Only days removed from saying that he really, really doesn’t enjoy beheading his “archconservative” enemies, Antipope Bergoglio today fired a young, healthy, pro-life, pro-family, pro-marriage conservative archbishop in Brazil, Archbishop Aldo di Cillo Pagotto, who also has been an outspoken anti-Communist.
But wait! Before we all go crazy, it is absolutely essential to know that there were problems in this archdiocese with sodomite priests and seminarians, including the abuse of minors (read “teenaged boys”). This is what is being cited as the reason for the firing of this archbishop.
Given this, I feel it is an opportune moment to explain several things to you all out there, so that there is a genuine comprehension of the chessboard as it now sets, and of the gameplan and tactics of the enemy. It isn’t difficult to comprehend, but it is one of those things that needs to be clearly explained in order to be easily understood.
First, it is essential to state that any tolerance of aberrosexuals within the clergy and seminaries is, of course, a horrible malfeasance on the part of the bishop which should warrant drastic action, up to and including the bishop’s removal. Yes. Absolutely. No question.
HOWEVER, literally every diocese and archdiocese on the planet has sodomites and aberrosexuals who have infiltrated or are trying to infiltrate The Church, some of them are already ordained, and some are still in seminary. EVERY DIOCESE AND ARCHDIOCESE HAS SODOMITE INFILTRATION.
So, if you think about this, what it means is that Antipope Bergoglio and his henchmen can use the UNIVERSALLY PRESENT PRETEXT OF SODOMITE INFILTRATION to justify the firing of ANY BISHOP.
Do you see this? This is EXACTLY what has been going on for the past 3 years. Bergoglio surrounds himself, and in fact was installed as Antipope by a cadre of flagrant, horrific sodomites, including protectors of incestuous child rapists, Card. Gottfried Daneels first among them. Bergoglio caused enormous outrage in Chile just last spring – outrage which the media has refused to publicize – by appointing the odious sodomite Juan Barros as Archbishop of Osorno. Barros is neck-deep in a massive ongoing investigation of child rape, in which Barros is repeatedly and credibly reported to not only have covered-up for his child-raping priest buddies, but to have actually, physically observed some of the child rapes as an, ahem, enthusiastic spectator.
Bergoglio immediately installed one Msgr. Battista Ricca as the head of his residence (Casa Santa Marta) AND as the overseer of… wait for it… the Vatican Bank, a position for which the odious sodomite Ricca had exactly zero qualification, experience or competence. Ricca was well-known to Bergoglio from South America. Ricca was a Vatican diplomat posted in Montevideo, Uruguay, just across the bay from Buenos Aires, and Ricca was a flagrant, notorious and scandalous presence, shacking up and carrying on OPENLY with his sodomite sex partner – a former Swiss Guard named Patrick Haari. Further, Ricca was caught in flagrante delicto in an elevator with a boy child prostitute in Montevideo, and got the crap beat out of him at least once cruising for sex in a public park notorious for such evil activity. The people of Montevideo were so outraged that they rose up and demanded Ricca’s expulsion, whereupon Ricca was sent back to Rome, to resume his place in the Vatican Bathhouse. Ricca and Haari’s luggage was initially sent by Haari to the Vatican as diplomatic baggage – and the Vatican refused delivery. This luggage, when later found and opened, was found to contain a pistol, enormous quantities of sodomite pornography, and dozens of condoms.
When Bergoglio was installed, he reunited with his old neighbor, and Ricca was instantly made a de facto prince(ss). Why? Because Bergoglio is all about power and loyalty to his regime, and as a diabolical narcissist and fairly unintelligent man, is highly, highly susceptible to flattery and outward displays of loyalty. Ricca, as is true with most sodomite men, most especially those of the queeny variety, can be sickening, shameless flatterers. Sodomites also tend to be of above-average intelligence. I can almost promise you that the cadre of sodomites that Bergoglio surrounds himself with are considered by Bergoglio to be “smart”, “witty” and “intelligent” – and thus Bergoglio derives tremendous narcissistic satisfaction from “holding court” around the dining table in the back corner of the dining hall at Casa Santa Marta and being flattered and told how “brilliant” he is by these sodomites. And so, Bergoglio is happy to surround and ally himself with them, even though I strongly suspect that Bergoglio himself is not a sodomite. Bergoglio just doesn’t ping my gaydar.

“Do you think I’m smart, Battista?” — “Yes, dear. We ALL do. And, darling, you’re the only one with the humility and ambition to do this….”
