Yearly Archives: 2016

The Diabolical Narcissist's Prayer

Across the transom.  Author unknown….

The Diabolical Narcissist’s Prayer

That didn’t happen.
And if it did happen, it wasn’t that bad.
And if it was that bad, that’s not a big deal.
And if it is a big deal, that’s not my fault.
And if it was my fault, I didn’t mean it.
And if I did mean it…
You deserved it.


Starting Sunday Off Right: Guardian Angels Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


For he hath given his angels charge over thee; to keep thee in all thy ways.
Quoniam angelis suis mandavit de te, ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis.

In their hands they shall bear thee up: lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
In manibus portabunt te, ne forte offendas ad lapidem pedem tuum.
-Psalm 90: 11-12

Around the Innerwebz: Holy Intransigence Works

From today’s check-around of the innerwebz:

Once again reality is impossible to distinguish from satire. A congregation of the Canadian United Church has a female pastor who is now openly an atheist. Absurd as that is, the real absurdity is that the congregation is paralyzed over how to handle this situation. Their commitment to “inclusiveness” is so broad that they’ll accept you if you don’t believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, or even the very concept of divinity of any sort.

It’s stuff like this that makes me see where Ann Barnhardt is coming from with her zealous Roman Catholicism. There are things about the RCC that do not sit right with me, but I do credit them with insisting that some things are absolutely set in stone and inviolable. The “whose version of Christianity is right?” question dogs me, but stories like this at least reveal whose version is absolutely wrong.

No one – NO ONE – respects a person who “doesn’t actually believe any of that bullshit“, which is the working definition of Modernism, which Pope St. Pius X called “the synthesis of all heresies”.  Novus Ordo “c”atholicism, post-Vatican II, NewFrancisOneWorldReligion – whatever you want to call it – holds as its Creed that “we don’t actually believe what we believe”.

Antipope Bergoglio’s entire schtick is denying that ANYTHING is set in stone and inviolable. He is sowing chaos and “making crooked” everything that The Church has spent 2000 years “making straight.” He is a contra-analogue to John the Baptist.

And Protestantism?  The entire foundational premise of Protestantism is that “we don’t actually believe any of that bullshit.”

That is REPULSIVE on a gut, visceral level.  People have to condition themselves and destroy their own conscience to not be sickened by it.

Many people – MANY OF YOU – read this blog including the posts about Jesus and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, even though you aren’t Catholic, and many of you are agnostic if not confessing atheist – but you still read those posts because A.) you can tell that I really, truly believe what I say and B.) I have established credibility with you through my commentary on economics, financial markets, the islamic political system and my spectacular taste in music. The fact that I am unapologetic to the point of intransigence is a point of attraction – something so rarely seen in this post-Christian, effeminate culture, that you just can’t help but look. Virility is now a spectacle.  Christian virility is almost incomprehensible.

Many of you feign disgust at what I say, almost to a man, because of what I say about sexual morality.  How many of you read me and then turn around and hedge and call me nuts because of what I say about contraception being always and everywhere a mortal sin? Given my demographics, I know that most of you probably contracepted for almost all if not your entire married lives.  You HAVE to call me “nuts” in order to hedge the contraception paradigm, don’t you?

Or because I believe in the clear words of Jesus Christ that divorce and remarriage is adultery? How many of you are on your second or third “marriage”?  If I’m not “crazy”, then you are in deep shit, right?  Or how many of you have kids who are divorced and “remarried”?  If I’m not “batshit”, then you and your kids are in deep shit.  Or that all sexual activity outside of marriage is fornication?  How many of you have kids that are shacking up? I HAVE to be nuts, or else your kids are deep, deep shit, right?  And you will have failed them, at least partially, as their parents.  Or that all aberrosexual behavior is sodomy? If I’m not “cray-cray”, then your gay son/grandson/nephew or dyke daughter/granddaughter/niece is in shit up to their eyebrows.

Or how about the fact that I openly believe and profess that outside of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, founded by God Incarnate Himself, that there is no salvation?  It’s SO NOT DONE. Believing that there is ONE Truth? One TRUE RELIGION?  How sick is that?

