Monthly Archives: July 2014

Starting Thursday Off Right – St. Ignatius of Loyola (founder of an order that no longer exists) Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of an order referred to as the "Jesuits", not to be confused with the horrific, horrific monstrosity infecting the Church and the world today, which cunningly goes by the same name.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of an order referred to as the “Jesuits”, not to be confused with the horrific, horrific cancer infecting the Church and the world today, which cunningly goes by the same name.

Poor, poor St. Ignatius of Loyola.  Read this simple bio and then tell me that the so-called Jesuit order of today, a wretched hive of heretics, Marxists and sodomites, is the same thing that this saint founded:

Ignatius, courtier and knight, was wounded at the siege of Pamplona.  During his long convalescence the reading of the lives of the saints revealed to him that the Church Militant needed an army of glorious soldiers to fight the forces combined against it: pagans, mohammedans, protestants, etc.  He founded the Society of Jesus and as first General of this new spiritual chivalry he moved to the attack under the motto: “Ad majorem Dei gloriam – To the greater glory of God!”  He died with the Holy Name of Jesus on his lips ARSH 1556.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us that we may be defended against the wickedness and snares of the thoroughly infested “jesuit order” of today, which we know has nothing to do with you.


As an opening to this repost, I have to link to Judi McLeod’s piece from today “The Road to Hell Obama is taking the world down created by U.S. Catholic Bishops”.  In it she restates the myriad connections between the infiltrator Communist-sodomite bishops and priests in the Catholic Church, Saul Alinsky and the Chicago Communist Machine that spawned Obama.  I stand foursquare behind Judi’s piece, because it is true.  It does not contain one shred of anti-Catholicism any more than a stage-4 cancer diagnosis contains racism.

When I have screeched, caterwauled and POUNDED for the last however many years that the Catholic Church has been massively infiltrated by Communists over the last century, who then actively recruited homosexuals, I haven’t been merely throwing around mindless pejoratives.  When I make posts about the Eucharist and the catastrophic changes made to the Mass in the 1960s, I hope that some of you out there have the light bulb go on over your head and realize that IT’S ALL CONNECTED.  If you want a conspiracy theory that is ACTUALLY TRUE, and has more meat on it than you could possibly imagine, this is it.  

Everything we are seeing happening right now in real time before our very eyes: Obama, the overthrow of the US and the attendant run-up to World War 3, the reformation of the islamic Caliphate, the economic crimes and creation of catastrophic debt loads, the destruction of the healthcare delivery matrix, the transformation of education into contra-education, the destruction of and hatred of beauty and the elevation and worship of ugliness, and the ascendancy of the satanic sodomite anti-culture, all of this – all of it, can be traced back without too many degrees of separation to these Communist-sodomite infiltrators of the Church and the attempted destruction of the Church, with the primary and “keystone” target being the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  The reason why Western Civilization has capitulated to this attack with near-zero resistance is because of the mass-apostasy caused directly and as-intended by the “reforms” subsequent to the Second Vatican Council.    

And just to reiterate, I will never, ever, ever leave the Church, because I do not worship men, I worship God, and God physically subsists nowhere else, and salvation is possible through no other means than the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.  Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.  No matter how complete the infiltration is, no matter how utterly, utterly horrific the pope may be, I will never, ever, abandon Our Lord or the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  The Church is never more like Christ, and never closer to Him in this Vale of Tears, than when she is scourged and crucified by her own, just as her Divine Spouse was.

The following was originally penned and posted on July 23, ARSH 2012.

Over at the Blaze, they’re running a headline piece on Phyllis Schlafly’s new book, “No Higher Power”.

Schlafly has the entire paper trail showing the Archdiocese of Chicago paying for Obama to attend a seminar in California on Alinsky tactics and theory. Praise God, she even has the check stub with “THE CATHOLIC BISHOP OF CHICAGO” emblazoned across the top of the check. The images of that are at the link above.

If you haven’t watched my video series on the Vendee Genocide, please do. For those of you who have, you will remember that I specifically called out the dead former Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago, Joseph Bernardin, and stated that he was not only a Marxist plant and raging sodomite, but also an actual, real-life Satanist, who participated in satanic rituals, “black masses”, orgies and child rape.

Guess who the Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago was in ARSH 1986 who sent and paid for Obama to attend the conference on Alinsky tactics and theory – the same Alinsky who proudly dedicated his seminal manifesto, “Rules For Radicals” to Lucifer himself?

Joseph Bernardin. Joseph Bernardin, the Marxist plant and satanist, sent Obama to Alinksy training in ARSH 1986.

Here is the very short story on what likely happened with Bernardin. Bernardin was born Catholic in South Carolina in ARSH 1928. He had no remarkable zeal for the faith as a youngster, according to his own immediate family. Right after WWII, when the Communists really began their infiltration strategy of both the U.S. government, entertainment industry and education complex, and also the Catholic Church, Bernardin enrolled in the University of South Carolina pre-med program. All he had ever talked about as a kid was being a doctor.

Bernardin was homosexual, and likely entered into the gay underground scene in Columbia. There he was recruited by satanists. Remember, this is ARSH 1948. Satanists and Communists, who many times were BOTH, cultivated and trolled gay bars and the gay underground for recruits. Bernardin was promised power and as much deviant sex as he could ever want if he would enter seminary and be ordained a Catholic priest.

After his first year at USC, Bernardin went home and announced to his SHOCKED family that he was entering seminary. He was ordained in ARSH 1952 by Bishop John J. Russell, who was also fingered in depositions as the “celebrant” of satanic rituals. Russell may have repented, as he offered to testify against Bernardin in a lawsuit brought by one of Bernardin’s male seminarian rape victims, but conveniently died before he could testify in the early 1980s.

Bernardin was then speedily elevated up the ranks, being installed a bishop at the remarkably young age of 37. Shockingly, he was made the General Secretary of the Conference of Catholic Bishops (U.S.) in ARSH 1968 after being a bishop for only two years, and being only 40 years old. Guess what his job was? Implementing the Novus Ordo Mass, and we can now say with certainty, destroying the Tridentine Mass, and with it the Church itself.

Again, only a few years later in ARSH 1974, at the age of 46, Bernardin was elected the President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops (U.S., which is now called the USCCB). He held that post, either himself or through his hand-picked proxies, and pretty much controlled what went on in the U.S., most especially who was elevated to the office of bishop in the U.S. and who ran seminaries, until he died in ARSH 1996.

Bernardin, in addition to doing everything possible in an attempt to destroy the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, railed against Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae, which explicitly and prophetically condemned all birth control and abortion as objective evil, and laid out the consequences of a contraceptive, abortive culture: skyrocketing adultery, skyrocketing divorce, skyrocketing objectification of women, skyrocketing sodomite perversions, the destruction of the institution of marriage, the destruction of the family as the center of society, economic collapse, and finally total civilizational collapse. Sound familiar???

