TOLDYA: Faggot Omertá Has Broken Down In Vatican – Antipope Bergoglio Exposed as Conscious Protector of Boy Rapists


Okay, first.  As we have discussed before – THEY’RE ALL BLACKMAILABLE, every single one. And Antipope Bergoglio is clearly no exception.  His intimate, intimate connections to child-sex traffickers and boy-prostitute pimps in Buenos Aires are well-known in Argentina.

Second, as I have explained in this space, on those rare occasions when the sodomite code of omertá (that is, mafia silence) breaks down, woo-boy, look out.  It makes a piraña feeding frenzy look positively genteel by comparison. There is nothing in this world so nasty and spiteful as a faggot. Remember, Diabolical Narcissists are the human analogue to demons, and the demons hate everyone and everything with an unquenchable spite, and all sex perverts are, by definition, Diabolical Narcissists to one degree or another.

So Antipope Bergoglio on his recent trip to South America lyingly declared that no one had ever come forward with any accusations against his faggot boy-raping buddy, Bishop Barros, and that there was “no evidence” of any sex abuse against Barros, who Antipope Bergoglio elevated to bishop in ARSH 2015, and that anyone who says anything different is commiting “calumny”.

Well, well.  It has been leaked today that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) not only did a full investigation of Barros, but found the accusations so credible as to recommend that Barros be removed.  Not only did Antipope Bergoglio disregard the CDF’s findings, he immediately elevated Barros to bishop, causing a massive uproar in Chile, where Barros’ crimes of sodom were well known.

Now we know why the head of the CDF, Muller, and the three priests who worked in the CDF were fired by Bergoglio with no stated cause – it likely had nothing to do with doctrine.  It was all about this Barros sex abuse investigation.

And now we know how truly despicable the Maltese toady, Scicluna is.  He was sent to Chile to “investigate” after demonstrating his loyalty to Antipope Bergoglio in the “implementation of Amoris Laetitia”, happily overturning the entire moral edifice of the Church, and declaring that all Catholics owed loyalty to the PERSON OF JORGE BERGOGLIO, not ANY ONE or THING in the past.

I’ll write more later today, but for the love of God and His Holy Church, PLEASE remember that Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger is the one and only living Pope and has been all along.  If Bergoglio is forced to “resign” and the full truth is not acknowledged and another conclave is called, that conclave will also be invalid, because the See is not vacant.  So, any conclave called with Pope Benedict still alive will be a faux-conclave, and the man elected will be another Antipope.  And I think almost everyone agrees that the current Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, is the man in charge.  Parolin is just like Bergoglio, except he is far, far more intelligent, and ONLY 63 years old.

Please remember the Matthew 17: 20 Initiative, now more than ever.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.