Yearly Archives: 2016

Wherein I Comment On "Electoral Politics" – It's Professional Wrestling Without the Wrestling

Let us review The Barnhardt Axiom




The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office.

Okay.  Do you all understand that I’m not rooting for any of these psychopaths? I would make a joke here that the only thing I’m rooting for is casualties, but I think we are too close to actual bloodshed for that to be funny.  I see on Drudge right now that there is an anti-Trump traffic blockade in Phoenix.  Too bad no one saw or sees fit to do anything like that over the cult of child sacrifice or sodomy.

Day after day I see people – intelligent people – pulling their hair out trying to defend this or that candidate and trying to make sense of all of this, and I just shake my head.  I have been saying these things for years, but maybe NOW if I say them again, a few more people will “get it”.

I don’t support any candidate for President of the United States because THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NO LONGER EXISTS. The United States WAS a Constitutional Republic.  This monstrosity is in no way, shape or form a Republic, under the Constitution.  It is a straight-up oligarchy.  The country I was born in NO LONGER EXISTS.  And since I am a person who ACTUALLY BELIEVES WHAT SHE BELIEVES, when you ask me, “Who do you support for President?”, in order to be INTELLECTUALLY CONSISTENT, I can only respond with another question:


Further, as I have been screeching for going on eight years now, all of this political stuff, especially presidential politics, is totally, totally fake.  It is Kabuki Theater.  It is scripted theater designed to “entertain” and mollify the class of people whose IQs are 15-20 higher than the people watching Ballroom Dancing with Honey BooBoo or whatever the hell is on TeeVee these days. And to make enormous amounts of money for the oligarch players and their toadies.

It occurred to me a couple of days ago what it all is.  It’s EXACTLY the same business model as Professional Wrestling.  EXACTLY.

Thirty years ago when I was a kid, I used to watch WWF wrestling.  I remember the big stars of that period were Hulk Hogan, Randy “Macho Man” Savage, The Ultimate Warrior, Ravishing Rick Rude, The Honkey Tonk Man, Andre the Giant, etc.  I also remember that there were characters called “managers”.  Jimmy Hart, Mr. Fuji, The Million Dollar Man, Miss Elizabeth, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan.  There were also “color commentators”, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, Mean Gene Okerlund, Gorilla Monsoon, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan.

There was mobility between these classifiations, and commenters would become managers, and sometimes managers would wrestle, or at least physically involve themselves in the match.  Also, wrestlers would “change sides” and go from being a “heel” to being a good guy, and then back again – like Randy “Macho Man” Savage.

And it was all fake.  It was all scripted. It was pure entertainment for children and low-IQ adults.  In the adult category there were the adults who were smart enough to know it was fake, but enjoyed the spectacle and the soap-operaesque storylines.  Then there were the adults who were so stupid that they truly believed it was real.  And there were a BUNCH of those.  I remember one of the Wrestlemanias filled the Pontiac Superdome.  And I remember the reportage on how much money the then-nascent Pay-Per-View paradigm would rake in for the WWF as people would pay fifty bucks to watch Wrestlemania live on Pay-Per-View.  It was a massively lucrative business model.

You all need to understand that the Professional Wrestling model that I just described is precisely what this Presidential campaign crap is.  Why don’t I comment on it?  Because it is fake, scripted and choreographed. I’d sooner write commentary and analysis on Professional Wrestling.  Hey man, Andre the Giant was cool to let Hulk Hogan bodyslam him and win the “match” because he made hella money either way.  Vince McMahon came up with the storyline for Andre the Giant to turn “heel” and there was a huge buildup between him and Hogan, and then it culminated in Wrestlemania 4 or whatever, and everyone got a percent of the take.

Donald Trump had Hillary Clinton sit in the front row of his most recent “wedding” – in the place of honor where his dead parents would have sat.

Ted Cruz’ wife is a Goldman Sachs executive, and as Karl Denninger reported just recently, Cruz got massive sweetheart loans FROM GOLDMAN SACHS to finance his campaign.  Ted Cruz also appears onstage with the most vile kind of faux-Christian charlatans, of which his own father is one, preaching some truly satanic “gospel of prosperity” shit, and claiming that God has spoken to them about Cruz’ “anointing”.  Yeah, it’s funny how when God was talking to these jackals, He didn’t say a word about how maybe Ted Cruz’ wife shouldn’t be taking a paycheck from nor Ted himself getting sweetheart loans from THE VAMPIRE SQUID.

