, the AOC of the College of Cardinals, Luis Antonio Tagle:
He’s dumb, a heretic, and BROWN. But not… too brown. “Piano, piano,” as they say in Rome.
With regards to the whole notion of AOC being essentially “cast” in the part of “Congressman” via a literal casting call that was done in ARSH 2016, a very similar thing is happening with the College of Cardinals by the Bergoglian/Sankt Gallen regime. They are elevating a lot of BROWN PEOPLE from tiny backwater dioceses, sometimes dioceses with only a FEW THOUSAND Catholics, and oftentimes the bishops that are elevated happily admit that they are completely unqualified to be made Cardinals, have no clue about the working of the Curia, and have no idea why they were elevated. The reason they are elevated has exactly zero to do with “going to the peripheries” but rather because they fit some “affirmative action quota”, and will be controllable and zero threat to the Vatican Mafia that is actually running the show.
I suspect the long-term Freemasonic plan (doomed to failure) is to settle into a paradigm wherein a new “AOC Pope” is trotted out every five years or so, and then “resigns” in a blaze of dazzling, dazzling “humility”. The net effect, as articulated in the AOC video above, is that EXACTLY the same small synod of invisible tyrants – some churchmen, and some laymen – maintain uninterrupted iron-fisted control in perpetuity. And, as an added bonus, if they ever need to offer up a victim upon the altar of public relations, well, they always have a meaningless figurehead “AOC Pope” to burn, with a line of potential replacements waiting in the wings.
I think this is the plan – doomed to failure.
Think long and hard, Americans, about why it was that we were all so stridently indoctrinated against Monarchy. Ask yourself why the project of Freemasonry, from its conception in the early 1700s, has been the elimination of ALL MONARCHIES from the face of the Earth with the Papacy being the explicit ultimate target. Ask yourself why, exactly, Our Blessed Lord established the Papacy as a Monarchy – and not just a Monarchy, but a Monarchy that enjoys, completely uniquely in all the universe, SUPERNATURAL PROTECTION. Think long and hard about who, exactly, would want to convince even THE ELECT to stridently embrace the Freemasonic “DEMYTHOLOGIZATION OF THE PAPACY” agenda, raging EVERY DAY that the Papacy “clearly isn’t what we all thought it was”, and that Antipope Bergoglio is the “proof” of that.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, PRAY FOR US!
Blessed Emperor Charles and Zita, PRAY FOR US!
Question: Pope Benedict specifically said in his official resignation statement that a conclave would have to be called to elect his successor. How do you reconcile your position to this fact?
Answer: Great question, and the clear answer lies in Pope Benedict’s “final audience” speech of 27 February, ARSH 2013. Let’s look:
Here, allow me to go back once again to 19 April 2005. The real gravity of the decision was also due to the fact that from that moment on I was engaged always and forever by the Lord. Always – anyone who accepts the Petrine ministry no longer has any privacy. He belongs always and completely to everyone, to the whole Church. In a manner of speaking, the private dimension of his life is completely eliminated. I was able to experience, and I experience it even now, that one receives one’s life precisely when one gives it away. Earlier I said that many people who love the Lord also love the Successor of Saint Peter and feel great affection for him; that the Pope truly has brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, throughout the world, and that he feels secure in the embrace of your communion; because he no longer belongs to himself, he belongs to all and all belong to him.
The “always” is also a “for-ever” – there can no longer be a return to the private sphere. My decision to RESIGN THE ACTIVE EXERCISE OF THE MINISTRY does not revoke this. I do not return to private life, to a life of travel, meetings, receptions, conferences, and so on. I am not abandoning the cross, but remaining in a new way at the side of the crucified Lord. I no longer bear the POWER OF OFFICE FOR THE **GOVERNANCE** OF THE CHURCH, but in the service of prayer I remain, so to speak, in the enclosure of Saint Peter. Saint Benedict, whose name I bear as Pope, will be a great example for me in this. He showed us the way for a life which, whether active or passive, is completely given over to the work of God.
Pope Benedict, as we have seen from the mountain of evidence from the Teutonic theological academy of the mid-late 20th century (and there is more to come in this space…), was very much of the mind that the Papacy had to be transformed, demythologized and that its monarchical structure was no longer applicable to the “modern, democratized world”. As obviously erroneous as this sounds, Ratzinger was actually the relative “arch-conservative” in the Teutonic academia, and defended the Papacy against the notion of total abolition being aggressively pushed by the likes of Hans Kung and Johannes Neumann, among many others.
So, given not only the decades of academic literature on the topic of the distinction between and desired splitting of the Petrine Office from the Petrine Ministry, much of which Ratzinger himself edited, but most importantly Pope Benedict’s words on 27 February ARSH 2013, that he was resigning from the “active exercise of the ministry” “for the governance of the Church”, it is clear that his call for a conclave and election of his “successor” was his SUCCESSOR AS THE ACTIVE, GOVERNING MEMBER of the now “fundamentally transformed”, “expanded”, “collegial, synodal” Petrine Ministry.
And as we shall soon see, not only did Pope Benedict intend to remain the prayerful, contemplative, HUMILIATED Pope, but he actually believes himself to be the superior member of the “synodal” Papacy – the UBERPOPE, if you will.
