Last week LifeSite News broke the news that Antipope Bergoglio’s top aide, the revolting sodomite Cardinal Coccopalmerio, was not only present at the “cocaine-fueled gay orgy” in the apartment of his “personal secretary”, Msgr. Luigi Capozzi in the palace of the Holy Office – the same building that houses not only the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (which is responsible for investigating sex abuse cases), but also the Ecclesia Dei commission, which oversees all of the communities that celebrate the Traditional Mass -but that Coccopalmerio was “presiding” over the orgy and was whisked away to safety by the Vatican Gendarmerie who conducted the raid. And Antipope Bergoglio knows it.
I think a lot of people glazed over this story, as there was so much else going on both in Church events, and in secular events (Kavanaugh, Hurricane Michael, etc.). What I want to point out is the very telling use of the word “presiding”. Coccopalmerio was not merely participating in the sodomite orgy, he was PRESIDING over it.
The word “orgy” implies a chaotic, disorganized activity. It can be used as a crude colloquialism for any large, disorganized activity or action. “The buffet dinner at the Greek wedding was a gastronomic orgy.”
Folks, orgies, kinda by definition, don’t have “presiders”. It’s a contradiction of terms. The word “presiding” communicates an organized, even ritualistic activity. A big trend among the Bergoglian Antichurch crowd is to call the priest at Mass “the presider”.
Given what we know about the abject evil of Cardinal Coccopalmerio, the fact that he is a flaming faggot that hates God and is at war with Him and His Holy Church, and given that we know that the nexus of the practice of Satanism in the world today is inside the Vatican, I think it is not at all a stretch to postulate that what was raided in that apartment was not merely a sodomite orgy, but was a Black Mass with Cardinal Coccopalmerio as the “presider”.

Cocaine-snorting sacriligious faggot Msgr. Luigi Capozzi and his satanic sugar daddy, Cardinal Coccopalmerio.