Bernardin saul-alinsky1ObamaJarrett

Bernardin’s satanic means of coercing Catholics to vote for his Marxist-Communist masters and allies was called the “Seamless Garment” argument. He told people that it was their duty to vote for pro-abort politicians (read Democrats) because the fact that they wanted to give free shit to people canceled out the fact that they also wanted to kill babies. Because, you know, we have to view life as one big seamless garment, and take the good with the bad, or something. If the image of the serpent beguiling Eve in the Garden hasn’t popped into your mind yet, now it has.

Since Bernardin was in charge of who got elevated and thus had control over the seminaries, orthodox, heterosexual Catholic men were either rejected or harassed/threatened into leaving. Bernardin would frequently make “visits” to seminaries all over the U.S. Whenever he would appear, he would ALWAYS have a young male with him, whom everyone knew was his concubine. Bernardin would then cruise the seminarians for sex, and got quite a bit, since the majority of seminarians were homosexual per his policy.

Bernardin was made the Archbishop of Chicago in ARSH 1982. In ARSH 1986, Bernardin sent Barack Obama to California to attend a training seminar on Alinsky theory, tactics, and “community organizing”, which we all know now is Marxist infiltration and agitation of the proletariat with the objective of crushing the middle class, collapsing the economy and government, and thus enabling a Marxist-Communist-Fascist hybrid revolution, the goal of which is the total destruction of the Church and global totalitarian tyrannical oligarchy.

As a Catholic, I am ELATED that this information about the Marxist-homosexualist infiltration of the Church is finally coming out. The pathetic strategy of ignoring the truth of the situation, pretending that nothing is wrong, and not saying anything unflattering about the bishops and clergy has not only not helped, it has made things monumentally worse, and has directly kept people out of the Church who otherwise would have found their way across the Tiber. Not to toot my own horn, but I was obviously given the grace to discern the difference between the PEOPLE inside the Church, and the Church itself, the Body and Bride of Christ. Most people look at the Church today and see either Marxist-homosexualists or COWARDS who refuse to acknowledge what has happened or take any proactive steps to fight the evil inside the Church.

A seminal moment for me personally happened in ARSH 2009. I was visiting with an orthodox priest about the Marxism in the Church, specifically amongst the bishops, and his response was, “We just have to wait for them to die. The attrition of time is all we can hope for.”

Um, no.  Incorrect, Father.

At that moment, I knew that given my personal situation and minor bully pulpit, it would probably fall to me, and a few other lay people, to do this. I’ll admit the thought was conceited on my part as I had literally only been in the Church for a little over two years at that point, BUT the fact that I have gone viral no less than THREE TIMES since that conversation I find … interesting.

This website, despite its many flaws, not the least of which is my use of foul language, is a vector by which the Holy Ghost is converting and reverting people to the Church. Why? Because when people have the truth of the situation explained to them, even though it is horrible, the TRUTH, which is Jesus Christ, is always, always attractive. Be honest and upfront with people and not only will they not hate you, they’ll join your army and will march into battle with you.

Lie, deny, prevaricate and cower and you will do nothing but REPEL people. Welcome to the New Evangelization.



This was originally penned and posted on November 6, AD 2011. This is interesting because this was the Sunday after MF Global happened. It was still thought at this time that Corzine had stolen *only* a few hundred million dollars – not $1.6 billion, nor had it yet occurred to anyone that NO ONE would be held accountable for any of this. PFG Best hadn’t yet happened. The Sentinel Ruling hadn’t happened. The ObamaCare abortion and contraception mandates had not yet happened. Benghazi hadn’t happened.  The IRS scandal hadn’t happened.  And this was 10 days before I shut down Barnhardt Capital Management.

My decision has been confirmed as correct so many times over that there is no longer any question associated with it.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, is the hour in which the full and hideous scope of the horror that dares call itself “modern, Western Christianity” is revealed. After announcing my Federal tax strike, I have been overrun with sickening, nauseating email after email telling me that for me to enjoin a tax strike is “immoral”, “unchristian”, “contrary to scripture”, “pointless”, “a waste” and all the rest. To everyone who has sent such an email, and you know who you are, there are not words to express the depth of my disgust. I am ashamed – yes ASHAMED – of every single one of you. Your cowardice, your failure to grasp even the most rudimentary concepts of Christianity, starting first and foremost with the First Commandment, but most especially the shallowness of your discernment, is repellant to behold. Super-fun Rockband church and Pastor Jason, and the Marxist-homosexualist infiltrated Novus Ordo Catholic parishes with Father Liza-Judy and their bee-ess six-minute sermons about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING have cleared the battlefield for satan in a war of attrition that would make William Tecumseh Sherman blush with shame.

And let’s not forget that other tool of satan which has sent every other clergyman pecker-down in the dirt to lick the hooves of the federal government, wet with the liquid manure of political correctness and the running blood of the unborn, in utter submission: the 501(c) exemption.

Here’s your catechetics and civics lesson for the week.

“Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” is NOT a release from the First Commandment.

I had one guy email me and tell me that Jesus will not hold any of us responsible for any of the abortions in this country because we JUST HAVE to pay taxes and we have absolutely no choice in the matter. Bullshit. First, what the hell do you think is happening right now? Boys and girls, you are going to be held to account for sitting by and subsidizing the holocaust of the preborn. This country is being brought down as punishment for the genocide that every one of us is partially responsible for.

Secondly, apparently you all have been brainwashed into believing that the I.R. fricking-S is the most powerful entity in the universe, and that being condemned by the IRS is the worst and most permanent fate in the universe and in the realm of humanity. In other words, YOU IDIOTS WORSHIP THE I.R.S. ABOVE GOD. YOU FEAR THE I.R.S., BUT DO NOT FEAR GOD, HIS JUDGEMENT OR HIS WRATH IN THE SLIGHTEST. And you call yourselves Christian? Really?

Now let’s think logically. The words, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s; and render unto the Lord that which is the Lord’s” have as a direct corollary the asking of a question. What is that question? Come on. Think. You can do this.

The question is, what rightfully belongs to Caesar and what rightfully belongs to God? The God part is easy. EVERYTHING belongs to God. Uh-oh. Now we have a mathematical conundrum, don’t we? If we believe in God, and we believe in the First Commandment, then “Caesar” is truly OWED nothing. We can CONSENT to pay taxes in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity and freedom, but only if those four specific ends are served by our taxes.

Let’s go through each of the four:


Barack Obama is a usurper. He is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the presidency, and he knows this, the entire Congress knows this, the entire upper-echelon of the military knows this, the entire intelligence community knows this, and the SCOTUS knows this. Barack Obama is an enemy of the United States, who is in a state of open, declared war upon it, its constitution and its people. This is the absence of truth. We are being “led” by a human lie, backed by an entire government of oath-breaking liars. Therefore, the government is illegitimate and has forfeited its licitness.


