Yearly Archives: 2016

Starting Friday Off Right: Dostoyevsky on Diabolical Narcissism

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


“The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to such a pass that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love, and in order to occupy and distract himself without love he gives way to passions and coarse pleasures, and sinks to bestiality in his vices, all from continual lying to other men and to himself. The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offence, isn’t it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill — he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offence, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it, and so pass to genuine vindictiveness.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
Father Zosima to Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov, father of the brothers Karamazov and Diabolical Narcissist

On the Current Antipapacy, the SSPX and Other Totally Non-Inflammatory Topics


There is much ground to cover here.  I shall try to keep this from devolving into a non-linear stream of consciousness.

What if I gave you a map, but the orientation was off by 90 degrees?  North was west, east was north, etc.  There would be no way you could find your way UNTIL YOU CORRECTED THE ORIENTATION. You cannot find your way on a map, or through life, unless your orientation, your base premises upon which you move through time and space, are TRUE.

I continue to get emails and also to see in comment threads on other websites that people – faithful people – are losing their faith because of Bergoglio.  I received one email from a woman who declared that Bergoglio proved that the entire notion of the Magisterium of The Church was a fiction – not just within the past three years, not just since Vatican II, but for the entire 2000 years of The Church.  This is what holding the FALSE PREMISE that Bergoglio is the pope yields.

Folks, this Bergoglio stuff and the situation with The Church is very, very easy to understand and is in no way soul-crushing or faith-killing IF one simply acknowledges what is now a moral certainty – Bergoglio is an antipope. Ratzinger’s resignation was made in SUBSTANTIAL ERROR.  The question of coercion, while interesting and certainly worthy of exploration, is with regards to the validity of the Ratzingerian resignation, moot.  The question of whether or not Ratzinger believes Bergoglio is the pope is moot.  Ratzinger’s mind is not the arbiter of reality.  Ratzinger believes his substantial error to be true – doesn’t everyone believe their errors to be true in realtime as they are making them?  Have you ever sat down and said consciously to yourself, “I know that my position/belief is false, but I consciously disregard my knowledge of said falsehood/error, and now believe that that which I know to be false is, in fact, true.”  No.  We lie to ourselves, and we believe our lies.  We come to erroneous conclusions, but we believe that our conclusions are correct.  Ratzinger has convinced himself that he could bifurcate the papacy.  This is SUBSTANTIAL ERROR. He is wrong.

Now, to the question that I see tying so many people in knots: Does it matter who the pope is?

The answer is YES.  It absolutely matters.  You’re not crazy.  You’re not dumb. You’re not a bad Catholic or a bad person for not just thinking that it matters, but that it matters tremendously, and wanting to discuss it.  People who are saying that it doesn’t matter are, very simply, wrong.

The Truth matters.
Objective reality matters.

For many of us who are converts, the Papacy is commonly the last hurdle to clear before fully acknowledging that The Church, is in fact the One. True. Church.  For me it came from the old timer that taught me the cattle business.  One evening, while he was holding forth on feedlot management concepts, specifically on the human resource management side of things, he said very simply, “Look, SOMEONE has GOT to be in charge.”  Of course.  We all know this.  In any large organization, there has to be a person with whom the buck stops, and ultimate responsibility resides.  There has to be one person who can, if need be, make final, binding decisions.  Absent this, there will be chaos and eventual implosion.  For Christ to establish His Church Militant, that is, His Church on Earth, with no one in charge, no one to make binding decisions when need be, is simply unthinkable – impossible even.  Further, we see from scripture that He not only created such an office, but imbued it with supernatural protection.  Of course He did.  Anything less would not make sense.  We aren’t talking about a feedyard.  We are talking about The Body and Bride of Christ, established by Christ, which is God’s gift to mankind through which His Truth and Grace is communicated. The paradigm is of Divine origin, and therefore is perfectly conceived and established.

