Monthly Archives: January 2018

I Was Saying Sh!thole When Saying Sh!thole Wasn’t Cool….

I’ve been giggling all day over Sh!tholegate.

Back in the heady days of my youth in ARSH 2012, I gave a talk to the Liberty First group down in Colorado Springs, and it was a real barn-burner.  There is a low-quality video of the speech.  At the 15:53 mark, when discussing the musloid scourge and how to deal with it, I said the following:

How about the topic of expelling muslims from the United States and Europe? The way you solve this problem is that these people are going to have to be deported. They can not stay here.  The core of their political system, which they call a religion – but it is not – the core of their political system is overthrow:  sedition, treason and overthrow of whatever nation they are living in. The core of islam is establishing one political system called “The Caliphate”.  It is the core platform of the entire thing.  You can’t have that, you can’t have those people in your country. You round them up, you put them on some damn boat or on a plane, if you have to strip every damn one of them to make sure they aren’t carryng bombs, do it, and then you haul their ass back to whatever shithole they came from, and if they want to do that back over there, they can do it back over there, but you are not going to destroy my country. Not so long as I draw breath.  Are you with me?

Ah, good times.  Good times.

And, just because this is now stuck in my head:

This Is The Cutting Edge In Spiritual Warfare. Enlist Today!

As the Bergoglian Antipapacy continues to raze the Visible Church Militant, it is obvious that conventional warfare will no longer work.  Bergoglio, while painting himself as the great “decentralizer” of power, issued an edict stating that all religious houses MUST be approved by Rome, whereas before the local Bishop had jurisdiction.  The purpose of this, of course, is not to keep power-money-sex criminal racketeering organizations like The Legionaries of Christ from popping up.  The whole reason behind this is to keep orthodox, faithful, traditional Catholics from being able to form any sort of communities.  If anyone dare try to start up a Trad order or community, it will be quashed by Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch immediately, and would probably incite the wrath of Antipope Bergoglio against the local bishop that dared to approve any sort of Catholic community in his diocese.

Not long after the edict mentioned above, Antipope Bergoglio issued a document titled, “Vultum Dei Quaerere” which essentially forbids Catholic women’s religious orders, that is, contemplative and/or cloistered nuns.  This was clearly done to attack the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate and prevent any of the FSI nuns from “escaping”.

Which brings us to the point.  Frank Walker over at, the go-to Catholic news aggregator, posted a link to reportage a few days ago of a group of twelve FSI nuns who were able to escape from their hijacked order have started a house, wherein they, now mere laywomen, choose to live together, wear “funny blue outfits” and pray the Divine Office and worship and adore God together.  That’s their right, isn’t it?  As long as they pay the rent, a group of women can wear what they want, and spend their time as they see fit.  And Antipope Bergoglio, and the Antichurch, which remember, today occupies the same juridical, liturgical and sacramental space as the True Church, has no jurisdiction over them, and can do nothing to stop them.  What are they going to do?  Send in the cops to stop a group of laywomen from praying Matins at 4:00 in the morning? Hold the women at gunpoint and force them to take off their “funny blue outfits?”  Perhaps hold them at gunpoint and ensure that they watch at least three hours of mainstream tee-vee per day? As the report says:

The Vatican forced them out of their religious vows but has no power against pious women who form a community in order to serve the Lord.

Exactly.  This is how it is going to have to be from here on out until the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.  As we have seen in the past week since the Bishops of Kazakhstan issued their statement “Profession of the immutable truths about sacramental marriage“, we have seen the grand total of signatories to this simple, clear, obvious statement of the teaching of The One True Church now rise to the whopping total of seven – six Bishops and one Cardinal. Of a population of over 5000.  Seven.  And, it was reported yesterday that the word in Rome is that an enraged Antipope Bergoglio is going to send an “apostolic visitor” to Kazakhstan – which means a likely deposing of all three bishops, AND that Antipope Bergoglio is having an oath of loyalty to HIS PERSON and his “magisterium” drafted which all priests, bishops and cardinals will be required to sign or else be suspended a divinis. As if an Antipope has any authority to start with….

