Yearly Archives: 2016

Starting Monday Off Right: St. Anthony Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Saint Anthony of Padua with the Infant Christ, by Guercino, ARSH 1656, Bologna,

Saint Anthony of Padua with the Infant Christ, by Guercino, ARSH 1656, Bologna

Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak. We are full of words but empty of action, and therefore are cursed by the Lord since He Himself cursed the fig tree when He found no fruit but only leaves.
-St. Anthony of Padua

When Bad People Get Murdered By Other Bad People, It Doesn't Make Them Good, It Makes Them Dead.

Oh, satan is one wily chess player.

Pitting the musloids against the sodomites (but I repeat myself…) – wait let me make a precision: Pitting the musloids against the western sodomites is already bearing hellish fruit. (N.P.I.)

Look folks, when bad people get murdered by other bad people, it doesn’t make them suddenly good.  It makes them DEAD.

The 50 killed in that SODOMITE NIGHT CLUB, unless they fully repented of ALL of their sins and died contrite for for what they were ENTHUSIASTICALLY EMBRACING AND PRACTICING just seconds before, died in unrepentant mortal sin.  While certainly possible, the odds are LONG, to put it mildly.

Their fates were locked-in at the moment of death.  The fact that they were murdered by musloids DOES NOT REHABILITATE THEM or DISPENSE THEM FROM THEIR SIN in any way. The ultimate tragedy is that there are now 50 more people who no longer have any chance to repent of their sins, to avail themselves of God’s Holy Church, the Sacrament of Penance, and to die in a state of grace, in friendship with Christ. 50 people have faced Jesus Christ in their particular judgment, having died enthusiastically enjoying a SODOMITE NIGHT CLUB.  Tremble and quake at the thought – it is horrifying.

Canonizing these people, painting them as martyrs, is EXACTLY what satan wants.  Because if active, enthusiastic, unrepentant SODOMITES are martyr-saints, then the entire notion of sin and judgment is completely bled of all meaning, as is the entire notion of true martyrdom.  True martyrs are people who die witnessing to the truth of Jesus Christ and His Holy Church. Period.  These people died literally witnessing to SODOMY.  Heck, for that matter, if everyone who is murdered gets to go to heaven, then isn’t the murderer actually doing the people he kills a favor by, according to this logic, “absolving” them of their sins and guaranteeing them the Beatific Vision?

Do you see how when we stray, even a little, from the true teaching of The Church and start building logical truth tables upon FALSE PREMISES, we end up careening down into the pit within just a couple of corollary steps?

And the next thing you know sodomites are heroic saints, and murder is an act of charity.

And satan squeals, “Checkmate!”

#TOLDYA The Damned All Hate Each Other

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

Don’t let let anyone tell you that the musloids, faggots, dykes and fag hags in that gay disco in Orlando were “heroes” or “martyrs”.  They were, as previously discussed here, denizens of hell on earth who got shot by another denizen of hell on earth. The only difference is that it was possible, in those final moments, that the baptized among them could have repented and made Acts of Contrition before being slaughtered.  But, let’s be frank, they were all so young as to have been raised in the Novus Ordo, if in The Church at all, and thus almost certainly had no sorrow for their sin, much less knowledge of how to make an Act of Contrition and die well.

Acknowledge this for what it is: a foretaste of hell  – the damned hating the damned. No “good guys.” No “martyrs”. Just pure Godless, loveless evil.


Don’t go there.

Starting Saturday Off Right: Burned Alive Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Half of the 19 Yazidi Girls being taken to be burned alive.

Half of the 19 Yazidi Girls being taken to be burned alive.

I was corresponding with someone about the 19 Yazidi Girls who were burned alive in Mosul a few days ago.  They refused to be sex slaves, and were thus gruesomely executed.

Here is another reason why it is very, very salutary to think long and hard about hell, what it is like, and how long it will last – which is to say, ETERNITY.

I will consider it a great favor if I die in the coming war quickly – say in an explosion, or being shot in the head, or even in the body and bleeding out.  What I SUSPECT will happen is that I will end up captured, and will then be tortured and raped for some period of time.  Maybe days.  Maybe weeks.  Maybe years.  Maybe decades.  Plenty of people were held for decades in Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean gulags, and in dungeons in Romania and Southeast Asia.  It is possible.

