Yearly Archives: 2016


(This was originally penned and posted for Memorial Day ARSH 2012, and was quite popular, and it makes a perfect post for today as all manner of pictures of Guards at the Tomb of the Unknowns during the blizzard are making the rounds, and is extremely timely given the renewed hostility toward and war against liturgical solemnity, masculinity and beauty by the infiltrators of the Church. If you love the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, well-offered in the Venerable Gregorian Rite, or in the Rite of St. John Chrysostom (Byzantine) – ANY beautiful, licit, august, venerable and pious rite, and you want to explain WHY to an American, this essay has proven extremely effective.)


Those are the words engraved on the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery. Here is a video of the Changing of the Guard.

I think we can all agree that the Tomb of the Unknowns, the 24/7 guarding of the Tomb, and the intense precision of the ceremonial rubrics therein is one of the most excellent things in American culture. The old saying goes, “You may judge a nation by how it treats its fallen warriors.” In an otherwise degraded and despair-inducing society, the Tomb of the Unknowns is a beacon of cultural light and hope.

The Tomb of the Unknowns is also extremely instructive, and believe it or not, it instructs us about . . . the Mass. The reason the Tomb of the Unknowns instructs us today about the Mass is because the Tomb of the Unknowns rubrics are highly informed by the rubrics of the Mass, which were themselves informed by military rubrics, which were informed by even older liturgical rubrics. Military ceremonials and the Ceremonials of the Church are intertwined. Only since the Asteroid hit in the 1960s has the masculinity and, if I may use the term, militant aesthetic been utterly purged, in an attempt by the infiltrators to destroy the Chuch Militant from within by concealing its very nature from itself – MILITANCY. And so I am reminded of a quote I once heard:

It is important for Christians to know their own history, because if you know your own history, no one else can tell you who you are.

And that is precisely what has happened, and continues to happen. The enemies and infiltrators desperately want all knowledge of WHO and WHAT the Church truly is suppressed and forgotten so that they can lyingly “tell you who you are”. And if you have no knowledge of your own history, you will have no way to discern what is truth and what is lies, and you can thus be conned into believing that you are what you are not, and deceived into believing that you are not what you in actuality are.

For those of you who have never seen a pre-1969 Tridentine Mass and are used to the clownish, degraded, irreverent Novus Ordo Masses of the last 45 years, or of Superfun Rockband church, I hope the sense of reverent awe and solemnity you feel when watching the ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns helps you understand what exactly it is that has been robbed from you.

After watching the ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns above, I want you to imagine the guards walking about casually, maybe wearing a partial uniform jacket, but with jeans and sandals. Imagine the guards walking out and introducing themselves, “Hi, my name is Lieutenant Jones, but you can call me Lieutenant Jake, or just Jake.” Then the guard might say something like, “Isn’t it a beautiful day today? It sure was rainy yesterday. I had to wear a rain jacket. I’m so glad you all could make it to my shift today. I’m going to be guarding the tomb for the next few hours, and I know that it can sure get BOOOORING! That’s why I have asked a local band to come in and play some awesome new music for you guys, because I want this to be A FUN EXPERIENCE for all of us!”

If this happened, you would be shocked and disgusted, right? Do you understand that what I have just described is a watered-down comparison of what has happened to the Holy and August Sacrifice of the Mass? The Mass went from being even more reverent than the rubrics of the Tomb Guard to what I just described above – and many times even worse than what I described above. And this happened for many people within a span of several WEEKS in late 1969 into early 1970.

Let’s walk through some of the many parallels.

The soldiers are in full dress uniform, meticulously turned-out and maintained. They are not in combat gear that soldiers would use to walk a patrol in Afghanistan. The Tomb guards are doing something DIFFERENT, and thus their uniforms reflect that. Really, what the ceremonies surrounding the Tomb are is the highest form of ART. It is living ART, not consisting of a mere two-dimensional representation, not consisting of inanimate objects, but ART consisting of human beings in action. The uniforms, the gait, the precise rubrics, words, gestures and movements – these all combine into a perpetual work of art that not only moves and inspires the people who witness it, but also accomplishes the goal of making tangible a RESPECT for and a REMEMBRANCE of all of the fallen unknown soldiers. The Tomb Guards walk their patrol whether anyone is there to see them do it or not. It isn’t a show. It is a service. It is a liturgy.

It isn't all about him. For real men, it never is.