The Rule of Law is effectively dead. From the presence of Obama himself in the White House, to the lawless Department of Justice, to Fast & Furious, to Solyndra, to the unconstitutional “czars” and “executive orders”, to the Federal Reserve, this is a society ruled by a government of men, not laws. When government is ruled by men and not laws, the determining criterion of how government relates to people becomes brute force of arms and violent coercion, and not transcendent truth. We are utterly deprived of justice by the government itself, and thus the federal government has forfeited its legitimacy. (Note: Remember that when this was originally written, the full knowledge and scope of the financial market lawlessness was not yet known, much less any of the crimes that have occurred or been exposed since November of ARSH 2011. MF Global had happened only six days earlier.)


The government is inciting both race-centered, age-centered and class-based antagonism and violence. In declaring pre-born children non-human, a genocide has been legally sanctioned that has cost 50 million lives AND COUNTING. ObamaCare is poised to exterminate the elderly by determining that their lives are not worth living. The government is consciously and expressly trying to break down solidarity amongst citizens along race and class lines, including the literal dissolving of the territorial borders of the nation, and in that action it forfeits its legitimacy.


From ObamaCare, to the TSA, to the forced acceptance of sexual perversions, to forced “political correctness”, to the overt support of Sharia law and muslim sedition, to the destruction of the Free Exercise and Equal Protection clauses, this government is working consciously and overtly against fundamental human freedom, and has thus forfeited its legitimacy.

1-2-3-4. I don’t owe Caesar a damn thing, and it is now to the point where the continued subsidizing of this utterly lawless and illegitimate government puts me in violaton of the

First Commandment (I AM the LORD thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before me.)
by forcing me to break God’s Law – the Natural Law – in order to follow the laws of the state; the

Second Commandment (Thou shalt not take the Name of the LORD thy God in vain.)
by punishing and imprisoning my fellow citizens (See Lakin, LTC Terry) who attempt to uphold their sworn oaths, and by forcing me to subsidize a government that is, to the man, populated by oathbreakers; the

Fourth Commandment (Honor thy father and thy mother.)
by actively and consciously destroying the family, discouraging right-ordered marriage through the welfare state, legislating perverted “false marriage” paradigms, facilitating the murder of children by their parents, and pitting society against their parents by encouraging or even mandating euthanasia via ObamaCare; the

Fifth Commandment (Thou shalt not murder.)
through the “legally sanctioned” and now MANDATED taxpayer subsidizing of the holocaust of preborn children via abortion as well as the premeditated murder of thousands of Mexican civilians via Operation Fast & Furious; the

Sixth Commandment (Thou shalt not commit adultery.)
through the forced “legalization” of sodomite faux-marriage and the discouragement of chastity and marriage itself via the HHS contraceptive and sterilization mandate as well as welfare state; the

Seventh Commandment (Thou shalt not steal.)
via the government sanctioned, legalized and protected confiscation of private property, the illegal nullification of contracts by the federal government, and the stirring-up by the government of envy and the sense of entitlement to the property of others; the

Eighth Commandment (Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.)
by forcing me to subsidize and give my tacit approval to the lie of Barack Obama’s presidency and the fundamental dishonesty of the Eric Holder Department of Justice, in addition to the mathematical lies regarding the state of the banking sectors and the mathematical impossibilities of the government run entitlement ponzi schemes; and the

Tenth Commandment (Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.)
by forcing me to subsidize a government that is built on a premise of and is attempting to fully convert to a system based wholly upon coveting the property of one’s neighbor and the forced redistribution of private property.

We’re batting .800. Enough is enough. You CANNOT subsidize this government and still claim that God is “first” in your life. It is mathematically, metaphysically and morally impossible. You must choose your allegiances NOW. You must NOW choose who or what it is that you truly worship. Do you worship God or do you worship your wealth? Here’s a simple litmus test for you: are you or are you not willing to give up all of your wealth in bearing witness to God in His Truth? If the answer is no, then stop calling yourself a Christian, because you very simply are not.

If you don’t like people speaking the truth to you like this, I’m sure Pastor Jason or Father Liza-Judy will be very happy to lie to you and dry your tears with the rockband playing proudly behind.

If you don’t want to take my word for it, that is fine. Here is paragraph 2242 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which specifically cites the Tribute episode as the ratification of civil disobedience:

The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of civil authorities when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons or the teachings of the Gospel. Refusing obedience to civil authorities, when their demands are contrary to those of an upright conscience, finds its justification in the distinction between serving God and serving the political community.
“Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

“We must obey God rather than men.” -CCC 2242

Now to the question of imprisonment and even execution. Again, I can not understand how Christendom has become so monstrously illiterate. “Oh Ann, you can’t do any good in prison, and leave the pointless martyrdom to the muslims.”

HOW. DARE. YOU. How DARE you piss all over the true Christian Martyrs. How DARE you call their deaths “pointless” and how DARE you equivocate the deaths of these saints to the murderous suicides of pagan musloids. Why don’t you turn off your precious TV for a few minutes and actually READ something? Like the biographies of the saints, for example? Or even just the Bible. Do you not realize that St. Paul wrote a goodly portion of the Epistles from prison? Do you not realize that St. John the Beloved spent most of his life either in prison or in remote exile? Do you not realize that eleven of the twelve original apostles were EXECUTED along with St. Paul? Only John died naturally in old age. Why don’t you tell me about the massive wastes their lives were. If they had only lain low and watered down the Gospel, they could have lived long lives and accomplished so much more. Is that right? Isn’t that your argument? Well, why don’t you just make that argument for Our Lord while you’re at it? There are plenty of leftist pseudo-theologians running around saying exactly that. Jesus was a fool to have only led a three year ministry. If He had just been more politically savvy, He could have lived for decades – and then think how much He could have taught the world! The Incarnation really was a waste in terms of earthly accomplishment. Right? RIGHT?

St. John the Baptist: Beheaded

St. Stephen: Stoned

St. James the Great: Beheaded

St. Philip: Crucified

St. Matthew: Impaled on a halberd

St. James the Less: Clubbed to death after crucifixion and stoning

St. Matthias: Beheaded after stoning

St. Andrew: Crucified

St. Mark: Beheaded after being dragged

St. Peter: Crucified upside down

St. Paul: Beheaded

St. Jude: Crucified

St. Bartholomew: Flayed alive and then crucified

St. Thomas: Impaled with a spear

St. Luke: Hanged

St. Simon: Crucified

St. Antipas: Roasted alive

And that is just a few of the more “famous” Christians of the first century, whose deaths history recorded. Please understand that being a Christian carried a non-trivial risk of death for the first several centuries. Thank God that those men and women weren’t the milquetoast, fair-weather, pants-pissing cowards that so many of you are today. Thank God that they had real courage and real fortitude and didn’t immediately water-down the Gospel into some filthy, narcissistic heresy just so they could stay in the good graces of the governments. Thank God that they actually understood their faith, and didn’t regard Jesus as a mere “philosophical construct” or “imaginary friend” and actually acknowledged that He is True God and True Man.