Nope.  Not a word.  Hmmmmmm.

Oh, and as an aside, but for the record, let me explain something about “speaking in tongues”.  Speaking in Tongues is NOT babbling and then claiming that one has just spoken in a long-extinct language.  No, that’s called CARNIVAL BARKER BULLSHIT.  Speaking in tongues is one of two things.  It is either when a person speaks to another person or people in a language they do not know.  For example, if I went to China, and miraculously started speaking to Chinese people in perfect, unaccented Mandarin Chinese, presumably so that I could tell them about Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, THAT would be speaking in tongues.  The other form is if I got up in front of a group of people from all over the world, and while I perceived myself to be speaking naturally in English, every person there heard me IN THEIR OWN MOTHER TONGUE.  Again, babbling in an “extinct language” that no one understands (because it is actually just gibberish) is NOT the gift of the Holy Spirit of speaking in tongues.  It is CARNIVAL BARKER BULLSHIT, and it really, really pisses me off.

So here’s a YouTube of a WWF wresting show from the 80s.  I was struck by the similarity of the “news desk” set that Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon sit behind, with their fake, scripted antagonism and bickering (they were actually extremely close friends offstage).  And then there are the segments where the Candidate, er, excuse me, Wrestler delivers a monologue, and then there are the debates, er, excuse me, I mean MATCHES, which are, again, 100% scripted and choreographed.  I look at this and I think, “My gosh, they have templated all of this political entertainment off of the Pro Wresting model.”

Trump and Clinton are almost certainly in cahoots and wrote this script long ago, I suspect.  Trump is going to make a cool couple of billion off of this, and probably doesn’t want anything to do with playing the role of “POTUS”.  The White House is a shitheap compared to Mar-a-Lago.   And, for those of you who actually believe that Trump is going to actually build a wall across the border, or do ANYTHING that he is talking about, I just don’t know what to say.  The guy is a total hack who has used Bankruptcy as a tool, and would have made more money if he had taken his nine-figure inheritance and plowed it into an S&P Index fund and never touched it.  He is a showman and a carney.  IF he becomes fake “president” of whatever you want to call this Godforsaken “Criminal Gang”, as St. Augustine so aptly put it, you’re going to start hearing a lot about “The Art of the Deal”, and how compromise is ESSENTIAL – in other words, how all that stuff he duped all of you with is simply “impossible”.  How can you not see this?  This is faker than the fake “two count” pins that the wrestlers and “referee” would do in the ring.

And back to Cruz, Lindsey Graham is now fundraising for Cruz. What does THAT tell you?

It is all fake, just like Professional Wrestling, except the consequences are deathly, deathly serious, and it is these fake-ass conartists that you all are looking to to protect you from THIS, which I can assure you are very, very real. If you refuse to acknowledge those things in this world that are real, and instead embrace as real the things that are pure fabrications for your entertainment and mollification, well, you will do this without my company or participation. I’d sooner write commentary on Randy “Macho Man” Savage and Hulk Hogan.

NOT professional wrestling.

NOT professional wrestling.


Starting Saturday Off Right: Saint Joseph Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

st joseph

O St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the Throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. O St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord; so that having engaged here below your Heavenly power I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers. O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press him in my name and kiss His fine Head for me, and ask Him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen.

Starting Friday Off Right: Kingdoms Without Justice Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


You shall not steal. You shall not lie, neither shall any man deceive his neighbour. Thou shalt not swear falsely by My name, nor profane the name of thy God. I Am the Lord. Thou shalt not calumniate thy neighbour, nor oppress him by violence. The wages of him that hath been hired by thee shall not abide with thee until the morning.  Thou shalt not speak evil of the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind: but thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, because I Am the Lord.  Thou shalt not do that which is unjust, nor judge unjustly. Respect not the person of the poor, nor honour the countenance of the mighty. But judge thy neighbour according to justice.
Leviticus 19: 11-15

“Kingdoms without justice are but criminal gangs.”
St. Augustine, City of God

Starting Thursday Off Right: Something To Look Forward To Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

I'm like a Chrysler.  Good parts, poorly assembled.

I’m like a Chrysler. Good parts, poorly assembled.