It isn’t all about him. For real men, it never is.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is exactly what I just described, except that the Mass is the most perfect artistic action in the universe because the Mass is the artistic creation of God Himself. The Mass is SUPERNATURAL ART. The Holy Spirit taught the Church the Mass. The Mass is art that is so perfect that it actually causes something SUPERNATURAL to happen – it causes Heaven and Earth to touch, it causes time to be bent such that the moment of “now” touches and intersects with the moment of Calvary 1981 years ago, and it causes bread and wine to be transubstantiated into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, made PHYSICALLY SUBSTANTIALLY PRESENT. Man calls down God, and God, in His infinite love, responds and fully submits in complete love, making Himself present on the Altar both at the moment of His death, and in His resurrection, so that He may go into us not only spiritually but also physically as Food.

-In the Tridentine Mass, the priest observes “custody of the eyes”, never looking around and NEVER looking out at the people. Like the guards, priests are supposed to keep their eyes on exactly what they are doing without distraction. The Guards at the Tomb wear mirrored sunglasses to block out all eye contact. Priests are supposed to keep their eyes DOWN or CLOSED, with a couple of exceptions such as just before the consecration when they are to look up to Heaven. This is like the Guards’ rubric of looking from side-to-side very deliberately when inspecting the rifle and the relieving officer. Did you catch that?

-Priests are also supposed to walk with a very deliberate gait – slow, measured and reverent in exactly the same way the Tomb Guards walk in a slow, deliberate, reverent gait.

-Priests are only supposed to say very specific words – no improvisation, no modifications. The Guards are the same way. They have a very strict announcement that they make at the changing, and they have very strict words that they say when telling people to be quiet and observe reverent silence (there is a YouTube video of that happening, look it up.) There is no chatting or extemporaneous speech. In the Church, the command is “Say the black, do the red,” in reference to the layout of the Roman Missal with the words of prayer in black and the instructions for the intensely precise rubrics, down to every gesture, in red.

-I would analogize the exaggerated heel-clicking movement that the Guards do to the genuflecting of the Priest (and servers, and laity, ahem) to the rubric of ALWAYS genuflecting to the right knee EACH AND EVERY TIME the axis of the Tabernacle is crossed. In many Catholic Churches, the Tabernacle, which is the center of the Church – heck, it is the center of the universe – has been moved off to the side, or even hidden in a sacristy. Where a Tabernacle is present, Our Lord, physically present inside, is largely ignored. I have never seen a Novus Ordo priest consistently observe the loving rubric of genuflecting to the Tabernacle every time the plane is crossed. (I have learned since originally writing this that the General Instruction of the Roman Missal for the Novus Ordo Mass states that there are to be no genuflections to the Blessed Sacrament except by the priest at the consecrations. Sit in stillness with this for a moment. Do you see why I say that the Novus Ordo was conceived in malice by the infiltrators, and thus cannot be “fixed”?)

In fact, most Novus Ordo priests wander around the sanctuary with their backs turned to the Tabernacle while they put on their “performance.” This would be analogous to the Tomb of the Unknowns itself at Arlington being moved “out of the way” and instead a stage being erected upon which the Guards would perform. It makes you sick to think of that happening at Arlington – but that is largely what has happened to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

-There is even an analogue in the Changing of the Guard ceremony to the Consecration of the Host in the Mass. Did you hear it when you watched the video above? It comes at the 2:36 mark. A rifle is fired, its report thus commemorating the moment of death of the Unknowns. In the Mass, the moment of consecration and transubstantiation are the report of Christ’s words spoken by the priest:

(This is My Body.)

Finally, the words engraved on the Tomb of the Unknowns:


This is analogous to the words of the Mass:

(Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world.)

In the Mass, Christ is obviously alive, physically substantially present in the Eucharist, veiled under the mere appearance of bread and wine. At the Tomb, the Unknowns remain dead – only their memory, veiled in anonymity, is honored. There is absolutely NOTHING supernatural about the Tomb of the Unknowns. Let me say that again: There is absolutely NOTHING supernatural about the Tomb of the Unknowns. It is most excellent, to be sure, but it is not a supernatural thing.