Whether you care to admit this or not, people are responsible for their government. And We The People of the United States of America have perhaps the most personal responsibility for our government than any other nation in history. Why? First, because were are a representative republic founded upon a foundation of Christian law and philosophy. This was one of better set-ups in all of human history, and it also therefore bestowed the most responsibility upon its people for the government itself, up to the very top.  When your constitution literally opens with the words, “WE THE PEOPLE”, it is simply beyond the pale to try to argue that “the people” bear no responsibility for the government.

The other reason we are the most culpable nation in history for our government is because we are an armed nation. The people of North Korea, because they were disarmed decades ago, bear less responsibility for their government than we do – but they are still responsible. If the people of North Korea, disarmed and half starved to death, are responsible for their government, how much more are We The People, armed and fed, responsible for the absolute abomination that is our Federal government? This concept of citizen culpability for governance is why it was morally licit to firebomb Dresden, Tokyo and finally drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The civilians of Japan permitted, allowed and cooperated with their government in its wars of aggression during WWII. The same goes for the German people. They could have and should have put down their respective governments – but they didn’t and so they paid for it.

The exact same dynamic applies to us. We have let this happen. We have sat by, complacent, impotent and self-absorbed, coveting our personal wealth and possessions above EVERYTHING. And now that there is no denying or escaping what our duty is to God and neighbor, we can only concoct fictions about the eternal omnipotence of the Internal Revenue Service in order to convince ourselves that we aren’t to blame, and that we have no duty except to ourselves. Because you fools refuse to act to correct your lawless government via the most effective, simple and utterly non-violent method, namely a tax strike, you are guaranteeing hot war, bloodshed and catastrophic suffering.

The fact is that every single Christian clergyman should have called for a national tax strike on Sunday, January 28, ARSH 1973. Why? Because that was the Sunday after SCOTUS legalized the murder of preborn children. Because of that first moral failure, here we now sit, and it is no one’s fault but our own.

Most of you out there apparently have the capacity for delusion that allows you to convince yourself that you will not be made to answer for any of this, but I do not, and for that I can only say, Thanks be to God.

I fear God, and God alone, and thus I will render unto Him EVERYTHING, up to and including my wealth, assets, freedom and life, if that is what is required to remain in compliance with His commandments. The early Christians went to their deaths rather than offer a pinch of incense on the altar of Caesar. Incense is merely symbolic and burns away. Money subsidizes, finances and enables activities that break God’s law – the Natural Law. Therefore I will not file, and I will not pay income taxes unless and until the Federal Government of the United States is reformed under the Constitution of 1787 as amended, and the Rule of Law is reasserted, necessarily and non-negotiably including the arrest and trial of Barack Obama, and the re-criminalizing of abortion in all cases, or until a new, legitimate government replaces it.

Epilogue:  The American republic is dead and cannot be salvaged, so I look to the formation of a new, licit, Godly state or states that will govern its former territories.  This, however, will only happen after a massive war, which I do not expect to survive.  I still fully expect to be imprisoned and die unnaturally, and likely tortured and raped before my death.  The only change is that I am now in permanent possession of a treasury, contained in the impenetrable fortress of the memory, of consoling experiences and memories which is already far more than sufficient for me, but may yet continue to grow until such time as I am either arrested or killed.  This is a blessing for which my gratitude to God defies quantification. 

Thou hast prepared a table before me against them that afflict me. Thou hast anointed my head with oil; and my chalice which inebriateth me, how goodly is it!
Psalm 22: 5

Completely Negative

1.  I was told recently that I am a completely negative person.  My riposte:



This post will indeed be completely negative/unpleasant.  Horrifically so.  If you don’t want to read negative things and the picture of the super-cute kitty cat made you chuckle, just stop here.

2.  First, there is scuttlebutt going around that, according to a lawsuit that has been filed in U.S. District Court in Northern Illinois, fully half of all futures trades in Chicago are illegal wash trades executed by the High Frequency Trading Algorithms.  A wash trade is when the buyer AND seller in a given transaction are the same entity.  Just SLIGHTLY illegal.  Lilbit.

I don’t know how for-real the people behind this lawsuit are, but I do know that the markets, both futures and stocks, have been total shams for quite some time now.  Every day my gratitude for being out of that mess increases exponentially.  I can’t say enough about the yeoman’s work done by the firm Nanex in exposing not just the fraud, but the LEVEL of fraud.  If in excess of 99% of all quoted bids and offers are completely fake, placed by the Algos never with the intention of being filled, but only to manipulate the market, then yeah, it is perfectly reasonable to assume that a massive percentage of the actual fills are likewise corrupt.  In fact, it would be naive NOT to assume so.  Be wise as serpents.  And yes, Terry Duffy is a psychopathic (does not experience shame or guilt) liar.  We know this for a metaphysical certitude from the MFGlobal mass theft and subsequent rape of the MFGlobal clientele, in which Duffy was enthusiastically complicit.  (MFG stolen customer funds – $1.6 billion.  CME Emergency firm collapse slush fund: $8.0+ billion.  Just sayin’.)

If you want more info, just go over to and type NANEX into their search box.  Also, Karl Denninger has published an enormous body work on the blatant illegality and abject lawlessness of the HFT paradigm.  Just go over to and search HFT.  Both NANEX and Denninger have recently stated that they are in the process of “winding down”, as they have fulfilled their moral obligations to society in warning about these things.  I know how they feel.

Oh, and for the record, I firmly believe that the only way to protect against these abuses, scams and the inevitable cancer that will develop from computer-driven markets is to NOT HAVE COMPUTERS EXECUTING TRADES.  If I were to take the Ring from Frodo (because I would only use the power of the Ring for *good*, you understand) and establish AllShallLoveMeAndDespair-Land, ruling terribly and treacherously (as one does), I would immediately establish open-outcry exchanges, and precisely because of the inherent brake provided by the sub-light speed of human execution those markets would have the most integrity and would be the global standard for price discovery.

But no.  I will diminish, and go into the west, and remain Crazypants….

3.  Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.  The Obama regime KNEW about the ascendancy of ISIS and did nothing!  How can this be??!!eleventy??!!!!

Because, for the forty-eight blozillionth time Sugarbear, the Obama regime is explicitly allied with the musloid brotherhood and has had as a specific goal the facilitation of the reformation of the Caliphate.  And Mission. Freaking. Accomplished.

Trying to accurately parse objective reality from false premises (i.e. the Obama regime is not the sworn enemy of the United States, its Constitution and its people) is impossible.  Or, as John Wayne said, “Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid.”

4.  I was recently reminded of this piece that I wrote for years ago.  Islam is an evil political system.  There is no such thing as “islamic extremism” versus “moderate islam” any more than there was a “moderate Nazism”.  To understand this truism, one need only replace contemporary commentary or reportage on islam with the words “Nazism” and “Third Reich” to understand the abject imbecility of the entire notion of a “moderate” islam.  Nope.  The islamic political system, like Nazism, must be exterminated from the face of the earth – not merely contained, not merely subjugated.  Exterminated.

5.  This subsection will be about Michelle Obama’s parenting of her two young daughters, and thus, naturally, will contain a discussion of and citations of pornographic song lyrics.  You are warned.