Or that I actually believe that at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass the little disc of bread and splash of wine truly, physically, substantially becomes the literal Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of God? And then I eat Him.

Except you just keep coming back, because you know that I am not the same as a musloid or Mormon or Branch Davidian or Scientologist – no matter how much you wish that I were. No matter how much you wish I were crazy, deep down, you know that I’m NOT crazy, but actually sane – albeit in a flamboyant way. Flamboyant Sanity.  That would make a good name for a band.

Whatever.  Whatever gets you to think about God, His death on the Cross for our sins, and your eternal fate – heaven for eternity or hell for eternity.  If I have to make a spectacle of myself – a FOOL, if you will – then so be it.  If this culture is so far gone that simply BELIEVING WHAT YOU BELIEVE constitutes a spectacle, and a secret attraction, hey man, so much the easier.  I find it incredibly easy to say what I actually believe and know to be true.

Too bad some other people don’t.

St. John the Baptist, pray for us.

Starting Friday Off Right: Feast of St. GrumpyCat Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


“They please the world most, who please Christ least.”
-St. Jerome

My Favorite Part of the "Debate" Was When Hillary Starting Chewing on the Turnbuckle

Presidential Debate 2016


George “The Animal” Steele as Hillary Rodham Clinton

Captain Lou Albano as Huma Abedin, Hillary’s Manager

Randy “Macho Man” Savage as Donald J. Trump

Miss Elizabeth as Melania Trump

My favorite part was at 4:23 when Hillary started chewing on the turnbuckle.

“It’s real right?  It’s totally real.  They aren’t faking that.  It’s totally real. You can’t fake that….”

Dear Ann, So Why Would A Musloid Brotherhood Operative Marry the World's Most Repulsive Jew?

While I’m in ‘Splainin’ Mode™, folks seem thrown by the whole Huma Abedin (high-level Musloid Brotherhood operative and Hillary Clinton’s long-term lesbian concubine, and soon-to-be y’all’s 21st century, post-American Edith Wilson) being fake-married to the world’s most repellant, disgusting, embodying-every-negative-stereotype-both-just-and-unjust Jew, Anthony “Carlos Danger” “T-Dog” Weiner.

Okay.  The whole Abedin-Weiner marriage was a scam from the get-go. Weiner is what is called a “beard”.  A “beard” is the fake spouse of a sex pervert (of either sex) looking to cover their sodomitical ways.  Now, what we have with Abedin and Weiner is a SECONDARY “beard” dynamic, namely the covering of Abedin’s status as a Musloid Brotherhood operative.  When Abedin went from being the concubine of not just the First Lady and “co-president” of the U.S., to being the concubine and top consigliere (think Tom Hagen, folks) of a U.S. Senator, then Secretary of State, then anointed next “president of the united states”, she needed cover, and quick.  She needed cover for her sodomitical relationship with Hillary Clinton AND cover for her Musloid Brotherhood position. Huma Abedin needed to marry a Jew. Two birds, one stone.

Enter Carlos Danger.

The Clintons and Abedin reckoned that if Abedin married the biggest negative-stereotypical Jew on the surface of the earth, and presumably bred with him (check), that if anyone dared question Abedin’s agenda vis-a-vis the islamic political system, she could point to her “husband”, Anthony Weiner, and say, “Look, I married and had a child with the single most repellant Jew on the surface of this or any other planet.  Do you really think I’m a musloid extremist?” And this would work in perpetuity, even when Abedin divorced Weiner (which was pretty much a foregone conclusion.)  Even now, even with Weiner being exposed as a super-perv, Abedin can still now and forevermore point to her fake “marriage” to Weiner to prove that she isn’t “that kind of musloid”.

Oh, and by the way, you know who “officiated” at the Abedin-Weiner wedding, don’t you?

William. Jefferson. Clinton.

Uh huh.  Are you getting it now?