The point is this: if we all know and understand and FEEL the power of the excellent, excellent ceremonial rubrics of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, if we understand the power of “living art”, and we understand how important the concepts of reverence, solemnity, precision, dignity and beauty in movement and action are in the context of the Tomb, why, oh why, do we continue to tolerate the lack of reverence, the lack of solemnity, the absence of liturgical precision and dignity and the resulting UGLINESS that has been unleashed on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is not just a mere memorial of Calvary, but is Calvary Itself, made supernaturally present, and Our Resurrected Lord physically substantially present?

The Tomb of the Unknowns merits the excellent, beautiful, solemn, reverent, disciplined ceremony of the Guards.

Our Lord, Crucified, Risen and physically substantially present to us deserves INFINITELY MORE excellence, beauty, solemnity, reverence, discipline and dignity in His Mass.

Demand it. Now.

Storytime: When our lord and savior Pope Francis Bergoglio Threw a Raging Fit So Bad They Had to Clear Out the Luxury Hotel He Lives In….

So, you’ve totally heard the reportage on the time, during the last Sin-nod Against the Family, the early evening of Monday, October 12, ARSH 2015 that our lord and savior Jorge Bergoglio threw a massive, raging fit after being told of the letter sent to him by 13 Cardinals expressing their concerns about the format and goings-on at the Synod?

No?  You didn’t hear about that? You mean the press in the English speaking world suppressed this? Almost as if the press – the FREEMASONIC ATHEIST GLOBAL MEDIA JUGGERNAUT – wanted to protect the false image of Bergoglio as a “kindly old man” and not the raging diabolical narcissist thug that he is?


Well, let’s take care of that.

I am posting this because I have a contact in Rome who was told about it by a priest who WAS PHYSICALLY PRESENT IN THE DINING HALL AND HEARD IT WITH HIS OWN EARS.

Long-short, Bergoglio, when told about the 13 Cardinals’ letter immediately flew into a screaming rage, which dozens of people there present heard.  He was screaming, “If this is the case, they [the 13 cardinals] can leave. The Church does not need them. I will throw them all out!” And, repeatedly, “I’ll take their hats! I’ll take their hats!”, meaning, he would depose them, stripping them of the Cardinalcy. It was further reported that he was raging so hard that he “caught the vapors” and had a fake heart attack thing.  (No, that’s not queeny at all.  Nooo….)

Here’s the link to the Italian reportage – one of many.  It was all over the Italian press.


Bergoglio’s raging was so loud and so violent that the Swiss Guards CLEARED THE DINING HALL, including the priest that related/confirmed all of this to my contact in Rome.  This incident is now COMMON KNOWLEDGE in Rome – too many people eye/earwitnessed it for it not to get around.  And, it was widely reported in the Italian press, but, as I said, it was buried and suppressed in the English-speaking world.

Now, ask yourself, if Pope Benedict XVI, flawed as he was, but still, you know, a ROMAN CATHOLIC, had so much as raised his voice beyond a whisper, the entire planet would have been saturated with breathless reportage of “former Nazi” Ratzinger blah, blah, blah….

In Bergoglio, we have a genuine, full-blown diabolical narcissist tyrant THUG squatting on the See of Peter, throwing screaming rage fits and NOT. A. WORD.

You know why? Because Bergoglio is systematically destroying the Church as an institution, AND driving countless human souls into hell with his humanistic, narcissistic, nihilistic heresy.  He is doing exactly what the prince of this world, satan, and his Freemasonic, New World Order toadies want.  Priests all over the world are reporting that not only are people NOT returning to the Church, NOT returning to the sacraments, some that do come are, in fact, coming into confessionals demanding that the priest apologize TO THEM ON BEHALF OF THE CHURCH for “judging” them – CITING POPE FRANCIS AND HIS PUTRID HERESIES EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Not only is Bergoglio NOT bringing anyone to the True Faith, he is spreading his own diabolical narcissism – and yes, diabolical narcissism is most definitely contagious.  Raging thugs beget raging thugs. Loveless, self-absorbed heretics beget more loveless, self-absorbed heretics.

So, wake up, Pollyanna.  Bergoglio’s “kindly old man” schtick is as phony as Bruce Jenner’s left tit.

our lord and savior, Jorge Bergoglio, is, quite simply, a complete asshole.