So Michelle Obama took her two daughters, Malia, aged 16 and Sasha, aged 13, to a Beyonce Knowles-Carter concert the other night.  Michelle, being dumb as a brick (Have you read the Princeton thesis?) and so desperately insecure that she can barely maintain molecular cohesion, likes to pal around and be “friends” (insomuch as psychopaths [people who feel no shame or guilt] can really ever have friends) with Beyonce and her spouse, Jay-Z Carter.

Because if famous, rich people like me and come over to my house, then I must be teh awesome.  And if I hang out with physically attractive women (which Beyonce actually is when she isn’t dressed like a nickel whore, which is never), then I must be a physically attractive woman too!  And all that matters is that I’m popular, rich and that people tell me I’m pretty.  And I will burn this ***** down and everyone in it without batting a single one of my fake eyelashes in order to achieve this. Because ME. ME. ME.

Again, judging by my audience demographics, I seriously doubt that you folks understand exactly what “pop music” today has become.  Let us sample two of Beyonce’s recent hits, which she regularly performs in concert.  First, “Blow”.  An homage to oral sex, both female-on-male, and vice versa.  I simply cannot reprint the words here, or embed the videos.  If you are struggling with Sixth Commandment issues, don’t look.  This stuff is straight-up porn.

Here are the “Blow” lyrics only.
Here is a YouTube video of the song with lyrics.

Next, here is “Yonce/Partition”, a hugely popular homage to oral sodomy in the back of a limo.

Here are the “Yonce/Partition” lyrics only.
Here is a YouTube video of the song with lyrics.

This woman has called Beyonce a “role model” for her daughters and for all young girls.  This woman TOOK. HER. CHILDREN. to see a concert of this utterly satanic filth.  She stood there with them and relished in it.  Sasha Obama is THIRTEEN years old.

And so today at Mass, I resolved that tomorrow, which is the Feast of St. Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin, and thus my “name day” and a special day for me, that I would receive Holy Communion and all of its attendant graces not for myself, but for Malia and Sasha Obama, because they have no real mother, only a demonic thing which is trying its damnedest to destroy their souls.  If you can, please join me in this, or at least remember these poor girls in your prayers.



Starting Friday Off Right – St. James the musloid-Slayer Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

War is never the answer… except when it totally, totally is, and Apostles are appearing eight hundred  years after their death and personally leading your massively outnumbered army into battle, and victory.  But apparently, thanks to the "new pentecost" we now know that St. James, dwelling INSIDE the Beatific Vision, missed the memo that war is never the answer, was mistaken, acted contrary to God's Perfect Will, and committed grave, mortal sin eight hundred years after his death by waging war against the satanic enemies of God, His Holy Church and His people.  Youbetcha.  Makes perfect sense.  And 2+2=864.

War is never the answer… except when it totally, totally is, and Apostles are appearing eight hundred years after their death and personally leading your massively outnumbered army into battle, and victory. But apparently, thanks to the “new pentecost”, we now know that St. James, dwelling INSIDE the Beatific Vision, missed the memo that war is never the answer, was mistaken, acted contrary to God’s Perfect Will, and committed grave, mortal sin eight hundred years after his death by waging war against the satanic enemies of God, His Holy Church and His people. Youbetcha. Makes perfect sense. And 2+2=864.

Here is Dom Gueranger’s beautiful and stirring commentary on today’s feast from his “Liturgical Year” set:

… And how did he justify his name of Son of Thunder, since his voice was heard by a mere handful of disciples in a desert of infidelity?

This new name, another special prerogative of the two brothers, was realized by John in his sublime writings… With regard to James, too, then, eternal Wisdom could not have been mistaken. Let it not be thought that the sword of any Herod could frustrate the designs of the most High upon the men of His choice. The life of the saints is never cut short; their death, ever precious, is still more so when in the cause of God it seems to come before the time. It is then that with double reason we may say their works follow them; God Himself being bound in honour, both for His own sake and for theirs, to see that nothing is wanting to their plenitude. As a victim of a holocaust, He hath received them, says the Holy Ghost, and in time there shall be respect had to them. The just shall shine, and shall run to and fro like sparks among the reeds. They shall judge nations, and rule over peoples; and their Lord shall reign for ever. How literally was this divine oracle to be fulfilled with regard to our saint!

Nearly eight centuries, which to the heavenly citizens are but as a day, had passed over that tomb in the north of Spain, where two disciples had secretly laid the apostle’s body. During that time the land of his inheritance, which he had so rapidly traversed, had been overrun first by Roman idolaters, then by Arian barbarians, and when the day of hope seemed about to dawn, a deeper night was ushered in by the Crescent. One day lights were seen glimmering over the briars that covered the monument; attention was drawn to the spot, which henceforth went by the name of the field of stars. But what are those sudden shouts coming down from the mountains, and echoing through the valleys? Who is this unknown chief rallying against an immense army the little worn-out troop whose heroic valour could not yesterday save it from defeat? Swift as lightning, and bearing in one hand a white standard with a red cross, he rushes with drawn sword upon the panic-stricken foe, and dyes the feet of his charger in the blood of 70,000 slain. Hail to the chief of the holy war, of which this Liturgical Year has so often made mention! St. James! St. James! Forward, Spain! It is the reappearance of the Galilean fisherman, whom the Man-God once called from the bark where he was mending his nets; of the elder son of thunder, now free to hurl the thunderbolt upon these new Samaritans, who pretend to honour the unity of God by making Christ no more than a prophet. Henceforth James shall be to Christian Spain the firebrand which the prophet saw, devouring all the people round about, to the right hand and to the left, until Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place in Jerusalem.

I was also struck by the Offertory of today’s Mass, Psalm 18: 5

Their sound went forth into all the earth; and their words to the ends of the world.

Psalm 18: 5 is now a literal truth and yet WE are the ones who refuse to proselytize, who now openly state that conversion of our fellow human beings to Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is neither desired nor necessary.  Why?  Well, the answer is found in the Epistle of today’s Mass from 1 Corinthians 4: 9-15

For I think that God hath set forth us apostles, the last, as it were men appointed to death: we are made a spectacle to the world, and to angels, and to men.

Because one can’t possibly be expected to do ANYTHING that might cause the world to think poorly of us, much less hate us, right?  And then in verse 15, St. Paul sums it all up:

For if you have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet not many fathers.

Indeed.  Especially in these unprecedentedly dark days.

St. James the Moorslayer, Son of Thunder, pray for us.

Deep, heaving sigh………..

1.  One really doesn’t feel like being amusing or witty when passenger jets at cruising altitude are being shot out of the sky with SAMs, Christian genocides are the order of the day, one’s homeland is physically dissolving, the Vicar of Jesus Christ has no desire to convert anyone, and World War III appears to be beginning.  Not today.

2.  This is the arabic letter “N”, which is the mark the musloids (armed and facilitated by the Obama regime, remember, and who are now, as we speak, streaming across the now-dissolved southern “border” of the former United States) are using to indicate Christian homes and property as they reform the Caliphate.  “N” is for “Nazarenes”.  Any Christians found therein are slaughtered, and all property looted and appropriated.


