Yearly Archives: 2016

Starting Monday Off Right: St. John Vianney on Diabolical Narcissism Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Allegory of Invidia (Envy), depicted as a woman with serpents for hair eating her own heart, Jacob de Backer, ARSH 1570-1585

Allegory of Invidia (Envy), depicted as a woman with serpents for hair eating her own heart, Jacob de Backer, ARSH 1570-1585

Remember the emotional palette of the Diabolical Narcissist: anger, hatred, jealousy (envy) and fear. 

Envy, my children, follows pride; whoever is envious is proud. See, envy comes to us from Hell; the devils having sinned through pride, sinned also through envy, envying our glory, our happiness. Why do we envy the happiness and the goods of others? Because we are proud; we should like to be the sole possessors of talents, riches, of the esteem and love of all the world!

We hate our equals, because they are our equals; our inferiors, from the fear that they may equal us; our superiors, because they are above us.”
-St. John Marie Vianney

Starting Saturday Off Right: If Not God, If Not Flesh Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Transfiguration of Christ, Paolo Veronese, ARSH 1555-56, Cathedral of Santa Maria, Montagnana

Transfiguration of Christ, Paolo Veronese, ARSH 1555-56, Cathedral of Santa Maria, Montagnana

This is paragraph 15 from “Sermon on the Transfiguration of our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ” by St. Ephraim the Syrian. It seems to me that a simple verbatim recitation of this would make a spectacular sermon or homily by itself, Fathers.

“The facts themselves bear witness and His divine acts of power teach those who doubt that He is true God, and His sufferings show that He is true man. And if those who are feeble in understanding are not fully assured, they will pay the penalty on His dread day.

If He were not flesh, why was Mary introduced at all?
And if He were not God, whom was Gabriel calling Lord?

If He were not flesh, who was lying in the manger?
And if He were not God, whom did the Angels come down and glorify?

If He were not flesh, who was wrapped in swaddling clothes?
And if He were not God, whom did the shepherds worship?

If He were not flesh, whom did Joseph circumcise?
And if He were not God, in whose honor did the star speed through the heavens?

If He were not flesh, whom did Mary suckle?
And if He were not God, to whom did the Magi offer gifts?

If He were not flesh, whom did Simeon carry in his arms?
And if He were not God, to whom did he say, “Let me depart in peace”?

If He were not flesh, whom did Joseph take and flee into Egypt?
And if He were not God, in whom were words “Out of Egypt I have called My Son” fulfilled?

If He were not flesh, whom did John baptize?
And if He were not God, to whom did the Father from heaven say, “This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well-pleased”?

If He were not flesh, who fasted and hungered in the desert?
And if He were not God, whom did the Angels come down and serve?

If He were not flesh, who was invited to the wedding in Cana of Galilee?
And if He were not God, who turned the water into wine?

If He were not flesh, in whose hands were the loaves?
And if He were not God, who satisfied crowds and thousands in the desert, not counting women and children, from five loaves and two fishes?

If He were not flesh, who fell asleep in the boat?
And if He were not God, who rebuked the winds and the sea?

If He were not flesh, with whom did Simon the Pharisee eat?
And if He were not God, who pardoned the offenses of the sinful woman?

If He were not flesh, who sat by the well, worn out by the journey?
And if He were not God, who gave living water to the woman of Samaria and reprehended her because she had had five husbands?

If He were not flesh, who wore human garments?
And if He were not God, who did acts of power and wonders?

If He were not flesh, who spat on the ground and made clay?
And if He were not God, who through the clay compelled the eyes to see?

If He were not flesh, who wept at Lazarus’ grave?
And if He were not God, who by His command brought out one four days dead?

If He were not flesh, who sat on the foal?
And if He were not God, whom did the crowds go out to meet with glory?

If He were not flesh, whom did the Jews arrest?
And if He were not God, who gave an order to the earth and threw them onto their faces?

If He were not flesh, who was struck with a blow?
And if He were not God, who cured the ear that had been cut off by Peter and restored it to its place?

If He were not flesh, who received spittings on His face?
And if He were not God, who breathed the Holy Spirit into the faces of His Apostles?

If He were not flesh, who stood before Pilate at the judgement seat?
And if He were not God, who made Pilate’s wife afraid by a dream?

If He were not flesh, whose garments did the soldiers strip off and divide?
And if He were not God, how was the sun darkened at the cross?

If He were not flesh, who was hung on the cross?
And if He were not God, who shook the earth from its foundations?

If He were not flesh, whose hands and feet were transfixed by nails?
And if He were not God, how was the veil of the temple rent, the rocks broken and the graves opened?