If Our Lord were to appear at my door, and I wasn’t instantly cast into eternal hellfire, after all of the pleasantries and offering Him something to eat (have you noticed in scripture how Our Lord, especially post-resurrection, is always opening conversations with, “J’all got anthang t’eat?”

Anyway, the first thing I would ask Him wouldn’t be about the secrets of the universe or any deep theological questions of anything like that.  Nope.  I’d ask Him if He could PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE fix my back.

So there is a tiny but very nice (and cheap – two bucks per day!) gym here, and there are very cool and chill gentlemen that work out there who are always happy to spot a sister benching or squatting without any sleazy shenanigans, so I joined and started back up lifting.  And Mister Sacrum and his friends the Lumbar Muscle Gang are NOT ON BOARD WITH THE PROJECT.  Mister Pelvis is wicked torqued, and as any of you who have low back problems know, when the lumbar muscles go into spasm and Mister Pelvis is torqued, life grinds to a near halt. Standing hurts.  Sitting hurts. Kneeling hurts.  Lying down hurts.  Curling up in the fetal position hurts.  But, as I have had occasion to study lumbar-pelvic anatomy since my sacrum fused at age 17 and my low back promptly “ate its pigs” to use one of my favorite euphemisms, it truly is a full-blown miracle that we can walk at all.  The musculo-skeletal complexity of the human pelvis is, I think, a stand-alone proofset of Intelligent Design.

So, as we approach Palm Sunday, if you have a spare moment and have said all of your other prayers, if you could please put in a word with The Divine Chiropractor for my poorly assembled lumbar-sacral-pelvic juncture, I would be much obliged.  Also, St. Gemma Galgani is the main patron saint of back problems and headaches. She had spinal tuberculosis.  St. Lawrence is also a go-to on back issues.

And remember, even though I sometimes don’t make a post on Tuesdays, the Holy and August Sacrifice of the Mass in the Venerable Gregorian Rite is offered at 0830 Eastern Time each and every Tuesday for my benefactors, past, present and future.

It's All Happening: "They shall cast their silver into the streets…"

Here is a man offering a 100 ounce bar of pure silver to people on the street IN FRONT OF A COIN SHOP for one dollar, then fifty cents, then twenty-five cents per ounce, then for effectively zero (offers to trade for one woman’s sunglasses) … and none of them have the least interest, EVEN AFTER BEING TOLD HOW MUCH IT IS WORTH, AND THAT THE COIN SHOP WOULD PAY THEM AT LEAST $1500 for the 100 ounce bar, cash on the barrelhead.

I highly recommend reading Ezekiel chapter 7 in full, but verse 19, “They shall cast their silver into the streets,” seems to be upon us.


Ann's Latest at The Remnant: Fr. Longenecker's FUNDAMENTAL Problem

Alternate title:  “Priest in Turtleneck Sweater Tries to Gaslight Ann; Fails Miserably”.

Alternate title: “I Dunno, What Do You FEEEEEEL the Reciprocal of 2 Is?”

Alternate title: “Sordid Confessions of a Mathematical Fundamentalist”

Do consider either subscribing or doing a straight-up donation to The Remnant.  Good people.  Fightin’ the good fight.


Diabolical Narcissism: SCANDAL, PART 1

I received many emails about the Gaslighting piece in the “Oh, so THAT’S what that person was doing to me…” vein.  Many people have experienced this in the workplace, which is not surprising.  A few recognized it in clergy and prelates – again, not surprising.  MANY recognized it in politicians.

“So, when these politicians get caught in baldfaced lies and even criminal activity, and seem to ENJOY the fact that they get away with it time after time, casting anyone who dares to even bring these things up as either “nuts” or simply bad people, you’re saying THAT is gaslighting?”

Um, yeah.  That’s EXACTLY what I’m saying.  The media today is, for all intents and purposes, one giant gaslighting operation.  Marginalize as “crazy”, or outright character assassinate anyone who doesn’t fall into mindless lockstep with the Washington DC – New World Order oligarchical machine.

The foundational point and hope I have in writing these essays (and the video, which is done but still being edited) is on the micro level – to help people who have, are, or will be around Diabolical Narcissists to recognize and understand what is going on precisely so that the topic of today’s post does NOT come into play – and that is SCANDAL.