I am reminded of the case of a mildly famous priest who carried on with a politically-connected female concubine and fathered a child with said woman. When it was time to baptize the child, it was decided that the best way to cover their tracks would be to have the priest-babydaddy BAPTIZE HIS OWN SON – precisely because everyone would say, “There is no possible way that these people would be so depraved, so breathtakingly manipulative, calculating and psychopathic, as to have the priest-babydaddy baptize his own child.  No one could possibly use the Sacraments of the Church to cover their sacrilegious fornication. No one could possibly be that evil. Therefore, the priest simply can’t be the father.”

And that’s EXACTLY why it was decided that priest-babydaddy should baptize his own son. Because when people descend into Diabolical Narcissistic evil, most especially sacrilegious fornication, it becomes a dead-sprint towards hell. Cross reference: Luther, Martin (heterosexual) and Montini, Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria (homosexual).

Guys, when Our Blessed Lord said, “Behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves,” He really, really wasn’t kidding.

Huma Abedin married Anthony Weiner precisely because it would give cover for her true agenda as a Musloid Brotherhood infiltrator/operative.

Like I've Screeched, It Is All Kabuki Theater, Racketeering, Invoicing and Cross-Invoicing

So here’s a little I TOLD YOU SO post.  Remember how I have been screeching in my nasally, twangy shrieking harpy voice for YEARS that all of these elections are 100% fake racketeering operations designed to bleed money from gullible people in the form of “political donations” (this is the small money – donations of $1000 and under), and from the so-called “donor class”, who fully understand that they are buying into a “pay-to-play” system?

Remember that?  Here.  Here’s an example.  This is from December of ARSH 2012.  The bit germane to this concept begins at the 18:58 mark, which I think I have it cued-up to:

Now this bit of reportage – albeit just a TOUCH late – on exactly what I have been talking about for years – the invoicing and cross-invoicing to enrich friends, family, and thus the “candidate” himself.  Read the whole thing HERE.

David Brock has 7 non-profits, 3 Super PACs, one 527-committee, one LLC, one joint fundraising committee, and one unregistered solicitor crammed into his office in Washington DC.

Uncovered records expose a constant flow of money between these organizations.

The Bonner Group, his professional solicitor, works off a commission. Every time money gets passed around, Bonner receives a 12.5% cut.

Nonprofits are required to disclose who they give cash grants to.

But they aren’t required to disclose who gave them cash grants.

This weak system of one way verification is being abused by Brock. He’s been cycling money between his organizations for years, and the Bonner Group’s 12.5% commission gets triggered after every pass.

Say, for example, you donate $1,062,857 to Media Matters for America. This is how David Brock would have used your charitable donation in 2014:

1.Media Matters would receive your $1,062,857 donation

•The Bonner Group would earn a $132,857 commission
•Media Matters would retain $930,000

2. Next, Media Matters would give what’s left of your entire donation, $930,000, to the Franklin Education Forum

•The Bonner Group would ‘earn’ a $116,250 commission
•The Franklin Education Forum would retain $813,750

3. The Franklin Education Forum would then forward the remaining $813,750 to The Franklin Forum

•The Bonner Group would ‘earn’ a $101,718 commission
•The Franklin Forum would retain $712,031

In the end, Brock’s solicitor would have pocketed $350,825, almost a third of your initial donation! That’s a far cry from the advertised 12.5% commission.

As bizarre as that scenario may sound, this is exactly what David Brock did in 2014.

And then, tying the concept of the abject fraud of the contemporary western political and electoral matrix to our continuing study of Diabolical Narcissism and its derivative – sexual perversion – we get this shocking – SHOCKING bit of info:

Brock’s former long-time live-in boyfriend William Grey (whom Brock has thanked in several of his books) threatened to go to the IRS with damaging information about how Brock was running his Media Matters empire. What did Brock do? He paid Grey $850,000 to keep quiet. Brock reportedly had to sell his home in Rehoboth, Delaware to come up with the money. This certainly seems to indicate that Brock was terrified about what the authorities would uncover.”