So, given all of this, let me put before you something that came across my transom.  It is one of the first efforts in this “new normal”, the tip of the spear, and boy oh boy, are these chaps going straight to the heart of the tactical theater: Rome itself.

A fledgling group of men called to the Passionist charism are seeking to set up one of these ad hoc lay houses wherein they will dedicate themselves to the Traditional Passionist life AS LAYMEN, and thus untouchable.  They will be dedicated to praying the traditional Divine Office, the Tridentine Mass, the Rosary, and Eucharistic Adoration. Obviously, the hope will be that someday, when it is possible, this group will be able to be recognized by a Bishop – but it is perfectly clear that it must start as a lay group.

Folks, monasticism has been the glue that has held Christian Civilization together.  These warrior men and women, all but invisible to the world, praying The Divine Office, making reparation for the sins of the world, and adoring God in the Blessed Sacrament are the veritable “nuclear arsenal” of The One True Church.  It is no surprise then that they have been all but destroyed in the past fifty years since the Double Asteroid Strike of the failed Second Vatican Council and the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Mass, and that they incite such venom and rage from the Freemasonic-Sodomite infiltrators, with Antipope Bergoglio as their leader.

One can’t help but have a wry smile pass over one’s lips as one thinks of the subtle yet unmistakable “cloak and dagger” quality of this, of the thought of virile and potent young men going “undercover” as it were to unleash one of the most powerful weapons in the arsenal of the Church Militant – The Divine Office, Mass, Adoration and Contemplative and Reparative Prayer and Fasting.  And in Rome, no less!  Truly the best defense is a good offense!

So, for psychologically, physically and spiritually healthy unmarried men feeling a call to the monastic life, but seeing no path forward in the literal handful of remaining traditional orthodox communities, consider this fledgling Passionist Lay Group.  Also, any priests that are in a position to offer any sort of assistance to this group, even if it is just prayer or Masses, contact the organizer at the link below.

And if I may interject my own motto, which certainly has held true: DO THE RIGHT THING, AND GOD WILL PROVIDE.

St. Paul of the Cross, pray for us.
St. Gemma Galgani, pray for us.
Saints John and Paul, Roman Martyrs, pray for us.
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

Christ, have mercy on us.


Starting Wednesday Off Right: Trust Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Entrust yourself entirely to God. He is a Father and a most loving Father at that, who would rather let heaven and earth collapse than abandon anyone who trusted in Him.
-St. Paul of the Cross

Starting Saturday Off Right: Manifestation Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Today is EPIPHANY! Epiphany is the Great Feast of the Manifestation of Our Lord.  Today we celebrate His manifestation to the Three Wise men, which is to say to the Gentiles, also in His Baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan, and His manifestation at the Wedding at Cana.

Here is a perennial favorite.  BNL with Sarah McLachlan performing a medley of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” and “We Three Kings”.  A masterful arrangement.

Glorious now, behold Him arise,
King and God and Sacrifice.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Worship Him, God Most High!

Barnhardt Podcast #041: Eleven Thoughtful Themes Thoroughly Threshed

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this first episode of the new year we whittled down the original list of eleven topics and ended up with: Dow 25,000 and other Wall Street fictions; Steve Bannon doesn’t like Trump, his kids, or anyone else apparently; North Korea could set off a continental war with their rocketry hobby (with a generous side-bar on the Persian empire past and future); and if you’re reading this your computer has vulnerable hardware. Oh — and narcissists, narcissists everywhere!

Links, reading, and listening:

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The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter and Facebook.