Official definitions:

Respect for the souls of others:

Scandal is an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. The person who gives scandal becomes his neighbor’s tempter. He damages virtue and integrity; he may even draw his brother into spiritual death. Scandal is a grave offense if by deed or omission another is deliberately led into a grave offense.

The Catechism classifies scandal under the fifth commandment (Thou shalt not kill) and defines it as “an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil”. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus stated, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” 

The Church considers it a serious crime to cause another’s faith, hope and love to be weakened, especially if it is done to young people and the perpetrator is a person of authority such as a parent, teacher or priest.

This is such a massive topic, it is difficult to pare down.  However, what I want to focus on are the words in red above:  it a serious crime to cause another’s faith, hope and love to be weakened, and specifically on the micro, interpersonal level.  The next essay will be on public scandal.

This is what Diabolical Narcissists do, they “kill” souls (hence the Fifth Commandment categorization) and why I am bothering with this series at all.  This is how Diabolical Narcissists are “Hell’s Mercenaries”.  Diabolical Narcissists, whether they believe in God or not, whether they believe in satan and hell or not, whether they believe in right or wrong, or even in the concepts of faith and hope, or in love, attack other human beings such that their target loses either partially or completely their own faith, hope and/or love.

This is a nuanced point.  Any person with even the tiniest sliver of faith, hope and/or love in their soul CAN BE SCANDALIZED.  A person does not have to be a devout Catholic to be scandalized.  Any time a human being, as the result of another person’s attitude or behavior, has faith, hope or love driven out of them, regardless of where the starting point was, scandal has occurred.  The target is farther from God after the scandal than they were before.

Think about it this way: satan and the demons cannot be scandalized.  They are already utterly devoid of love, they are completely faithless, and they have no hope because they know that their choice to reject God is irreversible.  They will never, ever see God.  You can’t make a demon more demonic.  Likewise, DNs are very hard to scandalize.  Have you ever asked yourself why it is that so much truly evil behavior in this day and age goes either uncontested or actively defended?  Why is it that people today just shrug things off that which would have spurred mass civil disobedience and protest within living memory?  Why is it that behavior that would have disqualified people from decent society just a few decades ago is now considered positively de rigueur?  Do you think it might have something to do with the ever-increasing concentration of DNs in our society, especially among the young?  Hmmmm….

DNs aren’t scandalized because if a given DN is almost completely purged of love, he is almost entirely gone as a human being – there is little to no love present to drive out.  Do you think that is a harsh thing for me to say?  Well, have you been to a wedding lately?  Ever heard St. Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 13 – the most common scripture reading at weddings?

If I speak with the tongues of men, and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.  — 1 Corinthians 13: 1-2

I find this to be one of the most utterly terrifying passages in scripture.  This is God Almighty, Existence Itself (I AM WHO AM), telling us that if we are devoid of love (charity), then we are NOTHING. Not that we are merely bad, but that we are NOTHING. Nihil sum. God can work with bad.  Not even God can work with “nothing”.  The fact that this “nothing person” is specifically described as a polyglot with encyclopedic knowledge and faith adds additional layers of terror.  This passage is speaking directly to and warning about Diabolical Narcissists – people who freely choose to purge themselves of love.

There are multiple ways that scandal can be caused.  I suppose the most common way that people consider is when someone does something evil and gets away with it, thus convincing those around them that the evil action wasn’t really so evil, and even that others should do it too.  This would seem to be the primary tactic with regards to children – specifically with regards to sins of the flesh.

But what I want to focus on is the little-discussed, but perhaps more common species of scandal, especially with regards to Diabolical Narcissists and their targets: disappointment that leads to despair. Put another way, DNs scandalize their targets by causing them to simply give up… on love.  All love, not just romantic love.  We’re talking brotherly love for other human beings, and even the love of God.

When a DN finds a target, grooms them, and then lays into them, the targets often report a “soul-crushing” disappointment.  We aren’t talking about disappointment in the sense of “Baskin-Robbins didn’t have Jamoca Almond Fudge last night.”  We are talking about disappointment so intense that it causes a person to despair, lose their faith, or simply throw up their hands and say, “Screw it.  From now on, I don’t give a crap about other people.  I’m just going to live for myself in the moment and do whatever makes me feel good, because nothing matters anyway.”  If you are thinking to yourself that politics and current events in the Church  make you feel this way, we will discuss that dynamic in the next essay.