If one thinks about hell now, if one ends up in such a situation, be it something like the 19 Yazidi girls suffered, burning alive, or long-term imprisonment, torture and rape, if one has spent a good long time thinking about hell and eternity, it will strengthen and fortify one to realize that there is nothing – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING – that any human torturer can do, no matter how utterly diabolical they may be, that will last for all eternity.  It will be over, at some point.  It will finish. It WILL stop.

Where you go after the minutes, hours, days, weeks, years or decades of torture you may have to suffer on this earth are over is FOREVER and will NEVER, EVER END.

So, as long as you are on this earth, no matter what happens, just remind yourself, “This WILL be over soon. This WILL NOT go on forever. This is NOT my eternal fate. This WILL pass. I can make it.”

And if you are able to see your death coming, try to die telling God that you are truly sorry for all of your sins foremost because they hurt and offended Him, and secondarily because you don’t want to go to hell.

Letter From a Priest: "I Saw Her Damned Face…."

Dear Ann,

Thanks for your latest post (on hell).

A similar thought recently occurred to me.  Not long ago I found myself in need of some extra courage to tell a parishioner of mine that she had to stop receiving Holy Communion due to her adulterous second-marriage.  I know something like this should be a no-brainer.  But the temptation to cowardice this time was particularly strong.  Then I saw it.  I saw what you described in your post.  I saw her damned face.  By the grace of God there was imprinted deeply onto my imagination her damned face staring back at me.  With all her sorrow.  With all her contempt for my cowardice.  With her regret for her adultery.  With her disgust for the bad advice she received from previous priests.  I saw her damned sad face.  I imagined the hell of staring at her face for all eternity.  And I said, ‘hell no.’  Hell if I’m going to stare at her like that for all eternity with her in hell.  It was a grace that pushed me over the top to tell her what she needed to hear, and what I needed to say.  Thanks be to God she’s since been docile and has shown healthy signs of moving in the right direction.

Keep on posting.


Fr. D

Starting Friday Off Right: Severe Charity Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Expulsion of the Money-changers from the Temple, Giotto, ARSH 1306, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

Expulsion of the Money-changers from the Temple, Giotto, ARSH 1306, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

Our charity is untruthful because it is not severe; and it is unpersuasive because it is not truthful.”
-Fr. Frederick William Faber

Look at the expression Giotto has put on Our Lord’s face above.  “Severe” is putting it mildly.

One Of The Best Things You Can Do For Yourself & Others Is Think About and Preach Hell

I have been reading some meditations on Hell by Venerable Luis de la Puente. I have found them to be most helpful, and if I may, I would like to explain some of them to you in the hopes that it will help you and yours.

Hell, as with heaven, has been depicted in such a way as to make it seem banal.  What is your conception of hell right now before you read this?  Fire? Burning? Demons poking you with sticks? Complete solitude? Sadness? Boredom? Nothingness? Annihilation?

Oh, it is so very, very much worse than any of that.

First, if you end up damned, you will hate with an ever-increasing hatred and rage EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. You will hate everyone else that is in hell with you, and you will hate everyone on earth (as long as it lasts), and you will hate everyone and everything in Heaven, including all people, angels and God Himself.

And everyone in hell will hate you with the same ever-growing hatred, and will express it to you forever.

Let’s hone in on this.  Do you have children or grandchildren?  Beloved nieces and nephews?  If you end up in hell, you will be in proximity to your damned family members, and they will hate you and curse you for all eternity.  They will blame you for NOT HELPING THEM AVOID HELL.  And you will hate them right back.  You will curse and despise them, because damned souls, having rejected God, who is Love, have therefore rejected love and are thus incapable of anything other than anger, hatred, jealousy and fear.  There is no love in hell.  Zero.

So, think about your children, or grandchildren, or nieces and nephews.  Think about how much you love them right now, and how inconceivable it is that you could ever hate them.  If you go to hell, and they also go to hell, you will spend all eternity hating them, and they you.