Meanwhile, conservative bishops, such as Bishop Finn, formerly of St. Joseph, Missouri, and Archbishop John Nienstedt, formerly of Minneapolis/St. Paul, are fired. Look folks, this is really easy to understand. The Enemy has infiltrated the Church with so many sodomites over the past 50+ years that they are present in every diocese and archdiocese. Further, sodomite men are almost always attracted to TEENAGED BOYS, which are legally children. Thus, what you have is a situation whereby EVERY BISHOP could be removed for having priests in his diocese that are guilty of misconduct with minor children and/or seminarians. And so, Antipope Bergoglio uses this satanic set-up to prosecute his ideological agenda.
Now stop and sit in stillness with that until the full, demonic evil of it sets in. Antipope Bergoglio is using the sexual abuse of minor children and seminarians as the means to SELECTIVELY PURGE, THAT IS, “BEHEAD”, HIS IDEOLOGICAL ENEMIES. Since the sodomite infiltration is everywhere, his simply goes after bishops who are “conservative”, “orthodox”, and/or “anti-Marxist” and leaves totally unmolested (NPI) his ideological fellow-travelers, no matter how horrific and egregious their crimes.
So back to the Archbishop in Brazil that Antipope Bergoglio fired today. Not only has this man been a strong voice against the Culture of Death, a signatory of the Filial Appeal to “Pope Francis” on the Future of the Family, friendly toward priests and faithful who celebrate and attend the Tridentine Mass, but also an outspoken… wait for it… ANTI-COMMUNIST in Brazil. Well, no wonder. This guy has had a bullseye on his back, and even willingly made himself a target by signing documents specifically critical of the Bergoglian agenda and contrary to Bergoglio’s Marxist political ideology. Remember this?

Now, to part two of this essay, and I suspect this dynamic was indeed in play with this Brazilian Archbishop, and we have to be honest about these things. Is it utterly essential that orthodox, “traddy” Catholics face with manful virility the problems within their own ranks – specifically the presence of homosexual men that are attracted to the Traditional Mass not from any genuine religious belief, but due to Liturgical Fetishism. These men, nearly all of them homosexually oriented, are a massive scandal and are incredibly destructive – driving away heterosexual men and attracting more homosexual liturgical fetishists like themselves.
This problem is, as far as I can tell, a far greater problem in Europe than it is in North America. Traddyland in Europe is largely an ARISTOCRATIC, UPPER-CLASS phenomenon. In North America, it is exactly the opposite – American traddyland skews decidedly to the “peasant” culture. In many American trad parishes, the women are often mistaken for Mennonites out in the world, with their ankle-length jumpers, long hair, veils worn in the “babushka” way,and non-use of cosmetics. I always stand out in Trad parishes in North America because I tend to wear “sharp” outfits, heels, make-up, and I wear my veil in the European “bridal” way – swept back behind my shoulders – or I wear a sharp hat to cover my head. But I digress. The point is that precisely because the American Trad paradigm is more grounded in a “peasant” culture, the men are more manly, on average, and thus the priests and seminarians are manly too. In Europe, there is more of a problem with a spirit of effeteness amongst the men.
There was a bishop in the North of Italy that would take pretty much any priest or seminarian that was “traddy”, thinking in good faith but extreme naiveté that all trads are solid, orthodox, believing Catholics, and that these poor priests and seminarians had been driven out of their respective dioceses or seminaries SOLELY BECAUSE THEY WERE TRADS. Alas, what ended up happening was this bishop’s diocese turned into a hotbed of these homosexual liturgical fetishists, and just as with Novus Ordo or secular homosexual men, the molestation of pubescent boys ensued. Because remember, all sex perverts are Diabolical Narcissists, and DNs, by definition, are vampiric and seek to create more DNs by hurting, scandalizing and abusing victims. Homosexuals especially look to groom, recruit and create more DN sex perverts in order to keep the whole sordid paradigm alive. And so, Bergoglio jumped at this chance, replaced the bishop by installing a liberal Auxiliary, and then basically stripped the bishop of all authority. But make no mistake, the primary agenda was to suppress the Trad Catholic culture – not to protect children.
Another way to think of this is like the example of a bar owner. Bar owners have to be incredibly careful about letting homosexuals come into their bar and carry on. Why? Because the sight of homosexuals kissing, dancing and acting out is utterly repellant and nauseating to normal people. It literally makes a decent person sick to behold it. So, a barkeeper, if he permits such behavior, can literally lose his entire established clientele in ONE WEEKEND, to have it replaced with the sodomites, who tell all of their friends that they have just “acquired new territory”.