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Cut the Crap: NO SEX For Priests, Deacons and Subdeacons, Even If Married

Folks, one thing that is almost certain to happen in this year of the Reparation of Human Salvation 2018 is that the wretched Antipope Bergoglio is going to continue his satanic campaign to destroy the Church from within by throwing the issue of Priestly Celibacy to the local bishops’ conferences.  Which, of course means, that just as with the satanic document Amoris Laetitia, the resulting chaos will quickly devolve into universal permissiveness.

Before we continue, we should define terms.  There are three terms that we all need to define and use properly: celibacy, chastity and continence.   The word “celibacy” is often mistakenly used to mean “a person that does not have sex”.  This is incorrect – celibacy means to NOT BE MARRIED.  Chastity means to observe all laws relating to sexual purity given one’s state in life.  So, married people are called to chastity within their marriage, even if they are having sex, because sex between married persons is obviously not sinful or against the law.  Finally, the word “continence”.  Continence means to abstain or “hold back” from “the licit gratifications of marriage”, that is, sex.  So, a person can be non-celibate, that is, married, but live in continence with their spouse, that is, abstaining from sex.

In case you’re not seeing where this is going, consider that of the Twelve Apostles, only St. John was a virgin.  That means the other eleven Apostles were either married or widowers. Folks, when the Apostles were ordained priests and bishops in the Upper Room by Our Blessed Lord, every one of them who had living wives became immediately, permanently CONTINENT, if they hadn’t become so already.  EVERYONE understood this up until not too terribly long ago.  OF COURSE a man who is offering the Holy Sacrifice at the Altar is NOT NOT NOT having sex with his wife.  OF COURSE he is living in continence.

One of the things I am most proud of, and thank God for, is the ever-growing basket of good fruits that has come from my essay “Why Priests Can Only Ever Be Men“.  Not only has this essay been credited by many people with converting or reverting them to the One True Church, and also to the Traditional Mass, it has also yielded another category of good fruit with regards to married men that were Protestant clergymen, have converted to Catholicism and been ordained priests.  So far two such priests have contacted me and told me that after reading “Why Priests Can Only Ever Be Men” along with their wives, they realized together as a couple that they should be living in continence, that is, not having sex.

The lie that is going to be pushed hard this year is that priests USED to be married, and that priestly celibacy is an invention of the Western, that is, Latin wing of The Church from around one thousand years ago.  What they are conveniently leaving out is that married priests were CONTINENT from the very beginning.  What the discipline of priestly CELIBACY did was simply state that priests should not be married at all.  It actually had nothing to do with priests being forbidden from sex, BECAUSE PRIESTS, DEACONS AND SUBDEACONS WERE ALL EXPECTED TO BE CONTINENT EVEN IF MARRIED ALL ALONG!

If you don’t believe me, here is proof from no less than Pope St. Gregory the Great, one of the giants among the fathers of the Church.  He was Pope from ARSH 590 to 604. This is a letter he wrote to one Leo, Bishop of Catania.  It is simple, brief and easy to understand:

To Leo, Bishop.

Gregory to Leo, Bishop of Catania.

We have found from the report of many that a custom has of old obtained among you, for subdeacons to be allowed to have intercourse with their wives. That any one should any more presume to do this was prohibited by the servant of God, the deacon of our see, under the authority of our predecessor , in this way; that those who at that time had been coupled to wives should choose one of two things, that is, either to abstain from their wives, or on no account whatever presume to exercise their ministry. And, according to report, Speciosus, then a subdeacon, did for this reason suspend himself from the office of administration, and up to the time of his death bore indeed the office of a notary, but ceased from the ministry which a subdeacon should have exercised. After his death we have learned that his widow, Honorata, has been relegated to a monastery by your Fraternity for having associated herself with a husband. And so if, as is said, her husband suspended himself from ministration, it ought not to be to the prejudice of the aforesaid woman that she has contracted a second marriage, especially if she had not been joined to the subdeacon with the intention of abstaining from the pleasures of the flesh.

If, then, you find the truth to be as we have been informed, it is right for you to release altogether the aforesaid woman from the monastery, that she may be at liberty to return without any fear to her husband.