You should be utterly terrified by the very thought, and you should be now, as we speak, figuring out how to avoid this – by any means necessary.  NOTHING in this would could possibly, possibly be more important than this.

Now, let’s say that you make it to heaven, but your children are lost to hell.  You will spend all of eternity rejoicing in God’s Perfect Justice, and thus rejoicing in the damnation of your children.  Now stop and think about your children and how much you love them right now.  Think about the sheer terror of ever, ever rejoicing in their eternal damnation.  And yes, it is completely and entirely appropriate to be, right now, terrified at the thought of this, even though it is God’s Perfect Justice, precisely because the question is still open.

Just because God, being outside of time and omniscient, already knows the fate of every soul DOES NOT mean that we aren’t all free to choose.  God knows what you are going to eat for dinner tomorrow night, but you will still be completely free to choose what you have for dinner.  God knows what you will freely choose simply because He can see the entire timeline simultaneously.  Likewise He knows our eternal fates now, but we are still free to make those choices and thus form the timeline. He knew from all eternity that you would read this essay, right now.  He also knows how you will react to it, by your own free choice. So, it is entirely appropriate for you, right now, to be horrified and the prospect of rejoicing in the damnation of your children, because it is precisely in that horror that you might freely choose to do anything and everything in your power to keep your children from being lost to hell while the both of you still live.

Let’s take the example of two people who are fornicating with each other.  And to make it as confrontational as possible, let’s make it between a heterosexual couple: two normal, attractive single people – a totally straight man and a completely straight woman – who “love each other” and have sex.  After all, we are being saturated in relativism, and we are ALL tempted to believe that male-female fornication is “no big deal” or “not nearly as bad” as the freak show of perversion and sodomy that we see all day every day now.

If our “happy couple” die in the mortal sin of their fornication, both will go to hell, and will be in close proximity to each other, and will spend all of eternity hating and cursing each other for leading each other to hell.  Oh, and by the way, this goes for people in the adulterous “marriages” that Bergoglio is so desperately trying to convince them are not sinful.

“But, but, but…” you might say, “…they don’t hate each other now. They LOVE each other now!”

First, they sure as hell won’t love each other when they are both in hell, will they? Not only will they hate each other, but instead of being a consolation, they will be a torment to each other – because there are absolutely no consolations in hell.  None.

Second, do two people, no matter how happy, normal and benign, who are FORNICATING really love each other?  Really?  REALLY?  The answer is no.  If they really loved each other, they wouldn’t BE ABLE to fornicate with each other, because the thought of causing or cooperating in mortal sin with the other person would be completely off the table, that is, morally impossible.  Yeah, we sure throw the word “love” around, don’t we?

Oh, and the damned will be in close proximity to ALL of the people that they have fornicated with who also end up damned.  And all of their family members and friends who are also damned.  And all of the damned will curse each other for not helping them avoid damnation, or for actively tempting, scandalizing and encouraging them in their sin.

Now, if one of our fornicators repents and dies in friendship with Christ – let’s say the guy – but the girl does not, then the guy will spend all eternity rejoicing in her damnation. Are you fornicating? Do you have even the slightest shred of care for the person you are fornicating with? Then what you need to do is think about rejoicing in their damnation.  Imagine you (the guy) make it to heaven, and they (the girl) don’t.  Look into their eyes, and imagine rejoicing at their damnation. And keep thinking about it until your erection goes away. (And same idea for the females, of course.)

Which brings us to priests and clergy.  For those that end up damned, they will be eternally hated, cursed and tormented by all of the souls that they failed.  And the damned priests and clergy will hate their flock right back.  For. All. Eternity.

Which brings us to Jorge Bergoglio.

Can you imagine… CAN. YOU. IMAGINE what hell will be like for him if he doesn’t repent of all of this and revert to Catholicism? I have been praying for his repentance and reversion all along, but I’m REALLY feeling it now after reading these meditations on hell.

Additionally, it occurred to me in all of this that those instances in our lives in which we have been hated and attacked, most especially by people that we love, even by Diabolical Narcissists, are really a merciful opportunity for us to experience a foretaste of hell, and be scared to death by it. I have seen DNs, consumed with anger, hatred, jealousy and fear, bare their teeth, contort their otherwise resplendent countenances, and RAGE, hurling the most vile obscenities with the intent of inflicting as much pain and torment as possible.  I have seen the face of human damnation, and I never want to see it again, or become that myself.