(Coincidentally, Steve Skojec over at OnePeterFive just posted a piece on this very topic…)

Starting Tuesday Off Right: King Saint Canute, Idolater and Divinator, Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

The death of Canute IV of Denmark in the Church of Saint Albanus (1086) ,Christian Albrecht von Benzon

The death of Canute IV of Denmark in the Church of Saint Albanus (1086) ,Christian Albrecht von Benzon

Meet King Saint Canute IV of Denmark.  He was an extremely pious and devout Roman Catholic king who was slaughtered by his enemies in ARSH 1086 while kneeling before the altar at the Holy and August Sacrifice of the Mass being offered in the Venerable Gregorian Rite – very, very close and certainly recognizable as the VERY SAME RITE OF THE MASS being offered for you, my benefactors, this very day.

Now, according to our lord and savior jorge bergoglio (I’m just going to refer to him as that from now on, all lower-case, because let’s face it – that is who Bergoglio thinks he is), King St. Canute totally had it coming – that is, being run through the abdomen with a lance which then shattered his sacrum – being an “idolater” and “divinator” for rigidly clinging to antiquated liturgical forms that were already centuries and centuries old.  And, I mean, LOOK at him.  Look at him smugly KNEELING with his hands in that ridiculous position of faux-piety.  Who did he think he was kidding? Obviously, no one who puts on such a show could ever have a tender encounter of merciful caresses with the god of surprises (and the god of surprises is, of course, our lord and savior jorge bergoglio, and the “surprises” are whatever our lord and savior jorge bergoglio wants.)


“What Catholics once were, we are.
If we are wrong, then Catholics through the ages have been wrong.

We are what you once were.
We believe what you once believed.

We worship as you once worshipped.
If we are wrong now, you were wrong then.
If you were right then, we are right now”.
-Robert DePiante

King St. Canute of Denmark, pray for Denmark, pray for Scandinavia, pray for Europe, pray for us.

Starting Monday Off Right: Saint Prisca, Executed for Being an Openly Pious Catholic Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

St. Peter baptizing Saint Prisca at Rome, Domenico Cresti (Il Passignano), Church of St. Prisca

St. Peter baptizing Saint Prisca at Rome, Domenico Cresti (Il Passignano), Church of St. Prisca, Aventine Hill

Prisca, who is also known as Priscilla, was a child martyr of the early Roman Church. Born to Christian parents of a noble family, Prisca was raised during the reign of the Roman emperor Claudius. While Claudius did not persecute Christians with the same fervor as other Roman emperors, Christians still did not practice their faith openly. In fact, Prisca’s parents went to great lengths to conceal their faith, and thus they were not suspected of being Christians.

Prisca, however, did not feel the need to take precaution. The young girl openly professed her dedication to Christ, and eventually, she was reported to the emperor….

After Bergoglio’s latest raging fit against Catholics who show any actual… CATHOLIC PIETY, going so far as to accuse Catholics who show Catholic piety of IDOLATRY AND DIVINATION, which are sins against the FIRST COMMANDMENT, when reading the martyrology of St. Prisca, a Roman girl who refused to HIDE HER CATHOLICISM, I couldn’t help but think, “Is it going to get to the point that Bergoglio actually tells the New World Order gestapos to come after us specifically? Is he going to hand them a list of fraternities, institutes, societies, monasteries and convents to arrest and ‘disappear’?”

As is textbook-typical of diabolical narcissists, Bergoglio “hates his own”, holds believing Catholics in utter contempt, and rages against them for not worshipping him and lending sufficient support to his Glorious Revolution.

Saint Prisca, pray for us.

And this is what I have to say to Bergoglio:

Cattlemen: As I Tried To Tell You, The Only Protection Is Equity

I taught my first Cornerstone Cattle Marketing Level 2 class in Guymon, Oklahoma something like five years ago now.  It was a spectacular group of people.  I recall being asked to discuss my thoughts on how the markets would develop (even though forecasting is a BIG no-no for a skilled marketer) with regards to the Obama regime’s economic warfare, specifically with regards to the collapse – would it be INFLATIONARY or DEFLATIONARY?

I created an entire module in the Level 2 curriculum which dealt explicitly with inflation and hyperinflation, going so far as to integrate problem sets in which the Dollar was no longer a unit of exchange.  I taught cattlemen how to trade the cash cattle markets with rounds of .223 and gallons of diesel as the baseline unit of value, in addition to using hyper-inflated prices – prices so inflated that they were completely disorienting, even to the most experienced cattle jock.  You know, like DOUBLING the price.  This module was so well-received and appreciated that I integrated it into my Level 1 curriculum, and recorded the second edition of my Level 1 DVD curriculum including the inflation module in March of ARSH 2011.