Adding to this, Fox News reported the following:

“Grey accused Brock of “financial malfeasance” and threatened to undermine Brock’s fundraising efforts.

“Next step is I contact all your donors and the IRS,” Grey wrote in an email dated May 19, 2010. “This is going to stink for you if you do not resolve this now.”

Wow.  I’m shocked – SHOCKED! – to learn that filthy sodomites would have anything to do with money laundering and racketeering organizations, much less RUNNING such a scheme.  Why, it’s almost as if THEY DON”T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT ANYONE EXCEPT THEMSELVES. Why, it’s almost as if THEY ARE DEVOID OF HUMAN EMPATHY.

It is almost enough to make one think that maybe – just maybe – sexual perversion and criminal activity are, like, correlated, or something.  And that maybe we should not only judge people for their sexual sins and crimes, but use people’s sex lives to inform ourselves about their fitness for participation in a civil, Christian society. Funny how this stuff is revealed to be all connected, here at the end, isn’t it?

On the left, a sodomite of the lesbian variety; on the right, a hyper-promiscuous sex-addict and serial rapist.

On the left, a sodomite of the lesbian variety; on the right, a hyper-promiscuous sex-addict and serial rapist.

Starting Thursday Off Right: Black Saints Matter Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


Meet St. Maurice, or Mauritius. You need to know ALL about him. St. Maurice was the leader of the elite Roman Theban Legion headquartered in Egypt. The Theban Legion was comprised of 6,666 men, who all converted, with their commander Maurice, to Christianity en masse late in the Third Century. Emperor Maximian ordered the Theban Legion from Egypt to France in order to put down a peasant revolt.

When the Theban Legion arrived in France, Maximian ordered them to start persecuting Christians. The Theban Legion, led by Maurice, REFUSED TO OBEY MAXIMIAN’S ORDERS. Ahem. Cough.

Maximian ordered a decimation of the Theban Legion as punishment. The actual meaning of the word “decimation” means to kill one out of every ten men. After Maximian’s men had killed every tenth Theban, Maximian again issued orders for the Thebans to persecute Christians. Under Maurice’s virile, manful, authoritative and inspiring leadership, the Theban Legion stood firm and still refused Maximian’s orders, even though it meant certain death. Ahem. Cough.

Maximian ordered the entire remaining Theban Legion killed to the last man in what is now present-day St. Maurice-en-Valais, Switzerland.

Now, look at the picture above. St. Maurice is the soldier the middle in full battle armor, manfully grasping his ASSAULT WEAPON as he consults with St. Erasmus, on the left.

St. Maurice was a black African. He wasn’t a north African. He was a sub-Saharan black man.

St. Maurice was HUGE in the Church, and was THE patron saint of the Holy Roman Emperors. In fact, the Holy Roman Emperors knelt and were anointed before the altar of St. Maurice at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The Austro-Hungarian emperors used St. Maurice’s spurs and sword (assault weapon) as an integral part of their coronation rite until 1916.

St. Maurice, pray for us, and especially for all servicemen who find themselves today serving under a psychopathic tyrannical oligarchy bent on the persecution of Christians. Ahem. Cough. Amen.

No Grain In The Silo

If Bergoglio had another brain… it would be lonely.

You can’t make this stuff up.  You truly can’t.  Here’s today’s bit of wizdumb from Antipope Bergoglio:

Judging and condemning a brother that sins is wrong.”

-Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Antipope, Probable False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, and the guy who totally farts in the car and then turns up the volume on the radio to cover up the smell.
Wednesday, September 21, ARSH 2016



Barnhardt on Trump: New Ann Interview with Jim Sinclair's MineSet

Jim Sinclair and Bill Holter ask me about Trump and the Kabuki theatrics surrounding the faux-elections in the former U.S. beginning at the 32:30 mark. The segment before that is on markets (both metals and cattle), rule of law, and monetary theory.  The final segment is on the islamic political system qua political system.

The Jim Sinclair’s MineSet Post in full is HERE.

Remember, folks, FRONT ROW OF THE “WEDDING”. Where the dead parents would have sat.