If He were not flesh, who cried out, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned Me”?
And if He were not God, who said “Father, forgive them”?

If He were not flesh, who was hung on a cross with the thieves?
And if He were not God, how did He say to the thief, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise”?

If He were not flesh, to whom did they offer vinegar and gall?
And if He were not God, on hearing whose voice did Hades tremble?

If He were not flesh, whose side did the lance pierce, and blood and water came out?
And if He were not God, who smashed to gates of Hades and tear apart it bonds? And at whose command did the imprisoned dead come out?

If He were not flesh, whom did the Apostles see in the upper room?
And if He were not God, how did He enter when the doors were shut?

If He were not flesh, the marks of the nails and the lance in whose hands and side did Thomas handle?
And if He were not God, to whom did He cry out, “My Lord and my God”?

If He were not flesh, who ate by the sea of Tiberias?
And if He were not God, at whose command was the net filled?

If He were not flesh, whom did the Apostles and Angels see being taken up into heaven?
And if He were not God, to whom was heaven opened, whom did the Powers worship in fear and whom did the Father invite to “Sit at my right hand”. As David said, “The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand, etc.”

If He were not God and man, our salvation is a lie, and the words of the Prophets are lies.”

Starting Friday Off Right: True Friends Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


…the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a Church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer. […]

Indeed, the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries, nor innovators: they are traditionalists.
-Pope St. Pius X

Mes Chers Français….

Mes Chers Français,
Nous avons eu nos différences. Je l’ai dit de nombreuses blagues sur vous. Mais, les jours sont sombres, et nous devons mettre ces choses derrière nous.

Mes enfants … mes chéris …


Dieu, Le Roi-



Text of Antipope Bergoglio's October 31 Lutheran Abomination "Communal Liturgy" in Lund, Sweden

On October 31st of this year, less than three months from now, Antipope Bergoglio will travel to Lund, Sweden to celebrate in a “Communal Liturgy” the Lutheran revolt, and to fete the person of Luther himself. A Swedish Catholic, of which there are less than six thousand in total, by the name of Clemens Cavallin, has collected and translated the texts from this event from the Swedish Lutheran church.  He has written an excellent and insightful synopsis and commentary, including a fascinating history of Lutheranism in Sweden and its destruction of the Swedish culture.  Here are a few excerpts, but do click over and READ THE WHOLE THING, and distribute far and wide.


The text paints a picture of Luther as a religious hero who found the way to a more true form of Catholicism, “The breakthrough for Catholic scholarship came with the thesis that Luther overcame within himself a Catholicism that was not fully Catholic.”

In both the Lutheran and Catholic “reading” part of the thanksgiving section, it is Luther and
his works toward which thanksgiving is expressed. First the Lutheran, Lutherans are thankful
in their hearts for what Luther and the other reformers made accessible to them” and the
Catholic reading is concluded with, “The ecumenical journey enables Lutherans and Catholics
to appreciate together Martin Luther’s insight into and spiritual experience of the gospel of
the righteousness of God, which is also God’s mercy.”
One of the two “presiders,” then concludes this section with the following prayer of gratitude
for the reformation.
“Thanks be to you O God for the many guiding theological and spiritual insights that we have all received through the Reformation. Thanks be to you for the good transformations and reforms that were set in motion by the Reformation or by struggling with its challenges. Thanks be to you for the proclamation of the gospel that occurred during the Reformation and that since then has strengthened countless people to live lives of faith in Jesus Christ. Amen.”

This narrative comes to a critical point under the heading “Catholic Concerns regarding the Eucharist.” As regards the notion transubstantiation the text says, This concept seemed, in the Catholic view, to be the best guarantee for maintaining the real presence of Jesus Christ in the species of bread and wine and for assuring that the full reality of Jesus Christ is present in each of the species.” To use the verb “seem” clearly indicates that this has not objective value for Catholics and that other notions could be used for the same purpose and perhaps even with better effect.


Ann’s thoughts:

I believe this event will either be the antecedent to, or the first act of Antipope Bergoglio expanding his push for sacrilegious reception of Holy Communion to Lutherans, and by extension all Protestants, and by extension… EVERYBODY.

This is the necessary first step in building a new “One World Religion”.

I have heard more than one faithful Catholic person say that if this happens, it will be a “deal breaker” or “the straw that breaks the camel’s back”.  This needs to be exposed now, and people need to be forewarned, so that they will not be shocked into scandal that could result in them fleeing to a schismatic sect, or in the loss of their faith entirely – which is a VERY REAL THREAT, and is already happening.