When I see trad Catholics, utterly desperate to deny that Bergoglio is an antipope, saying that “it doesn’t matter”, I shake my head.

Let me be very, very blunt here.  People who up until a matter of months ago would defend the institution of the papacy as an utterly integral component of the Visible Church Militant (which it is), and are now preaching that the papacy is not important, and the identity of the Pope is not important, are, it seems to me, doing this because they are terrified of losing income – be it from a formal, paying job or from donations – or afraid of losing social status, political, or career connections.  In short, they are terrified of losing HUMAN RESPECT in some form.

Converts, especially, are looking at this situation and seeing this total about-face, taking the See of Peter from a defining and non-negotiable, deal-breaking component of Catholicism (which it is), to being declared “irrelevant” and the identity of the Pope “unknowable” IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN STATUS, INCOME, AND SOCIAL CONNECTIONS and are being scandalized right back out the door.

This has to stop.

If the papacy itself does not matter, then The Church does not matter.

If The Church does not matter, then Christ does not matter.

If Christ does not matter, then Christ is not God.

If Christ is not God, then life is hopeless and meaningless, and all that matters is maximizing immediate personal sensual gratification – by any means necessary.

Again, I cannot emphasize with enough vehemence the utter criticality of arguing from a true premise.  The truth is objective, external and KNOWABLE – most especially with regards to The Church, because The Church is VISIBLE. Where Peter is, there is The Church.  Who Peter is, and who Peter is NOT, is therefore not only important, but critically important.  Just as Ratzinger’s flippancy in attempting to abandon his RESPONSIBILITY – the excuses about continuing to wear the papal white because “there were no black cassocks available”, and perhaps even worse the blaming of his abandonment of his duties on “jet lag” from traveling to World Youth Day, a neo-pagan festival that should be permanently suspended and forgotten anyway – is not only scandalous, but insulting.  So too is the flippant argument that the papacy doesn’t matter – all to avoid taking a position that “the world” will not like.

It is precisely because I love and respect the See of Peter that I refuse to shrug at its usurpation, or to call a man that I am morally certain is an antipope, Peter.  It is NOT papolatry to NOT claim indifference to whom the pope is or is not.  I believe that the one and only currently reigning Pope, Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, is now, because of his catastrophic actions, one of the worst, if not the very worst pope in the history of The Church. But he is still the Pope, and visibly so.

The Satanic Endgame: SCHISM

What satan is trying to do here is to drive as many people out of the One True Church as possible. He has set the chessboard masterfully, and has multiple attack angles.

FIRST: Antipope Bergoglio is going to throw the entire Novus Ordo wing of The Church into schism sooner rather than later.  Amoris Laetitia is, at its core, all about one thing: DESECRATION OF THE EUCHARIST. We all know by now that Bergoglio told a group of Argentinian clergy IN WRITING that desecration of the Eucharist by admitting to Holy Communion unrepentant adulterers and fornicators was the only correct interpretation of the document.  A document which, remember, has zero meaning or force because Bergoglio is an antipope and thus has zero authority.  Again, back to the whole true premise/false premise thing.  Next, Antipope Bergoglio will open Holy Communion to Lutherans, which will almost immediately become a winking mandate to give Holy Communion to absolutely everyone – including non-Christians. At this point, I think it will be safe to say that Bergoglio, on behalf of satan, will have fully schismed and will have set up a completely new, seperate universalist, “one world religion”, with himself at its head.

Satan wants every single human being now inside the Catholic Church to follow Bergoglio into this schism.

Which brings us to the SSPX

On the other side of the spectrum, we have traditionalism, people who will NOT follow Bergoglio into his NewFrancisOneWorldChurch.  Satan has the chessboard set for them, too.  The SSPX is currently parlaying and negotiating with Antipope Bergoglio.