It’s all error, obviously. One aspect of the Petrine Ministry can not delegated to a “co-Pope”. There is only one Pope at a time, and he and he ALONE as the SOLE, LIVING HOLDER of the Petrine Office has the OPTION of exercising the Petrine Ministry – or NOT exercising it, as he sees fit, or in the case of incapacity, all ministerial function can be necessarily suspended. A Pope in a coma can not exercise any aspect of the Petrine Ministry, but retains the Office in toto. Remember, OFFICE = BEING something. MINISTRY = DOING something. Totally different categories, totally different terms. Words have meaning.
The Pope CAN NOT delegate any portion of the Petrine Office to anyone else, because that would constitute a fundamental transformation of the Petrine Office (bifurcation, expansion, any non-MONarchical form). The Papacy is immutable because it was established by Christ Himself. Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam Meam.
And that’s why Pope Benedict’s attempted abdication in February ARSH 2013 was invalid, and thus per Canon Law, he retained the Papacy whole and entire. The See was not vacant, and thus it was ontologically and legally impossible for the Cardinals to call a valid conclave, much less elect a Pope. It was all null per Canon Law and common sense.
I hope this helps.
After I posted the link to the Crux story exposing the slave-driving of illegal alien workers by Papal Nuncio Archbishop Chullikatt, a former Mission staff member who spoke with the Crux reporter emailed in.
There was a mistress. Crux knows all about it but those with best knowledge of it wouldn’t go on record. Chullikatt accidentally sent several texts intended for the mistress to Mission staff, including at least one nun and one priest. I never focused that that because I knew the Vatican wouldn’t care. One of the priests is going to try to get a separate story published on that next week.
Let us not forget that Diabolical Narcissism doesn’t always mean HOMOSEXUAL. There is plenty of sexual sin that is 100% heterosexual, and plenty of Diabolical Narcissists who are 100% straight. In fact, in absolute terms, of course there is far more sin committed against the Sixth Commandment that is heterosexual in nature than any other type. While it SEEMS that sex perverts outnumber non-perverts, that isn’t the case. On a percentage basis, sexual perversion is still low – but it is growing exponentially as Diabolical Narcissism explodes, especially amongst the young.
It was pointed out to me recently, I think by a priest if memory serves, that when a priest engages in ANY form of fornication or sodomy, that the act is, by definition, INCESTUOUS, because the Priest is a spiritual father to his flock, men, women and children alike. So, a priest, like +Chullikatt, when he carries on with a woman, is not only committing the sin of fornication, not only committing the sin of adultery because the priest is espoused to The Church, not only committing the sin of sacrilege, but also the sin of spiritual incest.
Consider now the state of a cleric or prelate who is committing these sins against chastity, and how incredibly grave these sins are, and these priests then OFFER THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS WHILE IN THIS STATE. Their sin does NOT invalidate the Mass one bit – but can you imagine what it does to their souls? Can you imagine what it does to their intellects, how darkened and convoluted they must be?
I was very happy to see that the author used the same text I used in my video on the Vendée Genocide in ARSH 2012. The book is “A French Genocide: The Vendée” by Reynald Secher. I also used Michael Davies’ book on the Vendée, “For Altar and Throne: The Rising in the Vendée”.
The thrust of my video presentation was not only educating people (especially Americans) about this memory-holed genocide, and the REAL nature of the French Revolution, taught in American schools as a wholesome spreading of the “glorious” (in reality, Freemasonic) American Revolution to Europe, but primarily to point up the parallels between the spiraling descent into evil between late-18th century France and modern ‘Murica, and what people are capable of doing to one another with surprisingly little persuasion. And remember, almost everyone in 18th century France was a “practicing Catholic”. Consider the starting point of modern ‘Murica, and Europe is pretty much completely POST-CHRISTIAN, add some satanic rap/hip-hop “culture” and the whole sodomite zeitgeist to the mix, and… yeah.
Two commenters over at the Quillette piece put it very well:
Excellent piece. The French Revolution provided the template for revolutions in the name of progress to be used as an excuse for some people to exercise their blood lust and cruelty beneath a veneer of morality. A Breton told me of similar murders occurred when the Bretons tried to protect The Church. Those instigating Revolutions tend to be good at harnessing the services of people who enjoy killing and inflicting pain on others. As M Shalamov said ” the lust for power, for unpunished murder is great. 95% of cowards are capable of lethal meanness after a light threatening and I saw what a a forcible argument a simple slap could be for an intellectual.”
A Briton who lived in France in the late 1940s and early 1950s said the French have not fully recovered from the Revolution and this helps to explain why.
“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.” –Aldous Huxley
I wanted to drop a line just to let you know how much I have appreciated the work you have done on behalf of Holy Mother Church and the Faith.
According to McKeegan, the Vatican follows a familiar pattern with corrupt prelates.
“They quietly remove the bishop once the risk of exposure is extreme, give them a soft landing while a supposed investigation takes place (the results of which are never made public), then reinstate them in a top position far away from the original post, where the process likely repeats itself. These resemble the actions of a criminal syndicate.”
Keep the faith and please pray for me!
Terry McKeegan
In this episode we discuss the story of Natasha Jaitt, the “very odd” circumstances surrounding her death, and her connections with Gustavo Vera — who is VERY close with the Junior Bishop in White (Bergoglio). Also: was Cardinal Pell completely innocent or just guilty of something else and burned for financial-political reasons? The intrigue is downright Roman… even if Kangaroo Kourts are involved.
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Please join me in this. I love how on this little prayer card image, on the left is St. Peter’s Basilica, and on the right is the facade of St. John Lateran – which is the Seat of the Roman Pontiff.