The Level 1 Cornerstone Cattle Marketing DVD set, second edition, is STILL AVAILABLE FOR SALE.  Email me for ordering instructions. They have changed.

I leaned then towards an INFLATIONARY event, because of the sheer enormity of the “money printing”, that is, debt creation, already well underway at that time.  We then discussed how a large deflation could possibly then follow, and my focus at that time was drilling into the guys (and gals) that when inflation comes, the WORST POSSIBLE THING ONE COULD DO would be to re-lever.  In other words, when inflation hits, CAPTURE THE EQUITY.  DO NOT EXPAND WITH LEVERAGE.  IF ONE HAD DEBT, USE THE WAVE OF INFLATION TO PAY DOWN OR COMPLETELY PAY OFF THE DEBT.  Then, if and when the markets deflate, the deflation will not be catastrophic.  Cash flows would continue, selling and buying back will continue, and, if the inflation was severe enough, the cattleman would be operating debt-free.

How many took my advice?  How many maintained the moral discipline to SHUN leverage, even when every “economist”, broker and agricultural loan officer was pressuring them day after day to “take advantage of the low interest rates and put that equity to work!”

Here is a 5 year continuation chart of Feeder Cattle futures, from January 2011 to today.  Please note that the price of feeder cattle in fact DOUBLED from $1.22 per pound in the spring of ARSH 2011 to $2.45 per pound in late ARSH 2014.  Then note the crash seen over the past six months.

Feeder Cattle Futures Nearby Continuation - 5 years

Feeder Cattle Futures Nearby Continuation – 5 years

Anyone who foolishly, greedily re-levered during the inflationary period, thus COMPLETELY NEGATING THE NATURAL INFLATIONARY HEDGE OF DEALING IN A CASH FOOD COMMODITY, is now in dire, dire, dire financial straits – even though prices today are what would have been RECORD HIGH LEVELS just TWENTY-FOUR MONTHS AGO.

Guys, this is why I BEGGED you – do you remember that I literally got down on my knees and BEGGED you – to stay open on the topside, CAPTURE EQUITY and PAY OFF DEBT in an inflationary event.  Delay ALL EXPANSION until it can be done on a 100% CASH basis.

Here is what I suspect the new normal will be until there is a total civilizational collapse.  I suspect that there will be a horrific, ever-more volatile cycle of hyper inflationary followed by deflationary events for raw commodities.  As West Texas Crude probes below $30 with talk of $10, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if a year from now crude has made new all-time highs or some such.  After which, if the world has not descended into full-blown hot war, there will be another orchestrated deflationary event, again, trying to squeeze someone, as the markets have now become a primary battlespace, driven by algorithms, funded by central banks – market players that can literally print their own money, and are thus impervious to margin calls and any cash delivery convergence. It’s all just a massive game of money-printing “chicken”, with the completely corrupt derivatives markets DRIVING the underlying cash markets.

Or as they say in Yorba Linda, “completely FUBAR.”

And if any commodity broker tries to tell you that the solution to all of this is “hedging on the Board”, just punch him as hard as you can right in the mouth.  For me.

I tried.  God knows I tried. I pray that some actually listened. Even if some did, I know it wasn’t enough to feed everyone.


Starting Friday Off Right: St. Maurus Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Lorenzo Monaco (c. 1370-1423), Coronation of the Virgin, predella: Saint Benedict & Saint Scholastica and Maurus Saving Placid

Lorenzo Monaco (c. 1370-1423), Coronation of the Virgin, predella: Saint Benedict & Saint Scholastica and Maurus Saving Placid, Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Today is the feast of Saints Maurus and Placid.  St. Maurus was St. Benedict’s first disciple. We see in the left half of the beautiful image above the instance wherein St. Benedict summoned St. Maurus and told him that his confrere, St. Placid, had fallen into the lake while fetching water, and was now about “the length of an arrowshot” away from the shore, drowning, and that St. Maurus should go save him.  St. Maurus took off running, ran out onto the surface of the lake, pulled St. Placid out of the water, hauled him back to shore – again, on the surface of the water the whole time. St. Maurus said afterward that he didn’t realize what he had done – namely walk on water – until after the fact. All he was thinking about was saving his friend per St. Benedict’s instruction.