Stop there for a moment:  SSPXers, do you see the problem here?  You are negotiating your status WITH AN ANTIPOPE.  How can this possibly yield good fruit for you, The Church or anyone else?  Again, we’re back to the essential nature of the TRUE PREMISE.  These negotiations are built upon the false premise that you are negotiating in good faith with the Vicar of Christ.  Please do not delude yourself into believing that you are negotiating with +Pozzo and Ecclesia Dei separate and apart from Bergoglio.  This is Bergoglio’s trap.  It is Bergoglio that will double cross you, no matter how precise and air-tight your written agreement with Ecclesia Dei is.  These men are evil and without shame or honor.  Written agreements mean NOTHING to them.  Written agreements are a joke to them, a tool to be used on men that they consider to be “rubes”.  IF you enter into an agreement with Antipope Bergoglio, he will renege on it immediately and come down on you just as he did with the FFI’s, and now the contemplative communities.  If you don’t enter into an agreement with Antipope Bergoglio, he will unilaterally declare you part of his NewFrancisOneWorldChurch and then come down on you like a ton of bricks.

WHY?  Very simply, satan, who is behind all of this, wants all of the traditionalists to SCHISM THEMSELVES.

Bishop Fellay knows that if he capitulates to Antipope Bergoglio that a massive number of his priests and faithful WILL LEAVE THE SSPX AND GO TO SEDEVACANTIST SECTS THAT ARE ALREADY IN SCHISM.

If Bishop Fellay ceases negotiations with Antipope Bergoglio, Bergoglio will unilaterally declare the SSPX to be “in”, and will demand that the SSPX capitulate to his demands.  When the SSPX refuses, Antipope Bergoglio will then declare the SSPX to be in schism.  And here is the nuance of the satanic chess strategy: it’s a bluff.  Don’t you see?  Bergoglio IS NOT THE POPE.  His declarations have the same force as mine.  Bergoglio can’t force you to do anything, nor can he declare you to be in schism for not capitulating to his heresies and blasphemies.  Satan is trying to TRICK THE SSPX INTO BELIEVING THAT THEY ARE IN SCHISM, WHEN, IN FACT, THEY ARE NOT.

Once again, all of this depends on operating from a TRUE PREMISE, namely that Bergoglio is an antipope, and that Ratzinger, in spite of his spectacular error and failings, is Peter. And if it is any consolation to both the SSPX and to those of you out there in general reading this, Rome contacts have told me that Bergoglio is now openly discussed as probably being an antipope within the Curia, but they are all so terrified of him due to their careerist mentalities, that they all agree that there is “nothing we can do” and that “we just have to wait for him to die.”

And now for what I think the path forward for the SSPX should be – and I know full well that I am going to lose almost everyone who is still reading this, but it makes no difference.

The SSPX should cease all negotiations with Bergoglio, publicly state that it is a moral certainty that Bergoglio is not the pope, and publicly declare allegiance to the one and only living Vicar of Christ, Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger.

Ratzinger will never do anything – for good or ill – to the SSPX, because he refuses to exercise his responsibility as Pope.  Further, this will make clear that the SSPX will recognize NO actions taken against it by Bergoglio, AND that the SSPX remains exactly as it is, inside The Church, faithful to the Holy See.  And then the SSPX will truly become before this is all over, I strongly suspect, a lifeboat.

And referencing what I stated above about the Roman Curia now discussing Bergoglio as a likely antipope, but feeling helpless – perhaps a bold statement by the SSPX that there is now a moral certainty that Bergoglio is an antipope would be enough of an icebreaker to allow others within the Curia, and perhaps even the College of Cardinals to discuss it openly as well.

But they key to this is the private and public insistence upon operating from a true premise – and frankly, shouldn’t it be so in everything we do, both big and small?  It is not lost on me that the leap of faith that Our Lord is asking us to take is to declare loyalty to the probable worst pope in the history of The Church – Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger.

If I were in charge, which thank God I’m not, that’s what I would do. As the person ultimately in charge of myself, and who will answer for my life at my Particular Judgment, that is what I have and will continue to do.