I began writing about musloids, jihad, taqqiya (the musloid command to lying and deception), the reforming of the musloid Caliphate and jizya (the subjugation paradigm commanded as an intrinsic, core platform of the musloid political system – convert and join the musloid political system, pay a submission tax and live as a fourth-class citizen as long as the musloid oligarchy can bleed economic utility out of you, or be beheaded right now) in 2008 when the usurper puppet Obama came on the scene.  Because it was obvious – OBVIOUS – where this was going and how it would end.  And, here we are.  Anyway, let us embrace “Nun”, and pray, because this is just the very, very beginning, and even if a great leader of men could be found, he would have no army, because there are no more Christian men to rally and muster.  Oddly, the Antichrist, I suspect, will have no problem at all rallying his army.

A Christian home marked with "Nun", indicating that the inhabitants are to be killed (or taken as sex slaves) and the property appropriated for the Caliphate.

A Christian home marked with “Nun”, indicating that the inhabitants are to be killed (or taken as sex slaves) and the property appropriated for the Caliphate.

2.  If you read the facts of Rick Perry’s deployment of 1000 Texas guard troops to the border, you will see that all the troops will be doing is “referring and deterring”, with the “deterring” being essentially meaningless.  Everyone, including the invaders, know darn well that no Americans will ever fire on them.  After traversing the entire latitude of Mexico, do you think they will be afraid of Americans?  Come on.  The guard troops will be helping to deliver the invaders to the FEDGOV, through the DPS, which is executing the Cloward-Piven strategy and will move the invaders further inland and then release them, along with all of their attendant diseases.  Securing the border, as unpleasant as it may sound, will involve nothing less than deploying .50 cals on one mile centers.  Horrific?  Yup.  But this is what happens when you let the Rule of Law be quashed.  It requires fighting a war, complete with copious bloodshed, to re-establish the Rule of Law once lost.  Again, horrific?  Yup.  That’s why a few of us have spent the last several years SCREAMING.  But now it is too late.  That’s why GROWN-UPS who can think more then five seconds into the future and beyond the utterly shallow level of feminine sentimentality need to be in charge and understand the solemn, grave responsibility of maintaining the Rule of Law, due process, and equal protection thereunder.   Perry is positioning for a presidential run and the eight-figure increase in personal wealth that comes from even the weakest presidential “bid”, aka KABUKI THEATER, by appearing to do “something”, while actually playing along with the oligarchy.  Come on.  This isn’t hard.

3.  On a related note, via one of the best aggregation sites on the web today in my opinion,, this quote:

The Red Team keeps chanting about how the solution to immigration begins with securing the border.  That’s self-delusion. We face the dilemma colonized people have always faced. The solution begins with buying the wood for the gallows to be built on the Mall in Washington. It’s only then that we have truly faced up to what we have to do to fix our country.

Look, you can face this fact now, or you can face it later when you are in chains being marched to the mass grave, but these people WILL NOT STOP, WILL NOT SURRENDER POWER of their own accord.  But you WILL be made to face reality and abandon your delusions because reality always, always wins.  If you are in the “Oh no, you can’t make analogies to what has happened in other countries because this is ‘Merica in 2014 and this is DIFFERENT” camp, I’ll actually agree with you.  Wholeheartedly.  This IS different than other periods.  It’s worse.  In fact, I suspect that it may well prove to be the worst ever, by a long shot.  Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

4.  The Obama REGIME is NOT incompetent.  They are achieving all of their goals without any meaningful resistance.  They are allied with islam and they are allied with Moscow, and have been since the beginning.  Discussing the “competence” of Obama the man is like discussing the competence of Charlie McCarthy.  It is nonsensical.  Charlie McCarthy was neither competent nor incompetent.  Edgar Bergen, however, was massively competent.  Again, this isn’t a terribly difficult or nuanced distinction to make.


5.  I have posted this video before and simply can’t say enough about it.  A certain Argentinian prelate should have to watch this with a translator – a translator who is very patient and speaks very sloooowly – until he gets it.  Which might take a while, because being steeped for 78 years in Peronist-Fascist ideology is a darn thick wall to have to penetrate.  But all things are possible…

6.  Speaking of which, don’tcha think that if you gave an interview to someone and they butchered and twisted everything you said into the exact opposite of what you actually meant, that the last, and I mean LAST, thing you would do is turn around and give that person ANOTHER interview?  Or a third?  Yeah.  Me too.  And also everyone else.  Which means that if you DID give another interview to that person after failing to make ANY STATEMENT attempting to clarify any of the “errors” in the first interview, the one and only conclusion that can be drawn is that you heartily approved of the content in both the first AND second published interviews. Just sayin’.

7.  I have a question.  If a marriage can be annulled due to the poor formation of the spouses before the sacrament of marriage occurred, as is being currently postulated, and if something like 50% of all marriages in the Church are “believed” to be annullable for this reason, doesn’t it also stand to reason, by the same line of thinking, that priestly ordinations can also be “annulled” due to poor formation?  If not, isn’t it the height of clericalism to apply this “poor formation” cause of nullity to the sacrament of marriage, which is actually conferred by the spouses themselves upon each other simply because the ministers of the sacrament are lay people, and NOT apply this line of thinking equally to the sacrament of ordination, which is carried out by clergy?  What is good for the goose is good for the gander, no?

(I realize this analogy is deeply flawed, because we all know that far, far, far in excess of half of priests ordained since The Asteroid (™) hit have been ill-formed to the point that they should never have been ordained, with many of them being full-blown heretics or apostates.  Also, the entire line of thinking is utterly laughable because it would also instantly nullify EVERY SINGLE MARRIAGE outside of the Church, EVER, which is categorical nonsense.)

8.  Something I heard years ago which explains MUCH of what we see going on today via Fr. Christopher Roberts:

In 18th century France atheism was beginning to become very popular, especially among the intellectual elite. One of the most prominent, if not the most prominent, French intellectuals at that time was Voltaire, a rabid atheist who hated the Church. Voltaire had a disciple who was a raised in a devout Catholic home who wanted to leave his childhood faith behind and become a free thinker like his teacher. The problem was that no matter how hard he tried, he could not shake his childhood faith in the Real Presence of Jesus, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Eucharist.

Voltaire’s response to the letter was simple. He advised the young man to receive the Eucharist as often as possible. But rather than going to confession before receiving Communion, as he had been taught, he should go out and commit as many mortal sins as possible. If the young man did these things, Voltaire explained, he would soon curse God, despise the Church and renounce his faith. The young man took Voltaire’s advice and within four months he had become a convinced atheist and hated everything to do with religion.

Rather than offer arguments claiming that the Catholic belief in the Real Presence was false or superstitious, Voltaire suggested sacrilegious reception of the Sacrament because he knew that sacrilege is a much shorter and more sure road to unbelief than argument.