Have you ever been hissed, cursed and raged at by a friend, spouse, parent, child, coworker, priest?  Do you remember how horrible that felt?  Well, that is what hell will be like, except infinitely and ever-increasingly worse and for all eternity – because yes, infinity can increase. And you will be just as monstrous, hissing and cursing just like them if you end up damned too.

So think about these realities, and then do anything and everything you possibly can to help yourself, those you love, those you hate, and other people in general to NOT GO TO HELL, because it is far, far, far worse than anything any of us can now imagine.

If after reading and thinking about what you have just read here, if you still genuinely do not care if other people go to heaven or hell, and still genuinely feel that other people are “not my circus, not my monkeys”, then may I suggest that you visit THIS PAGE.

I know I say this a lot, but I REALLY, REALLY hope this helps.

Follow-up on Debt Forgiveness Post

No, those 9000 folks on the list that the TeeVee guy bought are NOT now saddled with a tax bill because he forgave their debt.  Here is a great piece from Forbes which goes into more detail on the TeeVee guy’s action.

Bottom line, because the medical debt would have been deductible, it would not generate “income” on the other side.  The key quote is this, but do read the whole thing.

But if you were listening closely to Oliver’s explanation of the process, he added that the debt would be forgiven “with no tax consequences” to the debtor.

How can that be?

The answer is found in Section 108, a provision that offers a host of exclusions to the general rule that the forgiveness of debt generates taxable income. Hidden among the more well-known exception for bankrupt or insolvent taxpayers, or the forgiveness of a mortgage on a principal residence, is subsection 108(e)(2), which provides that “no income shall be realized from the discharge of indebtedness to the extent that payment of the liability would have given rise to a deduction.”

Another point about this situation.  The scam on the part of the debt collectors is even worse than imagined.  In this case, not only were they NOT telling the debtors their true cost basis on their debt, nor telling them that the originator of the debt was totally out of the picture and thus ALL funds would go to the debt collection agency, it turns out that this particular debt package from Texas was “OUT-OF-STATUTE”, which means that it was too old to be collectible by law.  So, it had already been wiped, in a sense, by law.

That is why the market for this class of debt is less than $0.01 cent on the dollar.  The market for “in statute” debt is higher, like $0.05 on the dollar.

Not only do these collection vultures try to collect on debts that are legally wiped, they gain access to people’s identities, including Social Security Numbers, and then harass and intimidate them, sometimes “turning their life upside down”.  What a truly, truly evil business.

Let’s apply what we have learned about Diabolical Narcissism to this paradigm.  What kind of people do you suppose WORK FOR SUCH COMPANIES? What kind of people do you suppose take a job calling, harassing and intimidating people, trying to collect debts, purchased for less than one cent on the dollar, that are legally uncollectible? What kind of person would take a job in which MENDACITY (lying) is the foundational premise?

You bet.  This is textbook BETA DIABOLICAL NARCISSIST territory.  Remember, the “Beta” goes with “Bureaucracy”.  The depraved souls that set up such companies are probably ALPHA DNs.

And finally, why would ANYONE be paying taxes to the Washington DC regime anyway?

Starting Thursday Off Right: Lonely Heart Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


Today is the Feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, a recurring theme of late around here.  Here is a beautiful prayer to the Eucharistic Heart.  It is most moving, and edifying.


Prayer to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus,
gracious companion of our exile,
I adore Thee.

Eucharistic Heart of Jesus,
lonely Heart,
humiliated Heart,
abandoned Heart,
forgotten Heart,
despised Heart,
outraged Heart,
Heart ignored by men,
Heart which loves our own hearts;
Heart pleading for our love,
Heart so patient in waiting for us,
Heart so eager to listen to our prayers,
Heart so anxious for our requests,
Heart, unending source of new graces,
Heart so silent, yet desiring to speak to souls,
Heart, welcome refuge of the hidden life,
Heart, teacher of the secrets of union with God,
Heart of Him Who sleeps but watches always,
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Jesus Victim, I desire to comfort Thee;
I unite myself to Thee;
I offer myself in union with Thee.