Second, I believe that Bergoglio greatly admires and plans to build this new “One World Religion” off of the Lutheran model of the “STATE CHURCH”, which will eventually be subsumed and coalesced into ONE STATE CHURCH under and controlled by the One World Government body when international borders are eliminated.  This is why Bergoglio is pushing for “decentralization” in the context of the sacrament of marriage.  He wants each national bishops conference to decide what the Sacrament of Marriage is.  He wants to establish the notion the “state church” in preparation for the One State Church under the One World Government.  It is somewhat counter-intuitive to think that the way for Bergoglio and his Freemasonic ilk to achieve a “One World State Church” is to push for decentralization, but a cursory survey of history since the Freemasonic Endarkenment on the 18th century shows that the agitation phase (hagan lio!) leading up to revolution and totalitarianism is ALWAYS initially pitched to the masses as a “decentralization” of power. 

Like the Lutheran State Churches (Church of Sweden, Church of Norway, Church of Denmark, Church of Iceland, Church of Finland), which are dependent on the state and funded by mandatory taxation, and are completely political organizations, essentially masquerading state ideology as religion with only the most tangential and disingenuous lip-service paid to Christianity, Bergoglio aspires to head up a massively powerful, wealthy client “church” dedicated to the New World Order humanistic, materialistic state ideology, and, of course, his own personal power.

Bergoglio’s affinity for this “state church as client of the secular government” paradigm has been clearly seen in his admiration for THREE analogues:  the Catholic Church in Germany and its Kirchensteuer – the so-called Church Tax of 9% on income tax due, which savors most strongly of simony – which has made the German Church fabulously wealthy, and so utterly heretical if not apostate that it should be put under interdict immediately; the schismatic Eastern Orthodox churches, which have been, since their very beginnings, notorious for being proxies and lapdogs of secular rulers (emperors, czars, dictators, the KGB, etc.); and also to the islamic political system, the most perfect example of a faux-religious ideology serving a purely political totalitarian government bent on global domination.  

St. Charles Borromeo, pray for us.
St. Teresa of Avila, pray for us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Starting Thursday Off Right: "Especially of the Lutherans" Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


It was that vision [of hell] which filled me with very great distress which I felt at the sight of so many lost souls, especially of the Lutherans – for they were once members of the Church by Baptism – and also gave me the most vehement desires for the salvation of souls; for certainly I believe that to save even one from those overwhelming torments, I would willingly endure many deaths. If here on earth we see one whom we specially love in great trouble or pain, our very nature seems to bid us compassionate him; and if those pains be great, we are troubled ourselves. What, then, must it be to see a soul in danger of pain, the most grievous of all pains, forever? It is a thought no heart can bear without great anguish. Here we know that pain at last ends with life, and that there are limits to it, yet the sight of it moves us so greatly to compassion; that other pain has no ending, and I know not how we can be calm when we see Satan carry so many souls daily away.

This also makes me wish that, in a matter which concerns us so much, we did not rest satisfied with doing less than we can do on our part – that we left nothing undone. May Our Lord vouchsafe to give us His grace for that end.”

-St. Teresa of Avila

Yes, Antipope Bergoglio is Maneuvering to Set Up a "One World Religion" with Himself as the Head

In review, and in the interests of making absolutely certain that we are all thinking and reasoning from the firm foundation of a TRUE PREMISE or premises:

Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger submitted an invalid resignation in February of ARSH 2013, predicated upon the error that the Papacy could be bifurcated or in any way shared or expanded.  The relevant Canon is Canon 188, which states very plainly and succinctly:

Canon 188
A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.

Last week, one of the most prestigious Vatican journalists, an Italian named Sandro Magister, published a piece called “A ‘Pontificate of Exception’. The Mystery of Pope Benedict Against the Antichrists who are undermining The Church.”  In this piece, the VERY influential and respected Magister quotes Italian Canon Lawyer Guido Ferro Canale at length, who honed-in on a very specific German term used by Pope Benedict’s personal secretary, Archbishop Georg Ganswein in late May: “Pontificate of Exception”, or “Ausnahmepontifikat”. Canale argues persuasively that Ratzinger may have thrown the Petrine Office into a suspended state of juridical emergency.

Magister also quotes Ganswein at length showing that Ratzinger STILL BELIEVES himself, and RESIGNED WITH THE INTENTION of continuing to BE THE POPE.

Read the whole thing HERE.

Since there is and can only ever be a maximum of one pope alive on earth at any given time, this means that Ratzinger, given his invalid resignation made in substantial error per Canon 188, is still the one and only Pope, and Bergoglio is an Antipope.