He just did it.  He didn’t pull up at the water’s edge and stand there whining about how there was nothing he could do, and that he didn’t like swimming, and he couldn’t possibly be expected to go in the water, and maybe even risk his own life, and it was no use, and St. Placid should learn how to swim and save himself.  Nope.  He just did it.  And God provided a miracle – a miracle not seen since Our Lord walked with (a somewhat soggy) St. Peter on the Sea of Galilee.

Dear God, please let us be more like St. Maurus and just do what needs to be done, not pulling up at the shore and making whining, faithless excuses about why we can’t.

Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) is REALLY Ashamed of Jesus Christ

I mentioned the intentional covering of Bergoglio’s pectoral cross in the heretical and hateful-to-God video put out by FrancisChurch last week.  Just so you know that I’m not fantasizing about this stuff, check this out:

"See? I tucked it in so you wouldn't be offended by the sight of that bullshit. Pretty damn humble of me, eh?"

“See? I tucked it in so you wouldn’t be offended by the sight of any of that superstitous bullshit. Pretty damn humble of me, eh? So, are you a Traveling Man too?”

Guys, I keep trying to tell you, THEY DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE ANY OF IT.  Bergoglio is HIDING THE CROSS OF CHRIST for fear of “offending” this Jewish man with the Truth and Love of God. Bergoglio would sooner die than tell this Jewish man about Jesus Christ, the Messiah, The Way, The Truth and The Life, and His Holy Church, which is the New Temple and the True Israel.

And some of them, like Bergoglio I strongly suspect, are diabolical narcissists who have devalued God (as Lucifer did) and are now at war with Him (as Lucifer is).  The battlefield in all of this, my dear readers, is EVERY HUMAN SOUL. Including yours.  And Jorge Bergoglio is ON THE WRONG SIDE, and is SQUATTING LIKE A TOAD UPON THE SEE OF PETER.

To all of the people who keep saying that Francis is no big deal, and this too shall pass, I find your cavalier attitude toward the eternal souls of your fellow man who are being scandalized, driven away, and/or confirmed and ratified in MORTAL SIN by this man, human beings, a non-trivial number of which die every day, simply disgusting.

Yes, this too shall pass, but at what cost?  HOW. MANY. SOULS?

Satan and the demons are PROACTIVELY ENGAGED and interested in every human being.  They are intensely interested in each individual person, and realize the enormity of the loss of each individual person, given that The Second Person of the Godhead incarnated, suffered and died so that each INDIVIDUAL person would be redeemed, and perhaps saved.  

Satan and the demons understand that, and more importantly, believe it.  Too bad we don’t.  


Starting Thursday Off Right: fight! Fight! FIGHT! Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


“It is better that the truth be known than that scandal be covered up.”
St. Augustine

“Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them.”
Pope St. Felix III

“If the faith is in imminent peril, prelates ought to be accused by their subjects, even in public.”
St. Thomas Aquinas

“The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful.”
Pope St. Pius X




I offer the TLM (Traditional Latin Mass) publicly every weekday, with a few exceptions. I will commit to Tuesday mornings at 0830 EST.As you know, the Canon allows for ‘N and N’ at the Memento for the living, so I think it would be appropriate to name you and your benefactors each Tuesday.

I am committing to this because I have been given a mighty weapon in the war that is not against flesh and blood, and therefore I also have a grave responsibility to wield it in the day of battle. I am determined to stand my ground at the foot of Calvary and there – at the Altar – fight with Him, suffer with Him and die with Him (God helping me). Ann, the crucifixion approaches, and the perplexing desolation of Psalm 21 awaits the broken Body of Christ, especially every Alter Christus.

Note also that I am committing to offering the TLM for you and your benefactors in partial return for your having taught me to ‘put my elbows down’. You know, the one about… (Why Priests Can Only Ever Be Men).

“See” you next Tuesday.


So there you go.  Every Tuesday at 0830 Eastern, the Holy and August Sacrifice of the Mass in the Venerable Gregorian Rite will be offered for you, my Benefactors.

Elbows down.

Elbows down.

Starting Wednesday Off Right: Oh, Hilary! Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


“Now it is time to speak, the time for silence is past. We must expect Christ’s return, for the reign of Antichrist has begun. The shepherds must give the warning signals because the hirelings have fled. Let us lay down our lives for the sheep, for brigands have entered the fold and the roaring lion is rampaging about. Be ready for martyrdom! Satan himself is clothed as an angel of light.”

-St. Hilary of Poitiers, Doctor of the Church