Barnhardt Podcast #008: Massa Cosby and All His Little House Negroes

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In this episode we discuss Bill Cosby and his effeminate supporting caste of beta narcissists — including his wife — who allowed and empowered him to act as sexual predator for DECADES. Also, Ann wonders: “If I learn to read bad poetry really slowly, can I be a Wise Woman of Color(tm) too?” And we discuss a listener’s email and how it applies to another group of beta narcissists, Professional Catholics, and why they don’t enunciate the full truth.

This week’s required studying: the section on Alpha/Beta Diabolic Narcissist dynamics from her video:

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, anecdotes, etc.

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Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.