The See is NOT vacant.  The reality is precisely the opposite of sedevacantism.  And yet, as I fully expected, ANY questioning of Bergoglio’s status is characterized and lumped-in and discredited with howling accusations of sedevacantism. Those suffering from the vice of effeminacy, and its direct corollary, the vice of human respect, are certainly cowed by this tactic.  All I can do is shake my head.

Given Bergoglio’s massive list of heresies and crimes against God and His Holy Church, which continue to expand on a near-daily basis, the fact that he is, in fact, NOT the Vicar of Christ, NOT the pope, brings clarity and logic to the situation, and allows for some anticipation of Bergoglio’s agenda and actions in light of prophecy.


The true scandal is NOT the fact that an Antipope has arisen, but the continued attempt to reconcile the FALSE PREMISE that Bergoglio is the Pope to the reality.  The countless millions of souls who are being ratified in their sins by Bergoglio, fed false and heretical doctrine, or being driven to despair by him; the souls being scandalized unto eternal damnation are so scandalized precisely because he is being erroneously NAMED, and in being erroneously named, imparted with an authority which he does not have.

Names matter. A lot.  This is why The Most Holy Name of Jesus has a feast unto Itself.  This is why Peter’s confession of Jesus as “The Christ, the Son of the Living God,” in response to Our Lord’s question, “Who do you say that I am?” is one of the pivotal moments in the Gospel.  This is why Abram’s name was changed to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, why Jacob’s name was changed to Israel, This is why Our Lord Himself changed Simon’s name to Peter, and Saul’s name to Paul – to indicate a change in their being.  This is why angels were sent to convey the NAMES of both John the Baptist, and, of course, Our Lord Himself. NAMES MATTER.

Jorge Bergoglio is NOT the pope. Joseph Ratzinger is the pope – Pope Benedict XVI.  “Pope Francis” is a fiction, and thus all of the scandal and damage that this wicked man Jorge Bergoglio is wreaking is, at its core, a function of the fact that we are calling him by a false name. We all know that it is a wicked lie to call Bruce Jenner “Caitlyn”, because to do so is to assent to a lie.  If we can all understand the gravity and scandal of a z-list celebrity and madman calling himself a woman, how much more grave is it to call a man who is NOT the Vicar of Christ, “the Pope?”

What it is high time people start discussing openly is the distinct possibility that Antipope Bergoglio is the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist.  Students of End Times prophecy tell us that The Antichrist will neither be the pope (obviously), nor even APPEAR to be the pope.  BUT, the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist could certainly APPEAR to be “a pope”.  And if one thinks about it, it makes perfect diabolical sense for the False Prophet Forerunner to be precisely that – an antipope.  He would wield the authority of Peter, auto-destruct the institutional Church, and even establish a false, apostate church, a “one world religion” with himself at its head, all in preparation for the coming of The Antichrist, who will be a secular leader that attempts to deify himself.  And if the False Prophet Forerunner were an antipope, the Holy Ghost would be “kept out of the way” with regards to the graces and protections of the Petrine Office.  This is why Bergoglio spews heresy on a near-daily basis.  It isn’t because The Holy Ghost is failing, or has forsaken the Petrine Office or the Church.  It is because Bergoglio is not the pope.  It really is that simple.

What I am now convinced Antipope Bergoglio is doing is attempting to draw “all peoples unto himself” and coalesce his power in preparation for the unveiling of a “one world religion” which will ultimately be the client of a “one world government”.  This has been the stated goal of Freemasonry for these last 300 years, manifested in the United Nations, the European Union, and the regime now occupying Washington D.C., and now we see the open and aggressive drive to dissolve all international borders, both conceptually and physically, with Antipope Bergoglio as its primary propagandist.  This has also been foretold in countless prophecies.

I suspect that Bergoglio will either call an Ecumenical Council, Vatican III, or promulgate a new Ordo Missae, that is, a new “unifying” Rite for the new “one world religion”, OR BOTH.

This is why Antipope Bergoglio is attempting to lure into a clear ambush and trap the Society of St. Pius X (The SSPX).

This is why Antipope Bergoglio is viciously attacking and destroying the very few remaining orthodox Catholic monastic communities.

This is why Antipope Bergoglio has already ratified sacrilegious reception of Holy Communion by Catholics in unrepentant mortal sin, is going to open reception of Holy Communion to Lutherans, and then all Protestants, and then eventually EVERYONE, beginning later this year in Lund, Sweden.

This is why Antipope Bergoglio is one of the world’s leading apologists for islam, and just a few days ago referred to ALL “religions” as “we”.

This is why Antipope Bergoglio is ramping up the obvious Freemasonic-Marxist-Communist-Satanic rhetoric about a “new humanity” – because a “new humanity” is going to need a “new religion”, and a “new world order”.