But for the future let your Fraternity be exceedingly careful, in the case of any who may be promoted to this office, to look to this with the utmost diligence, that, if they have wives, they shall enjoy no license to have intercourse with them: but you must still strictly order them to observe all things after the pattern of the Apostolic See.

Folks, this letter is in the context of the SUBDIACONATE.  Even married subdeacons were continent!

This business of trying to lyingly convince the world that priests can TOTALLY HAVE SEX with their wives is a super-sneaky attack on the priesthood, and at the end of the day an attack ON THE MASS ITSELF.  Think about it.  Given what we know about the three motifs of the Mass, first and foremost the fact that it is the Sacrifice of Calvary, secondly that it is a NUPTIAL event between Christ and His Bride, The Church, and thirdly that it is a meal, with the meal motif pointing DIRECTLY to both the SACRIFICE (the sacrifice must be eaten in order to be consummated) and the NUPTIAL (as in a wedding banquet), what a non-continent priesthood (and diaconate and subdiaconate) strongly implies is that both the Mass and Holy Orders are no big deal, and therefore priests are “just like everyone else”. Pure Protestantism.

This is a lie from the pit of hell.

And one need only look at the founders of Protestantism and their agendas to see where this comes from.  Luther, a Diabolical Narcissist psychopath was a priest who was having an affair with a nun, Katerina von Bora, and his entire heresy revolved around the fact that he demanded that his filthy sacrilegious sexual sins be RATIFIED, and that other priests and religious join in those sins with him.  As we have discussed in terms terms of today’s cultural implosion with regards to sodomites, the progression is toleration, acceptance, ratification and finally PARTICIPATION.  There is nothing new under the sun.

Exactly the same is true of the Anglican Revolt, begun by the Diabolical Narcissist psychopath murderer Henry VIII.  Henry VIII, having grown bored with his wife, Catherine of Aragon, demanded that The Church declare his marriage to her null so that he could marry his mistress, Anne Boleyn.  But Henry VIII marriage to Catherine of Aragon was valid, and thus no one, not even the Pope, could dissolve it.  Because INDISSOLUBLE means INDISSOLUBLE. When the Pope refused, Henry schismed the Church, declared himself the head of the so-called “Church of England”, and the rest is history.  That is why Prince Harry is getting ready to ape the sacrament of marriage with Mrs. Rachel Engleson, the wife of a Jewish chap by the name of Trevor Engleson, and why the Queen of England, the so-called “defender of the faith” is fully on board with this scandalous fiction.  And, no doubt, Mrs. Andrew Parker-Bowles will be in the front row. Christ have mercy on the lot of them.

Both convert priests that have contacted me about entering into continence with their wives said that when they were in the process of converting to Catholicism and preparing to be ordained, CONTINENCE WAS NEVER ONCE MENTIONED TO THEM.  Ever.  By anyone.  In fact, one gets the sense that married convert priests to be engaging in the marital act is treated as a feature, not a bug.  Sadly, the truth is that these good men that convert and are ordained are being used completely unwittingly by The Enemy to convince the uncatechized masses that priests can both offer the Holy Sacrifice and have sex with their wives with absolutely no problem.  The same can be said for the “Permanent Diaconate” in the Novus Ordo paradigm.  That was concocted as yet another way to get married men NOT living in continence on the Altar, conditioning the uncatechized masses to an essentially Protestant notion of the clerical state.  The serpent is subtle, folks.

There is a lot more to say on this subject, but at least this information can get out, especially the letter from Pope St. Gregory the Great, so that hopefully a few people will not be fooled or scandalized by what is almost certainly coming, barring supernatural intervention, from the Bergoglian Antipapacy.

I hope this helps.

Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us.
Christ, have mercy on us.

Starting Tuesday Off Right: Say His Name Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Today is the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

There is a weird trend amongst the uncatechized and the heretical quasi-Christian sects, to adopt Jewish practices as some sort of a sign of piety.  One of the most common is to write “God” as “G-d”.