And isn’t this precisely the way it happens in the lives of so many who fall away from the faith? Very often those who leave the Church do not do so because they are convinced by arguments to switch religions or to stop believing in organized religion or in God; they so do because they have fallen into the habit of receiving Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin, without going to confession, and unrepentant.

Contracepting is a mortal sin.  Sex (all. of. it.) outside of marriage is mortal sin.  Missing Mass on Sunday for no good reason is mortal sin.

Joe Biden, militant pro-abortion and pro-sodomy psychopath oligarch,  receiving the Eucharist from Cardinal Timothy Dolan at St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC.

Joe Biden, militant pro-abortion and pro-sodomy psychopath (does not feel shame or guilt) oligarch, receiving the Eucharist from Cardinal Timothy Dolan at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC.


Do the math.  Pray with fervor the First Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary every day.  The fruit of pondering Christ’s Agony in the Garden is SORROW FOR SIN.  Contrition.  Go to confession early and often.  Worthy receptions of the physical substance of Our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist help us to have clarity of thought and the ability to parse Reality quickly and accurately.


Starting Tuesday Off Right – St. Laurence of Brindisi Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Go over there, and in the name of Christ, kill all of those wicked Mohammedans.

Go over there, and in the name of Christ, kill all of those wicked Mohammedans. All of them. RIGHT. NOW.

Meet St. Laurence of Brindisi, Doctor of the Church.  He was a powerful, persuasive, eloquent and effective preacher of the faith to Catholics, Protestants and Jews (he was specifically sent to the Jews to explain the faith to them and converted MANY), because people who actually believe the Catholic faith and know it to be the Truth want to convert every soul on earth to it, and work hard to do so – because how in the world could you NOT?

AND, AND, as if all of that isn’t enough, when 80,000 musloid Turks invaded Hungary in ARSH 1605, he rallied and mustered a united Christian army of 18,000 from throughout Europe and then PERSONALLY led them into battle carrying a crucifix.  The Christian army utterly routed the musloid invaders, despite being outnumbered in excess of 4 to 1.

Not to sound like a broken record, but war is never the answer… except when it totally, totally is.

St. Laurence of Brindisi, PRAY. FOR. US.

Speaking of Psychopaths…

Good grief.  About the last thing I want to be doing is wading back into this nonsense again, but it seems that serial criminal and conman Paul Lemmen is back at it, this time trying to con the “Three Percent” community.  He is behind a scam “chaplaincy corps” this time, and it is all complete bee-ess.  I

Very quickly: Paul Lemmen is a career conman who served a stint in the pen for, among other things, impersonating a flag officer in Iraq and attempting to abscond with enormous amounts of money.  But his history goes WAY back, including impersonating a Vietnam Vet, and comes all the way up to the present.  Everything this guy says and does is a lie.

Here is Paul Lemmen’s Wikipedia page.  (Yeah.  He has a wikipedia page.  It’s that bad.)

Here is an expose piece I wrote a couple of years ago at the request of some folks that Lemmen had conned.

Listen, here’s all you need to know if you just want the short version: Paul Lemmen, impersonating a USAF Brigadier General, crashed the funeral of Master Sergeant Tony Yost who was killed in Iraq, and stood over the casket at Arlington faux-weeping, making a complete spectacle.  Mrs. Yost has said that she feels Paul Lemmen deprived her and the Yost family of the consolation of the memory of Master Sergeant Yost’s funeral at Arlington, because Lemmen poisoned the entire event.

What kind of a man would do such a despicable, despicable thing?  What kind of man would be so shameless?  That’s simple:



On Jamie Dimon, Sewage, and Other Variety

1.  Um, yeah, so why EXACTLY did I have a Mass said for Jamie Dimon yesterday again??  Seems odd, no?  There are multiple reasons:

a.) To pray for the salvation of his soul that he might not spend all of eternity burning in the deepest darkest corner of hell.
b.) To pray that he might be cured of his throat cancer, because if he dies of throat cancer anytime soon, he will not be able to be arrested, tried and executed for his crimes against humanity, and that would be a terrible deprivation, both to Dimon and to society in general.
c.) Because praying for the salvation and achievement of the Beatific Vision for one’s enemies is extremely constructive and good.

With regards to point B, remember the words of Dr. John Senior, as quoted in my essay “The one about… HOW THE TOTAL ABSENCE OF JUSTICE CAN ONLY LEAD TO THE TOTAL ABSENCE OF FREEDOM” , which, if I do say so myself, is one of the more conceptually important pieces I have written.

Justice is simply the social good, and it must therefore be done. It is defined as “giving each his due” – cuique suum, “to each his own.” A man is due his life because he is a living thing; it is his nature to have life; and, since it is also his nature to be moral, if a man commits a crime, he must be punished because punishment is retributive – punishment is the penalty due the criminal in justice to him. Proportioned punishment is due him, too, and you cannot deny him that right without yourself committing an injustice against him deserving punishment in turn. The judge who fails the criminal in punishment himself incurs a greater guilt.
-Dr. John Senior from his book, “The Death of Christian Culture”

Depriving criminals of the punishment justly due to them is NOT NOT NOT merciful, nor is it in any way CHARITABLE.  It is, as Dr. Senior rightly pointed out, depriving him of his real, fundamental right to justice, which is another crime.  If Jamie Dimon, Jon Corzine, Lloyd Blankfien, Mario Draghi, Christine Lagarde and the numerous other people who have committed crimes against humanity purely within the financial realm are not tried, and upon being found guilty, executed – because the punishment MUST be proportional, and these people have, without question, committed capital offenses – the odds of them ever repenting, being baptized (in the case of the Jews among them and unbaptized Gentiles) and thus attaining the Beatific Vision is massively, massively reduced.  History proves and common sense dictates that being faced with one’s own execution has a way of … bringing moral clarity to the condemned man, a clarity that dying peacefully, hopped-up on painkillers in one’s twenty million dollar Long Island or French Riviera compound simply will not provide.

Remember how Nazi Hans Frank reverted to the Church after having apostasized while awaiting his execution, received the sacraments, and by all accounts died well and with humble dignity on the gallows with his last words being,’I am thankful for the kind treatment during my captivity and I ask God to accept me with mercy.’  If Hans Frank had never faced justice and the hangman, a death he so richly deserved, the odds of his reversion would have been infinitesimal.

No, I had Mass offered for Jamie Dimon yesterday precisely because I fear that either the throat cancer OR our thoroughly wicked and cowardly culture will deprive him of the trial and execution to which he has an inalienable, Divinely ordained right, and may be his only hope for conversion, repentance and salvation.  I also know that to deprive Dimon of his just punishment will also edify others like him to commit other and larger crimes against humanity, and thus the deprivation of justice to Dimon is an act of violence against the totality of mankind.

