Ann's Latest at the Remnant: "On Why Neither Presidents Nor Popes Can Give Anyone Permission To Crucify Jesus" If someone stopped you in the street, handed you a whip and gun, pointed to a stranger and said, “Torture and kill that person OR ELSE,” you would respond by inviting them to go enjoy the “Exuberance of Sodomy” with themselves. If they persisted in the ultimatum, any morally sane person would choose the “or else” before torturing a killing a stranger. So why all the handwringing and capitulation without so much as the slightest resistance when the “stranger” is Jesus Christ? Do we honestly believe that a government, or even a Pope can give us permission or dispensation now that torturing and killing Christ is required in order to remain in the good graces of the state… and soon the Freemasonic-Marxist-Sodomite infested hierarchy of the Church? Read up over at The Remnant, and consider either subscribing or giving them a straight-up donation. Good folks.