I hope this helps.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.


Starting 9/11 Off Right: Oh God Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Like so many that day, the last act Kevin Cosgrove did on the Earth was to cry out to God.

Fifteen years on and the predominant feeling is one of utter waste.  When we look back at events like Pearl Harbor, we can at least say, “You did not die in vain.”  With 9/11, it is now crystal clear that they all died in vain.  9/11 could have been a watershed event that stopped and reversed the descent into terminal effeminacy and auto-destruction of western Christendom.  Instead, it marked the point when the curve rotated into a parabolic spike of self-loathing and the basest narcissism and nihilistic decadence that human civilization has ever seen.

If the axiom is true that the darkest hour is just before dawn, then 9/11 and all of its horror was not the darkest hour.  It is going to get much, much darker.  How could it not?

When our hour comes, I pray we are able to die, like Kevin Cosgrove, with “God” on our lips.


Starting Saturday Off Right: 'I Am Telling You This' Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


I lifted this from a comment thread over at OnePeterFive .  Well said, LB236.  THIS is what a priest, if he truly cares about the human beings in front of him, pretty much HAS to say to an adulterous couple – that is, a couple that is civilly married after one or both are divorced from other people.  Anything less than this, and the priest WILL be held to account per Ezekiel 33.

You are living in objective sin. I am telling you this. You no longer have the excuse of ‘invincible ignorance’, as I have provided you with the knowledge that your situation is not acceptable according to the moral law of Christ and His Church. If you continue to persist in your situation, you are committing mortal sin, as I have informed you it is a grave matter, I have provided you with full knowledge that it is an evil act, and you have subsequently elected to persist in your objectively-sinful behavior. If you choose to continue in your adulterous union and commit the sin of fornication, you may not receive the sacraments. Period.

Pray for Mother Teresa of Calcutta

As you all know, I am morally certain that Jorge Bergoglio is not nor ever has been the pope.  Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI is the pope, whether he likes it or not.

One of the corollaries of this is that these problematic “canonizations” are obviously not infallible, and are probably invalid.

And yes, I’m talking about Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

And Pope John Paul II.

I’m sorry folks, but if you tell people who are outside of the One True Church, outside of which THERE. IS. NO. SALVATION, to remain outside the Church, then we have a huge, huge problem.  It is simple logic.  Here is a quote from Mother Teresa of Calcutta that causes any clear-thinking person to ask themselves, “Did she actually believe in any of it?”

‘Yes, I convert. I convert you to be a better Hindu, or a better Muslim, or a better Protestant, or a better Catholic, or a better Parsee, or a better Sikh, or a better Buddhist. And after you have found God, it is for you to do what God wants you to do.’

If one actually believes in Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, the quote above is utterly irrational. If one truly believes that Christ is God Incarnate, if one truly understands and believes in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and in the Eucharist as the Real Physical, Substantial Presence of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of God Himself, to preach indifferentism or universalism is simply impossible, full stop. It is impossible to state that Jesus Christ WILLS for even one human being to die outside of His Holy Church. Christ wills for all men to be saved.  This is day-one catechism for six-year-old children.

God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2: 4): that is, of Christ Jesus. Christ must be proclaimed to all nations and individuals, so that this revelation may reach to the ends of the earth.

No, I don’t recognize her canonization, proclaimed as it was by an antipope and blaspheming heretic, and possible False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, and I think all Catholics of good will should continue to pray FOR her soul. If she has, in fact, passed from purgatory to the Beatific Vision, then those prayers will be assigned to another poor soul, and she will be very, very happy that we were not scandalized by her spectacularly uncatholic rhetoric which was in direct and total opposition to the Word of God.

Mailbag: If You Just Tell People The Truth…

… they will not only not reject you, they will join up with you.

The Truth, because it is a constitutive quality of God, is beautiful, even when it is horrific.