Stay tuned to this space in the coming days for an open letter of fraternal warning from me to the prelates, priests and faithful of the SSPX, as well as the text of the upcoming massively heretical Lutheran Revolt Commemoration in Lund, Sweden on October 31, that Antipope Bergoglio will be co-officiating, in which the Eucharist Itself is target number one.

Mary, Mother of The Church, pray for us.
St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, pray for us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Starting Tuesday Off Right: Human Respect Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Gerrit van Honthorst, Christ Crowned with Thorns, ARSH 1617,  Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

Gerrit van Honthorst, Christ Crowned with Thorns, ARSH 1617, Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

St. Francis Borgia says that he who desires to consecrate himself to God must, in the first place, trample under his feet all regard for what others will say of him. O my God, why do we not ask what Jesus Christ or His holy mother will think of our conduct?
-St. Alphonsus Liguori

A Chilling Letter From an NCO Calling It Quits

(Emphases mine.)


I leave the Army for good in September of this year.  My chain of command has been shell shocked that I am going through with it.  Two years ago when I first came to grips with what was happening and resolved to no longer be a part of it, there was derision and even an officer telling me that voicing my opinions about the state of the US economy and its moral failings could be considered a violation of the UCMJ for conduct “prejudicial to good order and discipline.”

When I gave my Operations NCO a copy of the book “A Distant Mirror” by Barbara Tuchman he came to me a month later stating that if there is a civil war, he and his fellow Hispanics will “have to choose sides.”

When I told my first sergeant why I would not be re-enlisting, she said “Don’t you want to re-enlist to get your 20?”

I said that I wanted to re-enlist, but I couldn’t, that my pension was nothing compared to being prepared to sacrifice my life. Then she and I went on to discuss my (your) ideas on why there was a possible collapse of the US government in the future, she went from denying the possibility to stating “Well, it all depends on what level of collapse you’re talking about,”  needless to say I was stunned.

The re-enlistment NCO refuses to talk to me, and several other mid to senior level NCOs who previously thought I was kidding have left the Active reserves for the Individual Ready Reserves.

One stated that he too was disgusted with both candidates for president and then asked me if I thought things would be so bad, why wouldn’t I stay in and try to fix things “from the inside”?  I cited the example of the Yugoslav army and how there were fire fights within units and stated that I would refuse to follow unconstitutional orders.  I then asked, “Don’t you think if one of the two candidates gets in power that either might order the power of the state to be used against their political enemies?  That’s what would be likely to START those kinds of firefights, right?”

Officer: “SFC, you are hereby ordered to take your platoon and do evil unconstitutional thing X.”

Me:  “No.”

Officer: “SSG, Arrest SFC !”

Me: (Click) “Don’t move sir.”

SSG: “Uh-oh….”

The other NCO just kinda smiled grimly and nodded.  His friend, a warrant officer whom I have known since 2009 then blurted “Well, that won’t happen anyway, the US government can’t collapse, too many people depend on it!”

We both stared at him and he looked embarrassed almost immediately. He is not a stupid man, but it shows the mindset most are locked into, no matter how illogical it is.

I have many more anecdotes, but the summary is this:  Whereas I was laughed at two years ago, many other senior NCOS are leaving.  Many Enlisted men are frightened and wish to get out.  The liberals, humanists, atheists and feminists are taking over.

EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON over the past two years, from family, friends, and colleagues to acquaintances and others in the civilian world who hear I am getting out after 15 years always start with the same argument:  What about your pension/heathcare?

My own brother, an amateur military historian asked me the same question last week, and I said:

“You studied military history for 8 years in school, and as a hobby your whole adult life, if you had to go up against a military composed entirely of people who were there to get their retirement benefits, how easy would that army be to defeat?”


Mic drop!

Ann, it’s been rough.  I LOVE the US Army. At times I have almost been reduced to tears thinking about putting on the uniform for the last time.  But I cannot be part of the army that serves a government like ours. 

Thank you just for being out there and fighting the good fight.


(Be assured of our prayers, sir.)

Starting Monday Off Right: Imprisoned King Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

crucifixion -smaller

In obedience to humanity, the King of the universe come down from heaven! In obedience to humanity, He lives imprisoned on the altar! I shall not resist. He allows humans to keep Him wherever they wish-in monstrance or tabernacle; to carry Him in procession; to bring Him into the homes of the sick and dying; to dispense Him to all, whether saint or sinner. The gospel tells how marvelously He obeyed Mary and Joseph. Today He obeys every priest in the world.
-St. Alphonsus Liguori