Whenever a person says, “Screw it…” like this, a new Diabolical Narcissist is born.  And the main vector of this transformation was not an actual demon.  It was a human being.  In fact, the vast, vast majority of the “dirty work”, that is the actual crushing of human souls, is done by human beings.  Why?  Because believe it or not, human beings are much, much more effective at actually driving other people into despair and spiritual death.  Consider this: what if, right now, an actual demon manifested in front of you.  You could see it, in all of its hideousness, with your own eyes just as clearly as you are seeing these words on your screen.  Now, what if this demon, hideous and repulsive, starting berating you.  “LOOK AT YOU! I hate you! I can’t stand you! You’re stupid! You make me sick! You’re a terrible person! F*** YOU!”

Well, I reckon most people would NOT have their soul crushed to know that a demon hates them, right?  You’d have to be one massively insecure piece of work to be all broken up because a denizen of hell didn’t hold you in high esteem.  I mean, dude, it’s a demon.  Of course it hates you. Duh.  That is its nature.  To be hated by a demon is no cause for offense.  Heck, if a demon DIDN’T hate you, that would be cause for serious concern, right?

Now, consider the same scenario, except it isn’t a demon hissing and spitting those words at you, but rather your mother, your father, your spouse, your fiancee, your teacher, your boss, your priest or your friend.  THAT packs a punch no demon can ever, ever deliver.  Only human beings can wound each other like this.  Many, many people have been driven to despair in this way.  Many people have, as a misguided attempt at self-defense from situations like this, freely chosen to purge their own souls of love.  And then, as St. Paul said, they too become “nothing”. And satan and the demons squeal with delight – another soul to join their ranks in hell, never to see God.

And so, as strangely awful as it may seem, if you are still capable of being disappointed by other people’s terrible behavior, this is actually a good thing.  Diabolical Narcissists don’t mourn.  Mourning requires love.  Diabolical Narcissists don’t hunger and thirst for righteousness – they are indifferent, which is the opposite of charity.  After all, Our Blessed Lord and Savior, during His Agony in the Garden, and throughout His Sorrowful Passion, was (and is) disappointed by us.  Terribly, terribly disappointed.  What He is NOT, is scandalized.  The infinite ocean of His love for us is not reduced by one drop by all of our sins.  Never for one second did Our Lord think, “Man, I just give up on you people…”

This is what is meant by the statement, “There is nothing we can do to cause God to stop loving us.” Even if we choose to hate Him and reject Him completely and thus choose hell and eternal separation, even then, He will still love us.  We are called to do the same with each other.  We should strive to be just like Him.  Be disappointed, by all means.  But do not let yourself be scandalized (she preached to herself).  Because, as St. Francis de Sales said below:

“…those who take scandal- who allow scandals to destroy faith- are guilty of spiritual suicide.”

In the next piece we will discuss Scandal on the macro, public level, with special emphasis on DN politicians and Pope Francis Bergoglio, and tie it all back in with gaslighting.  (I’ll give you a hint… “Who are you to judge?”)

Disappointed, yes. Scandalized, no.

Disappointed, yes. Scandalized, no.

Starting Friday Off Right: Scandal Edition 2

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


“Those who commit these types of scandals are guilty of the spiritual equivalent of murder. While those who give scandal are guilty of the spiritual equivalent of murder, those who take scandal- who allow scandals to destroy faith- are guilty of spiritual suicide.”

–St. Francis de Sales

Starting Wednesday Off Right: Scandal Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


The following picture used to fill me with such happiness and fond memories.  Now it makes me sick, and my happy memories are all poisoned.  I am scandalized.  Woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh.


But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of scandals. For it must needs be that scandals come: but nevertheless woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh
-Matthew 18: 6-7



Diabolical Narcissism: GASLIGHTING

To review, a Diabolical Narcissist is a person who has freely chosen, exactly as the fallen angels (satan and the demons) did, to purge themselves of all charity and are thus voluntarily incapable of love or empathy, and whose entire emotional palate is thus limited to anger, hatred, jealousy and fear. Diabolical Narcissists are often of above-average or even genius-level intelligence, are usually accomplished in their fields, and can be desperately charming.  They are also inveterate and facile liars, and almost all aberrosexuals (homosexuals, asexuals, transvestites, pedophiles, etc.) are Diabolical Narcissists.  Diabolical Narcissists are vampiric and hold special malice for people who are loving, happy, grateful and empathetic – which is why children are often their targets. Diabolical Narcissists identify targets whom they then “hunt”, with the intent of crushing the target such that the target is likewise purged of all charity.  And the wheels of the bus go ’round and ’round. Their sole motivation, like the demons, is pure, unadulterated spite.

The term “Gaslighting” comes from a play, later made into a film in ARSH 1944 starring Ingrid Bergman, called “Gaslight” about a woman whose husband attempts to convince her and those around them that she is insane. Gaslighting, as we will see, is a near omnipresent tactic of Diabolical Narcissists, and is tied closely to the grave sin of scandal – one of the most overlooked sins of our day, and that is saying something indeed. The next essay in this series will be on Scandal.

The formal definition of gaslighting is as follows:

“a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity…Sociopaths frequently use gaslighting tactics. Sociopaths consistently transgress social mores, break laws, and exploit others, but typically, are also charming and convincing liars who consistently deny wrongdoing. Thus, some who have been victimized by sociopaths may doubt their perceptions.”

In short, gaslighting is the Diabolical Narcissist playing the “you’re crazy” card, almost always in response to the Diabolical Narcissist being confronted about or called on their malignant behavior. This can range from the relatively subtle, passive-aggressive (sometimes referred to as “ambient abuse”), such as a DN giving someone the cold shoulder or silent treatment, up to tyrant oligarchs or popes accusing their victims/political enemies of being mentally unstable. Accusations of insanity and imprisonment of political enemies in “mental hospitals” has been a favored tactic of Marxists in particular over the past century.

In the micro context, say between a DN husband and wife, a friendship between a DN and a normal person, or a workplace relationship between a DN and co-worker (subordinate or not), the DN, after identifying and grooming his target, will then turn on them suddenly with extreme passive-aggression, most commonly beginning with the silent treatment. When finally confronted by the concerned and confused target, the DN will DENY ANY WRONGDOING.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation.”
“This is all some fantasy inside your head.”
“You’re crazy.”

Depending on the strength or weakness of the target, and the context, this cycle can go on for years or even decades.

Oftentimes, the DN will then begin a campaign amongst the family, friends or colleagues of his victim trying to convince them of the “irrationality” of his victim’s concerns, that his victim is “detached from reality”. This is where the DN really gets to flex his charm, and as we have discussed previously, the DN oftentimes derives more narcissistic satisfaction from the “getting away with it”, in this case the manipulation and “winning over” of the surrounding group, be it the couple’s children, the shared social circle, or co-workers.  With politicians this “manipulating the group” and “getting away with it” is played out on a national or global scale.

When the DN is ready and is sure he can get away with it, he will escalate the level and openness of the abusive behavior to something like shouting obscenities at his target in a public place, or at home in front of witnesses. Or, as a random example, spewing heresy on a near-daily basis.  Now here is where it gets interesting.

Now that others have eyewitnessed the DN’s narcissistic rage, the DN pivots his gaslighting tactics. The DN now insists that the fact that the target was hurt, upset or offended by the DN’s actions IS ITSELF THE PROOF THAT THE TARGET IS MENTALLY IMPAIRED. This is where they play the “crazy” card.

Remember, DNs are obsessed with the projection of their false self, a diabolical grandiose persona that they themselves create in order to convince themselves that they are perfect, separate, above, without peer, and that the rules simply do not apply to them. Therefore, the DN believes himself incapable of wrongdoing or sin, and if confronted with his or her own wrongdoing or sin, the immediate “damage control” response is to impugn the very sanity of anyone who would dare question his behavior. After all, if the DN was made to scream obscenities at the target in public, the target must have REALLY had it coming, and in a sense should be grateful to the DN for putting up with them at all, right?

This is how these people think. This is how nearly every single politician today thinks. These people truly believe that you, the lowly vermin, should be GRATEFUL TO THEM when they look you in the eye and lie to you, rob you blind, or even kill your children, because they tolerate your existence… for now. And if you aren’t grateful? If you dare ask questions or challenge them? Well, you’re clearly insane, should be mandatorily tested for “depression”, and obviously should not be permitted anywhere near a firearm….

Remember, you should be GRATEFUL when your betters lie to your face, because it means that they tolerate your existence... for now.

Remember, you should be GRATEFUL when your betters lie to your face, because it means that they tolerate your existence… for now.

Tragically, I’ll bet we can all think of micro-examples of people we have known or are related to who have been in truly abusive situations or relationships like this. And even though I am using the masculine pronoun to refer to the DN, we all know of DN females who rage at their targets, oftentimes their husbands, children or workplace subordinates.  Female politicians are especially notorious for such hideous behavior towards underlings.

In the case of submissive male targets of female DNs, there is a vulgar descriptor for these men:  p****whipped. And as the Marxist doctrine of feminism, which is simply the inculcation of girls and women into Diabolical Narcissism, creates more and more female DNs, the number of effeminate, *whipped men as a percentage of the post-Christian, post-western populace has now gone parabolic.

"He does what I TELL him to do."

“He does what I TELL HIM to do.”

A prime example of a Diabolical Narcissist using accusations of mental instability against his enemies is Antipope Bergoglio. Here is what he said recently about priests and seminarians who are devout and pious Catholics:

“There are often young men who are psychologically unstable without knowing it and who look for strong structures to support them. For some it is the police or the army but for others it is the clergy,” the pope said. However, the pope said he personally finds it worrisome when a priest takes pride in being extremely devout. “When a youngster is too rigid, too fundamentalist, I don’t feel confident (about him). Behind it there is something he himself does not understand. Keep your eyes open!”

Sadly, DNs are often extremely successful in this as they have a tendency to pick as targets of their narcissistic rage and malice weak but kindhearted personalities who will capitulate to their manipulations. If you should happen to watch the movie “Gaslight” after reading this, you will see that Ingrid Bergman’s character folds like a cheap shirt – almost unbelievably fast, which is a main critique of the screenplay. But, on occasion, a DN will come up against a person who is solidly grounded in Reality, and thus cannot be gaslighted in this way. When this happens, the DN transitions to his final tactic: impugning the character of his target.

Again, the Diabolical Narcissist MUST maintain his false facade of perfection, therefore if he turns on someone and the “crazy” gambit simply doesn’t play, he MUST be morally justified in having done so – the target MUST be an evil person.

As you may have noticed, this is the post-western, post-Christian, “social justice warrior” mentality. If you have a problem with your eight year old child being taught about anal sodomy in school, YOU ARE AN EVIL PERSON.  If you have a problem with unborn children being slaughtered and their body parts traded on the open market – YOU ARE AN EVIL PERSON.  If you do not fully capitulate to the fiction of “global warming” – YOU ARE AN EVIL PERSON. If you have a problem with your nation being conquered by musloids – YOU ARE AN EVIL PERSON.

If you actually believe what the Catholic Church has believed and taught infallibly for 2000 years – YOU ARE AN EVIL PERSON.

Think of O.J. standing over Nicole’s almost-decapitated body, saying, “Bitch, you made me kill you.”

Or, for a more timely example, think of Antipope Bergoglio, standing over the almost-decapitated body of Holy Mother Church saying, “Christians who obstinately maintain ‘it’s always been done this way,’ this is the path, this is the street—they sin: the sin of divination. It’s as if they went about by guessing: ‘What has been said and what doesn’t change is what’s important; what I hear—from myself and my closed heart—more than the Word of the Lord.’ Obstinacy is also the sin of idolatry: the Christian who is obstinate sins! The sin of idolatry.”

This is a very, very simplistic primer and introduction to the concept of gaslighting, but I think it is enough for you to start identifying and calling out these dynamics, especially when you see them from politicians and tyrants like Antipope Bergoglio. Also, perhaps there will be some of you who recognize this behavior in your own lives, both past and present.

Remember, the basics of gaslighting are:

  1. DN abusing target in order to gain diabolical satisfaction (spite)
  2. DN accusing target of being crazy for objecting to or being hurt by DN
  3. DN character assassinating target who refuses to acquiesce to DN (secondary diabolical satisfaction in “getting away with it”)

The next Diabolical Narcissism essay will be about Scandal, which is often a direct corollary to gaslighting, and is directly responsible for countless human souls being lost to hell. Diabolical Narcissists truly are Hell’s Mercenaries….