A situation just like this was recounted to me in a trad parish in Europe. There was an extremely competent liturgist in the parish, but this man was literally a raging queen. He was horrifically cruel to both the laymen and the clergy, and was grossly irreverent in the sacristy. He was tolerated solely because he had such a high level of expertise. Then, one day, after there was some failure to comply with his demands, he threw what can only be described as a “fag fit” and swished out in a haughty huff. The parish was delighted and relieved to see him go, despite the loss of his expertise. Why? Because they were a young parish and they were terrified that this one raging queen was going to drive away every heterosexual man – both lay and clergy – and attract in more homosexuals, thus turning the parish into a veritable bathhouse. Straight men do not want to be around, much less be verbally and emotionally abused by, fags. Period. Straight men will flee from fags even faster than they flee from domineering, nagging women, for obvious reasons.
I am starting to hear more about these sorts of concerns in North America. I have received more than one email from concerned mothers of children in trad parishes who simply do not feel comfortable leaving their sons alone with the “choir director” or “altar server organizer” – always “confirmed bachelors” who, let’s be honest, lay the needle on the old gaydar on the peg and then break the spring.
We all need to start speaking up about these things, specifically calling out and ostracizing men who act like this. Folks, the “queeny” affectation is 100% voluntary. I have personally witnessed men turn it on and off like a switch. Even if a homosexual man is not acting out and engaging in homosexual sex “behind closed doors”, men who ACT like queens, and do everything they can to telegraph to those around them that they are homosexually oriented ARE A SCANDAL, and their behavior is nothing less than OBSCENE. It is also a massively reliable indicator of Diabolical Narcissism. To behave in such a way that implies even a winking approval of, much less a prideful wallowing in sin that cries out to heaven for God’s vengeance is simply beyond the pale.
So, for you Trads, especially those in North America who might not know exactly what this “liturgical fetishim” looks like, here are some key traits to look out for and guard against:
- Contempt for genuine Catholic piety, especially simple piety
- Contempt for rank-and-file Trads as “stupid”
- Contempt for Trads because they “don’t understand Catholicism and take it (the actual religion) all way too seriously”, hurling the word “rigorist” as a pejorative (you think I’m kidding on this one – so many people have been told this it is stunning)
- Rejection of the notion that the Novus Ordo must be abolished – because the idea that the waiter or janitor or blue-collar rabble have and know the same Mass as the “elite” is repellant, and defeats the entire purpose of their liturgical fetish
- Hyper-criticality, haughtily luxuriating in running down everything – music, ceremonies, vestments, flowers, architecture, regardless of the financial or personnel resources of the parish. Every Mass is “yet another abomination”, the choir is “grotesque”, the servers are “retarded”, vestments are “rags”. Often, the objectively better the liturgy is, the more vicious the criticism will become, because the liturgical fetishist derives intense narcissistic satisfaction from criticizing things that are actually very good – thus proving how vastly superior they believe themselves to be
- Irreverence and impiousness in the sacristy and even in the sanctuary – using extreme profanity, sometimes mere feet from the Blessed Sacrament
- Resenting being asked to help do anything, always acting put-upon and put-out
- Resenting NOT being asked to help do anything
- Never saying “thank you” to anyone
- Effete, queeny comportment – screeching, hooting, feminine raging
These are all, it seems to me, pretty common-sense things to look out for. The key is overcoming the pathological effeminacy that has been inculcated into every one of us and to start doing again what people used to do to these types of people before our culture was destroyed: ostracize them. Cast them out. Make it clear that there is no place for this sort of scandalous behavior in a Catholic Culture. The summation is simply this:
One cannot be an aberrosexual (physically active or not) or aberrosexual sympathizer, and an orthodox Catholic, and expect to survive as a cleric and especially as a prelate – and that’s as it should be. We Trads MUST be diligent about self-policing on this point, because as was explained above, satan has set the chessboard such that his agents will use ANY aberrosexual presence against us, completely irrespective of the massive, massive hypocrisy of it all. Satan doesn’t care that he is a hypocrite, and, in fact, derives intense satisfaction in his hypocrisy precisely because it is a function of mendacity (lying) and manifest injustice. The Rule of Law, and specifically the notion of EQUAL PROTECTION and UNIVERSAL REDRESS is under an intense, and perhaps final attack both in the secular realm and in the Church. We have an ideological tyrant Antipope who is eager to capitalize on the corruption from top-to-bottom in order to gather ever-more power to himself. Thus, we must be “wise as serpents” and do everything we can to make certain that we give him, and any nefarious actors that come after him, as little as possible to work with. A good place to start is driving out homosexual liturgical fetishists from among us, both clerics and laymen, and making sure that our garden is kept thoroughly weeded.
St. Peter Damian, pray for us.