Denial of objective reality, pollyannaism, effeminacy in all its forms is REPELLANT.

Just. Tell. People. The. Truth.

Clearly. Bluntly. Forthrightly.

The Church has been infiltrated and overrun by Freemasons, sodomites and Marxists.  Jorge Bergoglio isn’t the pope, he is an antipope, and very possibly the actual False Prophet Forerunner of The Antichrist. Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger is one of the worst popes in the history of the Church. The Church is being auto-destructed from the inside, is sprinting towards schism, and we will probably be imprisoned or killed by the state for being orthodox, believing Catholics within the next few years.

And still, in my email box, THIS:

Thank you for your blog and your prayers.  I have followed you for a good while; since before you liquidated your commodities firm.  I have wrestled with your message and this past Friday I started my journey to confirmation in the one true Church.  I owe much to you; your courage and your teaching.  I have considered that the Church is under attack, perhaps greater than it has ever faced and is being betrayed from within.  But, it is as I told my children, tares grow with wheat; salvation is found in the Church not in the betrayal of heretics and ravening wolves.  Please continue to pray for me as I will for you.


Starting Tuesday Off Right: Bear Me Away Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

New Antipope Bergoglio Buzzphrase: Triumphalism of the Species

When evil reaches critical mass, and has huge momentum, it only increases on a parabolic curve.

This is what we are seeing right now with Antipope Bergoglio and the satanic cadre for which he is the front.  Bergoglio’s “Preacher of the Papal Household”, one Fr. Cantalamessa, preached in Antipope Bergoglio’s presence at St. Peters Basilica a homily in which he railed against “triumphalism of the (human) race” and “triumphalism of the (human) species”.

Make no mistake, this is the open preaching of SUICIDE as virtue.  This is the inescapable logical conclusion of Utilitarianism: zero population growth and self-genocide.

Remember Bergoglio’s “breeding like rabbits” swipe at the woman pregnant with her eighth child?  Remember Bergoglio utterly hamstringing the entire pro-life movement and encouraging people in Zika areas to use contraception “after discernment” – topping his remarks off with the STONE-COLD BLASPHEMY that, “We are speaking in terms of the conflict between the Fifth and Sixth Commandment.”

The Commandments can not be in conflict with each other because they came directly from God. To say otherwise is not merely heresy, it is blasphemy, a declaration against the Faith, namely that God is in conflict with Himself.

Self-loathing and even a passive suicidal mindset is so common, so thought of as “enlightened”, and so utterly a part of the zeitgeist, that almost no one even picks up on these remarks when they are made.  Everyone just nods in agreement, congratulating themselves for their “moral superiority” in actively despising and desiring the self-extermination of the human race itself – in service to the greater good, you understand. And because anyone who does not desire human extinction is a sinner – the “sin” being “triumphalism”.

The world, the universe, and everything in it exists for one reason: so that men might know, love and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him forever in the next. God made EVERYTHING so that you might get to heaven – YOU are the “end” of the Universe. You are that important.  To pervert this stunning truth into the lie that humanity should loathe itself unto auto-destruction IN “SERVICE” TO THE VERY UNIVERSE THAT WAS CREATED AND EXISTS FOR MANKIND is, very simply, satanic.

Suicide.  It is satan’s most perfect victory over a man.  And now it is being preached from St. Peter’s Basilica.


Y'all There? Stats Say Zero Visitors? Impossible.

Time to go offshore – offshore – offshore?

I can pull myself up on my own server, but I see that the serious censorship is going “srs bsns”.  Ping the email to COMCHECK. I can take it.  Wish I could reveal the underground… stuff. But, no.  Posting this at 13:30 EDT, 12:30 CDT, 11:30 MDT, 10:30 PDT.  September 1, ARSH 2016.

NOTE WELL:  If you email me, you get your ass on the ugly list, and RIGHT QUICK.  Fair warning. Come on in, the water’s ****ing freezing.  😀