I regard myself as nothing in Thy Presence.
I long to forget myself in order to think only of Thee,
to be despised and forgotten for love of Thee.
I have no desire to be understood or loved by anyone but Thee.

I will keep silent in order to listen to Thee,
and I will abandon myself in order to lose myself in Thee.

Grant that I may thus satisfy Thy thirst for my salvation,
Thy burning thirst for my holiness,
and that once purified I may give Thee a sincere and pure love.
I am anxious not to tire Thee further with waiting:
take me, I hand myself over to Thee.
I give Thee all my actions,
my mind to be enlightened,
my heart to be directed,
my will to be stabilized,
my wretchedness to be relieved,
my soul and body to be nourished by Thee.

Eucharistic Heart of my Savior,
Whose Blood is the life of my soul,
may I myself cease to live and Thou alone live in me.

American Consumer Debt Market: $0.004 on the Dollar – and a Quick Note on Cassius Clay

I came across this story and really felt the need to make sure you all are aware of this and understand it.

So some guy on TeeVee decided to go into the consumer debt market and buy some consumer debt – this is what COLLECTION AGENCIES do.

He bought $15,000,000.00 (fifteen million dollars) of medical debt out of Texas and paid… wait for it… just under $60,000 for it.  And he paid the asking price.  That is what the portfolio of bundled debt was OFFERED at by the previous holder, who may or may not have been the originator.

Guys, that is $0.004 cents on the dollar.  FOUR TENTHS OF ONE CENT per dollar.  Which means that if a debt collector settles with the debtor for $0.01 on the dollar, his gross profit margin would be a mere 250%.

When Karl Denninger and myself and other people (but KD is without question the leader on this topic – his book Leverage has a goodly part dedicated to this very thing) scream and yell about how galactically criminal the medical/insurance racket is, and how if the market were allowed to work that prices for all medical products and services would fall at least 90% if not more, we really aren’t kidding.   Just look at the data above.  It implies a 25000% markup to the paying private consumer.  Everyone else (namely insurance companies and government… but I repeat myself) backs out of the TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND PERCENT CUSHION.

In terms of morality, if a creditor sells debt, both he and the market have REPRICED that debt.  The new debtholder’s basis is the price he paid for the debt.  And thus the creditor can and should negotiate with the debt collector on the NEW BASIS, not the original balance, because the original creditor is no longer going to receive anything – by his own choice.  He “cashed out” when he sold the debt on the market.

The fact that most people have no understanding of this is precisely how these debt collection agencies make the huge profits that they do.  They want the debtor to assume that the collection agency is a “pass-through” or middle man for the originating lender, when in fact, the originator is totally out of the picture.  Imagine if a debtor settled a $100,000 medical bill for $0.50 on the dollar, when the collection agency had bought the debt for even $0.01 on the dollar – which we know is high.  That would be a 5000% gross profit margin.

The happy ending to this little story is that the TeeVee guy FORGAVE all $15,000,000 of the debt he bought – which didn’t even require a license.  Just a $50 paperwork fee, and a corporation.  It seems to me that this sort of thing might be a really cool way to give alms.  Can you imagine lifting that kind of burden off of so many people’s shoulders?  I would limit it to medical debt, though.  Just to be sure I wasn’t enabling some idiot who ran up credit card debt on strippers and bright red three piece suits.


And one more quick thing.  His name was Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.  He was a baptized Christian and sexually promiscuous coward who APOSTASIZED from Christianity and joined up with the truly depraved racketeering organization, The Nation of Islam, in order to get out of being drafted in the Vietnam era.  He wasn’t wise.  He was an egomaniac that was good at “beating people up”, as he himself put it.  Prayers for the Champ?  Yeah, but odds are it is too late for him, and those prayers will be applied to a poor, forgotten soul in Purgatory.  But yes, by all means, pray for the dead, even though it is pretty much impossible to refer to Cassius Clay as “the faithful departed”.  But if you really believe in any of it, you should, at the very least, use the man’s real name – the name that God calls him: Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.  Not his bullshit Nation of Islam stage name.