2.  Rick Perry, being the governor of Texas, is the commander-in-chief of the Texas Military Forces, which are the Texas National Guard, the Texas Air National Guard and the Texas State Guard.  He can now deploy and could have deployed the Texas Military Forces AT ANY TIME to secure the border, but continues to lyingly state in public that those orders would come from Washington.  This is total, complete abject bullshit.  Perry is 100% complicit in all of this, because remember, as we isolated earlier, the Cloward-Piven strategy requires the full broad-spectrum cooperation of the extant power structure, and make NO MISTAKE, Perry is a member of the oligarchy to the bone, and is playing this Cloward-Piven manufactured crisis to his personal benefit.

[Addendum:  Some moral cripple just emailed me and said that it was dishonest for me to expect Perry to deploy the Guard because the State of Texas would incur 100% of the cost, not FEDGOV.  WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MATTER?  See?  This is what I’m taking about.  This whole sick culture truly believes that if doing the right thing incurs ANY personal cost whatsoever, then we are under no obligation to do the right thing.  UM… WRONG.  And you wonder why you’re going to burn.]

REPEAT UNTIL YOU COMPREHEND:  All high-level politicians in the for U.S. today are PSYCHOPATHS AND WHORES who are in it solely for the money and power.  Aspiring to or holding high level office today is proof positive of the psychological and moral unfitness of the given person to hold high public office.  This axiom transcends and applies equally to the facades known as the Republican and Democrat parties, and any and all antagonism between the two is nothing more than KABUKI THEATER.  None of them are trustworthy.  None of them are honest actors.  NONE.

3.  In a very similar vein, conscienceless psychopath Paul Ryan has declared “immigration reform” dead in the Congress.  And all of the gullible morons said, “YAY!”  Forgive me, but I’m going to have to yell now:


4.  I have been accused of using the terms sociopath and psychopath mindlessly, accusing everyone I merely disagree with of sociopathy or psychopathy.  Oh, no.  No no, no.  As with everything I say, I am going for crystal clarity and PRECISION.  Socio/psychopaths are people who do not feel shame or guilt.  As a result they lie, cheat and manipulate with extreme ease with a single-minded focus on their own personal gratification.  They will look you dead in the eye and LIE with the utmost sincerity – and they are good at it because they tend to be of above-average intelligence.  And we, as decent people, operate on the base assumption that the people we meet and deal with are NOT lying liars who lie.  If we are unfortunate enough to get tangled up with these people in friendships or even marriages, we assume that they are not USING US AS PAWNS and genuinely mean it when they feign friendship or even love.  And, for some bizarre reason which I cannot comprehend, people also assume that politicians, or really anyone they see on the TeeVee is also their “friend” and deserves their trust, in various quantities. The reason I bandy the term around is because these people are EVERYWHERE, and thus it is essential that they they recognized and dealt with appropriately, namely: you cannot appeal to these people’s consciences – because they HAVE NO CONSCIENCES; you cannot shame them into doing the right thing – BECAUSE THEY FEEL NO SHAME.  Fail to grasp these realities and they will destroy you if given even the slightest chance to do so.

In this fallen, post-Christian culture, in which justice is NOT done to criminals (see topic 1 above), the result is that a matrix exists in which the absence of a functioning conscience proves extremely helpful in terms of worldly success.  In a post-Christian culture, psychopaths will ASCEND, both in politics and in private enterprise.  It is an openly admitted fact that psychopaths are identified, recruited and promoted in the financial services and investment banking sectors today.  It is also an undeniable fact that in order to operate “successfully” in the modern political paradigm, the ability to lie constantly, persuasively and without hesitation or pangs of conscience is UTTERLY NECESSARY.  Recognizing these people for what they are, and recognizing that this culture breeds them, feeds them, and elevates them, falls under the general category header of being “wise as serpents and simple as doves”, as commanded by Our Lord.  Read often, in this age of seeming omnipresent psychopathy, Psalm 36, which opens with the words, “Be not emulous of evildoers; nor envy them that work iniquity….”

And so, I was sent a link to a simply fantastic piece entitled “The Rules of Sewage” from ARSH 2013.  I will post the Rules of Sewage as a mere teaser below, but you HAVE to go over and read the whole thing.

1.  The Non-Proportional Rule of Sewage: Regardless of the size of the pure water container, the sewage contaminates it.
2.  Non-Compartmentalized Rule of Sewage: You cannot pour a cup of sewage into a container of water, and have it only remain in the place you poured it.
3.  Immersive Rule of Sewage: No matter how pure you are to begin with, if you are surrounded by bad people or bad content, it will start to affect you.
4.  Irreversible Rule of Sewage: Simply put, it’s a lot easier to mix the sewage in and ruin the water than reversing the process.
5. Odiferous Rule of Sewage: Sewage, to put it bluntly, stinks like shit. Bad odors like that can be covered up or contained, but not forever.
6. Reactive Rule of Sewage: When faced with a tank of sewage, normal people react negatively.

What a fantastic launching point for discussion and explanation of such concepts as Original Sin, Grace, Forgiveness, the Sacraments, what Our Lord said and what His Holy Church and Scripture teaches about each of these points, as well as what heretics like Luther and Calvin said about these points.  Well, that can come later.  FIRST, you have to read it.  But be warned:  If you subscribe to the Novus Ordo Church of Nice I’m-Okay-You’re-Okay-Mercy-Equals-Permissiveness-Charity-Equals-Indifference-Who-Am-I-To-Judge-Stop-Obsessing-You-Rosary-Counting-Sourpuss line, then this essay will make you very, very angry.  And yes, I noted with amusement that this was written by a Jew – a Jew RIPE for conversion, it seems to me.  Which reminds me, I totally need to write my screed on my burning desire to convert the Jews and everyone else…. Maybe tomorrow.

Starting Thursday Off Right – St. Alexius Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Saint Alexius, in his cozy room under his parents' stairs.

Saint Alexius, in his cubbyhole under his parents’ stairs.

Meet St. Alexius, who was born very rich, the son of the Roman Senator Euphemian.  When his parents tried to push him into a loveless arranged marriage, he instead renounced his position and wealth and took off on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, disguised as a beggar.  He became famous in the Holy Land when the Blessed Virgin appeared and declared him a “Man of God”.  Shunning the resulting notoriety, he returned to Rome.  Upon returning home to Rome, his parents did not recognize him, but they took him in as an indigent holy man and he slept under the stairs, unrecognized by all, for seventeen years, living a life of prayer and teaching the faith to others, and begging for alms, almost all of which he gave to others.  After his death in ARSH 404, his parents found his writings and realized who he was.

Saint Alexius, pray for us!

The epistle of today’s Mass for St. Alexius:

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world: and certainly we can carry nothing out.  But having food, and wherewith to be covered, with these we are content.  For they that will become rich, fall into temptation, and into the snare of the devil, and into many unprofitable and hurtful desires, which drown men into destruction and perdition.  For the desire of money is the root of all evils; which some coveting have erred from the faith, and have entangled themselves in many sorrows.

But thou, O man of God, fly these things: and pursue justice, godliness, faith, charity, patience, mildness.  Fight the good fight of faith: lay hold on eternal life.
I Timothy 6: 6-12