The name of God, and as we celebrate today in particular the Most Holy Name of the Second Person of the Triune Godhead, Jesus, should be spoken early and often, but always with complete reverence, and with a head bow, and a doffing of the hat for gentlemen outdoors.

For anyone who has ever loved another, to hear the name of the beloved person spoken can make the heart fly.  And, to hear the beloved speak one’s own name is also a great joy.  Such is the case with Jesus Christ, who specifically said, “Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends, if you do the things that I command you.  I will not now call you servants: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doth. But I have called you friends: because all things whatsoever I have heard of My Father, I have made known to you.” 

The Most Holy Name, spoken with complete reverence, is a declaration of love, and not only is all of heaven enraptured by its every utterance, but Our Lord Himself, that font of infinite love for each of us, requited or no, loves to hear those who love Him speak His Name with loving reverence.  There it is again – that pesky bit about a “personal relationship with Jesus Christ” that keeps popping up.  Funny, that.

Which leads to…

…a few words must be said about taking the Lord’s Name in vain – that is, violating the Second Commandment. It is strange, but thinking back as a child, I had a family member who used Our Lord’s Name – Jesus Christ – constantly as an expression of disgust and contempt, and delivered it with extreme hyper-enunciated gusto.  And from the time that I was a teeny, tiny child with absolutely no formal understanding of who Jesus Christ was, I knew that That Name was different and sacred, and that when That Name was said like that, that it was a very bad and scary thing, and that the person who said it was to be avoided.  Looking back now at my adult life, I can CLEARLY see that people who used Our Lord’s Name in vain as an expression of disgust should have been immediately rejected by me.  It is a classic example of the axiom “where there’s smoke, there’s fire”.

If you want to get your head around what exactly it is that you’re doing when you use His Name as an expression of disgust, simply replace His Name with the name of the non-divine person you love most in the world.  Then imagine yourself calling out that person’s name as an expression of disgust.  A few years ago now, if you remember, I had a chunk of human poop fall on my foot from a toilet brush in a trashed apartment that I was hired to clean.  Imagine human poop falling on your foot (Eeeewww!!!) and calling out the name of your most beloved person as an expression of disgust.  It’s depraved, right?  No one does that.  Well, your beloved person isn’t Perfect Good and Infinite Love who hung on a cross and died for your sins, now are they?  So how much sicker is it when we do it to God?  Yup.  There’s a reason why the Second Commandment is the SECOND Commandment.

It is a dead giveaway, folks.  A person who uses Our Lord’s name as an expression of disgust is a person who A.) probably doesn’t actually believe in Him, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR POSITION, or B.) does believe in Him and hate Him.  I have seen both.  An example of the latter was a layman who held himself out as a liturgical expert, who would frequently yell, “Oh, sweet JESUS!” or “Oh, sweet Baby JESUS!” as his preferred exclamation of extreme disgust, and turned out to be… wait for it… not just a sodomite, but a sacrilegious sodomite.  The signs were all there.

So, say Our Lord’s Most Holy Name as often as you can, always with love and reverence. To do so is a declaration of belief in the Personal Triune Godhead, His Incarnation, and belief in His almost too-good-to-be-true words, “You are My friends.”  Say His Name with love and let your heart fly at the very sound of it.  Say His Name with love and let Him joy in the sound of His beloved saying it.

Say His Name, because consider that in these dark days of apostasy in the post-Christian West, Our Lord’s Name is said orders of magnitude more frequently as a curse or expression of disgust than it is in loving reverence.  I would guess that just the Irish alone, who are notorious for this terrible sin – they use Our Lord’s name almost as a verbal tick, often in combination with the “f” word – more than equal with their sacrilegious abuse of The Holy Name ALL OTHER UTTERANCES of Our Lord’s Name reverently spoken in the entire world every day.

And finally, the Most Holy Name is not only the shortest prayer, but also one of the most powerful: