Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Today is the feast of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Just a few thoughts after Mass this morning, the Feast of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
A. A mercy that springs forth from the wild and often detrimental technological progress curve of the past 100 years is the confirmation of all manner of things regarding Our Lord and His Holy Church. Specifically today I am reminded of the fact that science has now confirmed that in all of the Eucharistic miracles which have been confirmed as genuine and involved a Consecrated Host turning fleshy, the Flesh in every instance, upon testing, is from a human male, blood type AB, and the flesh is ENDOCARDIUM, that is, INTERIOR HEART WALL.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is not a syrupy platitude. It is a physical reality, and moreover, it is a physical reality present at every valid Mass. The Eucharist literally, physically IS the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
B. The Gradual of the Mass for the Feast of The Sacred Heart is from Psalm 24: 8-9
“The Lord is sweet and righteous: therefore He will give a Law to sinners in the way. He will guide the mild in judgment: He will teach the meek His ways.”
If you have watched the big Diabolical Narcissism video, you will probably remember the “three rules for things you NEVER say to a DN”. They are:
- Never tell a DN that you love them. This makes you a target for soul murder (that is, scandalize you unto spiritual death and ultimately damnation).
- Never tell a DN what makes you happy or what you are grateful for. They will take away these things as part of their campaign to murder your soul.
- Never tell a DN that they have hurt you. They will use your confirmation of the success of their tactics to hurt you again, and to hurt you harder the next time.
Now, going back to the Psalm verse above, we are reminded of what The Law – that which Jorge Bergoglio rails against constantly – actually is. Read this over and over again until you get it:
The Law is God Almighty telling us what actions of ours HURT HIM AND WOUND HIS SACRED HEART.
The Law is God basically pleading with us to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE NOT do these certain things, because these things break His Heart, and all He wants is to love us and be loved by us. So, in order for the relationship to work, we need to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE NOT do these specific things, and if we do, we need to stop doing them, repent, confess, and be contrite.
Think about this in terms of relationships between men. Doesn’t it make sense that if someone – friend, family member, spouse, coworker, even a stranger on the street, is doing something to hurt us, we want to TELL THEM so that they will understand the gravity and consequence of their actions and STOP so that we can continue the relationship in peace, whether that peace is the peace between spouses or the peace between strangers on the street?
But more importantly, any MORALLY SANE PERSON, that is, a person who is NOT a Diabolical Narcissist/Sociopath/Psychopath WANTS TO KNOW if something they are doing is hurting, much less murdering the soul, of another person SO THAT THEY CAN STOP DOING IT. When the person is someone that we love, how much more do we want to tell them, “Please, please, please don’t do X, because you hurt me profoundly when you do X.”
Do not confuse this for the Social Justice Warrior “triggering” and “micro-aggression” nonsense. The presumption here is normal, human sanity. (How sad that I have to even state this….)
Psycho-spiritually sane people do NOT prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Diabolical Narcissists do. Remember, exactly like demons, they invert everything.
So God, knowing everything, and being pure, infinite LOVE, “breaks” the three rules above, and does it knowing exactly what He is in for in doing so. This is why the image of The Sacred Heart is oftentimes Jesus, literally holding his Heart in His hand, offering it to us, showing it to us, completely exposing it to us. It is total, complete, infinite vulnerability.

“Here. Take it.”
- He tells us that He loves us. Over and over and over again. And, He is, without question, the most hated thing in the universe. Men hate God precisely because God loves them.
- He tells us what makes Him happy, what He wants from us, both in terms of worship, and in terms of The Law, namely: Love Him above all else, Love our neighbors for love of Him, and spread the Gospel to all men and nations.
- He tells us what hurts Him. These are the “Thou shalt nots”….
Looking at this list, it is no surprise whatsoever that Bergoglio, the Alpha DN infiltrators, and the massive Beta DN caste, all despise solemn, reverent, God-centered liturgy; they rail against The Law and “Lovers of the Law”; and they rail against proselytization. Bergoglio has called proselytization “solemn nonsense”, has told people explicitly NOT to convert and enter the One True Church, and just recently compared The Great Commission to islamic jihad. Finally, everything Bergoglio and his toadies have done to date has had as its goal the disregarding or overriding of The Law. He is at war with the Rule of Law – GOD’S LAW. Marriage, confession, reception of Holy Communion, holy orders is coming next (deaconettes and priestly celibacy), and on and on.
If this does not constitute being at war with God, then I have no idea what does.
And yet, Christ, all-knowing, all-understanding, and pure, infinite love for each and every person, told us exactly how we can hurt Him, because if He didn’t tell us how we can hurt Him, neither would we know, by definition, how to Love Him.
And apparently, to Him it was and is worth it.
This is why The Law and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are inextricably connected.
Hate one, and you hate the other. Period.
Happy feast. Be assured of my prayers. I hope this helps.