Since the earthquakes in August and October that destroyed the town of Norcia and killed 300 people, I have been following seismic activity in the area. Over the past week or so, there have been tremors surrounding Rome in almost every direction, with the epicenters getting closer and closer, closing in on Rome itself.
As I write, there are have been three very strong quakes north of Rome, all in the mid-5 magnitude range within the last hour.
I am receiving many messages from contacts in Rome. They are scared.
I believe that these are pre-shocks to a possible magnitude 7 quake, which could destroy Rome for all intents and purposes. As you know, I have been warning of this for a while. We have the objective realities of the Bergoglian antipapacy, along with the objective reality of sodomites using the Vatican and even St. Peter’s Basilica itself as a bathhouse, along with prophecy and warnings for over a century that Rome would apostasize and be destroyed.
More recently, just a few weeks ago, in fact, the miraculous blood of St. Januarius in Naples (just south of Rome at the base of Mount Vesuvius), FAILED TO LIQUEFY, which portends disaster, and reliably so. READ MORE HERE.
Here is the link to the earthquake feed that I watch. It tends to be about a six minute lag.
St. Philip Neri, pray for us.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.