#TOLDYA AntiVatican To Host Euthanasia Conference

Well, that didn’t take long.

Before we go further, let us remind ourselves of two things:

  1.  Jorge Bergoglio is NOT the Pope.  He is an antipope.  Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger is the one and only living pope.  This whole situation with Antipope Bergoglio is a result of Pope Ratzinger’s failed attempt to “partially abdicate”.  Since his attempted abdication was made in substantial error, per Canon 188, his resignation was invalid, whether he likes it or not, and he is, and has been all along the one and only living Pope.

2.  Let us revisit Father Linus Clovis’ summation of the current situation:


Okay, now that we are all operating from a base premise rooted in truth and reality, let us see what the now-almost-certain False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist is up to, as called in this space just recently:

“Vatican Conference Invites Promoters of Euthanasia”.

In just a few days, from 16 to 17 November, the newly reformed Pontifical Academy for Life will host a conference in Rome on the topic of “Euthanasia in the Netherlands: Balancing Autonomy and Compassion.

Yeah, because murdering one’s self is totally a matter of finding that sweet, sweet middle-ground in the Hegelian Dialectic.  You know, BALANCE. That place between murdering yourself and not murdering yourself, wherein you totally murder yourself, because… compassion. And… discernment.

Tell me more about how Jorge Bergoglio is the Vicar of Christ on Earth, protected by the Holy Ghost per Our Blessed Lord’s promise to always and forever keep the Petrine See from heresy and error.  Tell me more about how I am just a stupid, uneducated convert because I actually have faith in Our Lord’s promises.  Tell me more about how I am an hyperuberultramontane because I actually believe that Our Lord’s promise to His Bride, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church to always be with her and to protect her Vicar on Earth with a special, negative protection DOES NOT INCLUDE PETER BEING ABLE TO RAPE INTO A COMA AND THEN ACTIVELY ENCOURAGE TO COMMIT SUICIDE THE BRIDE OF CHRIST.

“Oh, but he didn’t make a formal ex cathedra statement, so he is totally the Pope, and it’s totally okay….”

No.  No, it really isn’t.  We have all the information we need to know for a moral certainty that Bergoglio is NOT the Pope.  So, what we must do then, knowing that Our Lord’s promises are surer and deeper than the foundations of the earth, is to work backwards and figure out where the FALSE PREMISE is.  And, what has been made so very, very clear – like lead crystal clear – is that Ratzinger’s attempt to partially cut-and-run and only partially resign while “expanding and transforming the papacy”, and his subsequent words, deeds and WARDROBE SELECTION makes it glaringly obvious that the false premise in all of this is that Ratzinger actually, validly resigned, and that Bergoglio was validly elected, which is CLEARLY FALSE. Ratzinger NEVER VALIDLY RESIGNED, AND IS NOW AND HAS BEEN ALL ALONG THE ONE AND ONLY LIVING POPE. Is Ratzinger the worst pope ever?  YES. YES HE IS.  By a long, long shot.

Bergoglio is NOT THE POPE, AND NEVER HAS BEEN.  One could even say, “non-canonically elected”, RIGHT? As in, Bergoglio is NOT the “TRUE SUPREME PONTIFF”, right?

Today is the feast of St. Josaphat, who was MURDERED in ARSH 1623 for his efforts to defend The Church.  Here is his festal collect:

Stir up within Thy Church, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the Spirit which blessed Josaphat, Thy Martyr and Bishop, was filled, when he laid down his life for his sheep: so that, through his intercession, we too may be moved and strengthened by the same Spirit, and may not shrink from giving our lives for the bretheren.  Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who with Thee, in the unity of the same Spirit, liveth and reigneth, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

And here is the equally strong Postcommunion:

May this heavenly banquet impart to us the spirit of fortitude, which strengthened blessed Josaphat, Thy Martyr and Bishop, to do battle for the honor of Thy Church throughout his life down to the hour of his triumph. Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the same Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

St. Josephat, pray for us.

St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us.

St. Peter, pray for us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.