Champagne Commie Din-Din: On Trump


Topic 11:  We can’t have law from the “periphery” , right??

Fag:  “It is ridiculous to have law from the periphery, right?”

First, note the echoing of the same Communist vocabulary that Antipope Bergoglio babbles in daily: referring to groups of people as “the periphery”.

Understand that what he means by “periphery” is anyone outside of the Boston-New-York-Washington DC metroplex, and the San Francisco-Los Angels corridor, having any say in anything.  Like, VOTING.  Look at a county-by-county red/blue map of the U.S. It is staggering.  Now, y’all know that I am no Trump fan (read Denninger – read about the mathematical inevitability of having your healthcare expenditures increase and compound by 9% per annum due to the conscious and willful non-enforcement of the law against price-fixing and colluding…), and am still shocked that Trump was allowed to win, but their hatred isn’t just for Trump personally.  It is for anyone that they perceive to be “beneath them” – not of the Ivy League law school coastal  elite.  And the truth is, they’re all trash, and deep down, they know it.  Class is a bearing, a mode of conduct, not a resume, not a designer label, and certainly not a net worth.

Topic 12: So yes, there is a shadow economy, Facebook, Airbnb…

Swiss:  “Yes, there is a shadow economy, like Facebook, Airbnb, because the most important thing is to protect workers – not jobs.” (by “protecting workers” he means protecting the ideology by providing workers with such things as abortion-on-demand and special protections for sex perverts, etc. in service to the ideology, even if this comes at the expense of jobs, or of driving the entire economy into the ground. The ideology is everything – actual people are meaningless.)

Topic 13: Trade in goods will soon be nothing…

Fag:  If in the future, trade in all goods becomes centralized (Global Fascism), trade in goods is nothing….

Entire Table:  “I.T. (Information Technology) is EVERYTHING.  It is a new layer of horizontal law.  Privacy and human rights are irrelevant.  It is now about the COMMODIFICATION OF DATA, and the EU is regulating it, and it affects EVERY ECONOMIC CONSIDERATION.”

Topic 14: We are the archenemy of Trump

Fag:  We are the archenemy of Trump and everything he stands for.  We MUST constrain Trump.  New American “law” must and will be written only by people who have lived outside the U.S. for at least five years!!

Topic 15: What will take Trump down?

Swiss:  So what takes Trump down?

Columbia Commie:  THE SECURITIES ESTABLISHMENT WILL TAKE TRUMP DOWN FIRST AND FOREMOST, IN COOPERATION WITH THE CIA AND FBI.  Private people in the Securities establishment have all kinds of info on Trump.  The best chance is for the Securities industry to declare war on Trump.  They really don’t have to actually prove anything to take him down. But the big fight is between Securities industry and Trump.

—–At this point, I’d like to chime in and say…. TOLDYA!!! I’ve been at war with those psychopaths In the Securities establishment for the better part of a decade now.  They are powerful, they do what they want, and the government/intelligence complex is in bed with them – and not to be explicit, but allow me to use a metaphor to illustrate the point: make no mistake, the Securities establishment is the man in this scenario, and the government/intelligence complex is the 17 year old Guatemalan tranny prostitute working the public restrooms on the I-15.  —-

Part 3 tomorrow…


Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.