Monthly Archives: April 2014

Starting Wednesday Off Right – 'Do Manfully' Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Expect the Lord, do manfully, and let thy heart take courage, and wait thou for the Lord.  --Psalm 26:14

Expect the Lord, do manfully, and let thy heart take courage, and wait thou for the Lord. –Psalm 26:14

The Introit from yesterday’s Mass (Tuesday in Passion Week) came from Psalm 26:  Expect the Lord, do manfully, and let thy heart take courage, and wait thou for the Lord…

Do manfully.
Do manfully.
Do manfully.

The whole of Psalm 26, which should probably be a daily prayer in these dark days:

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the protector of my life: of whom shall I be afraid? Whilst the wicked draw near against me, to eat my flesh. My enemies that trouble me, have themselves been weakened, and have fallen. If armies in camp should stand together against me, my heart shall not fear. If a battle should rise up against me, in this will I be confident. One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. That I may see the delight of the Lord, and may visit His temple. For He hath hidden me in his tabernacle; in the day of evils, He hath protected me in the secret place of His tabernacle.

He hath exalted me upon a rock: and now He hath lifted up my head above my enemies. I have gone round, and have offered up in His tabernacle a sacrifice of jubilation: I will sing, and recite a psalm to the Lord. Hear, O Lord, my voice, with which I have cried to Thee: have mercy on me and hear me. My heart hath said to Thee: My face hath sought Thee: Thy face, O Lord, will I still seek. Turn not away Thy face from me; decline not in Thy wrath from Thy servant. Be Thou my helper, forsake me not; do not Thou despise me, O God my Saviour. For my father and my mother have left me: but the Lord hath taken me up.

Set me, O Lord, a law in Thy way, and guide me in the right path, because of my enemies. Deliver me not over to the will of them that trouble me; for unjust witnesses have risen up against me; and iniquity hath lied to itself. I believe to see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living. Expect the Lord, do manfully, and let thy heart take courage, and wait thou for the Lord.

Happy Bacon & Satanic Political Manifesto Conflagration Day to Me!

Memories, like the corners of my mind.  Misty watercolored memories….

Yes, it was three years ago today that I forever made myself into the crazy-eyed chick who does unladylike things involving korans, cured pork products, and fire.  Oh, and I also handed Lindsey Graham his own ass, too.  “The only way it ends is with you sobbing in the men’s room.”  Heh.  Indeed.

There are a couple of words that I would change, just to tighten things up a bit, and I would correct the Mapplethorpe-Serrano misattribution, but this really is aging quite well – like a bold-yet-velvety Cru Beaujolais of righteous, two-fisted wrath.

Thanks to all of the good folks who sent this thing uber-viral.  Mr. BigFurHat at, Andrea Shea King, Western Rifle Shooters Association, Moonbattery, WeaselZippers, Vanderleun, Roger Kimball, and Gates of Vienna, who did the 10-language translation project.  The Arabic subtitled version of the baco-licious koran burning, done by Egyptian Copts, some of whom may now be martyrs, now stands at over 707,000 views.  That video stood as proof that the Obama regime was lying about Benghazi from the very beginning.

In the first two weeks after I posted it, I was receiving upwards of 100 emails PER HOUR, twenty-four hours per day, and when I typed my own name into Google, the results pane literally scrolled in real time.


1.) Fear no man, do the right thing, and God will provide.

2.) One person can make a difference.

3.) You never know when your life is going to make a dramatic pivot.  It could be today.  Stay frosty.

4.) The world is absolutely desperate for manful, forthright truth-telling, even if it has to come from a chick.

5.) Put a tea candle in the bottom of your glass beaker and light up the bacon grease-soaked pages of the koran from below, rather than use a kitchen lighter from above.

Lots of Limbo Citations

This is just excellent. I’ll pick out just a few of the 24 reasons. Do read the whole thing.

“24 Reasons Why Not to Reject Limbo”

24 Reasons Why Not To Reject Limbo
John Vennari

Limbo is in the news. A new document from Rome’s International Theological Commission [ITC], released on April 20 (2012), states that Catholics may virtually ignore the teaching on limbo and may have “many reasons for hope” for the salvation of unbaptized infants.

Practically every major newspaper carried the story. Headlines such as “Vatican Abolishes Limbo;” “Vatican Report Rejects Limbo;” and “Concept of Limbo Now Assigned to Oblivion” appeared throughout the world.

Yet despite this latest study, many intend to hold to the conventional teaching that the souls of infants who die before Baptism do not attain Heaven, because they have not obtained the remission of Original Sin that only Baptism provides. They go to Limbo, a place of natural happiness wherein they suffer no pain of punishment since they are guilty of no personal sin.

Listed below are 24 of the chief reasons why I, and thousands of Catholics the world over, will not reject the Catholic doctrine of Limbo:

1. Because Pope Pius VI, in a formal magisterial decree, denounced the rejection of Limbo as “false, rash, slanderous to Catholic schools”;

2. Because the ITC’s study on Limbo is neither a papal document, nor a magisterial document, but a modern theological exercise that does not bind the conscience of Catholics in any way;

4. Because it is an unchangeable article of Faith, taught infallibly by the Second Council of Lyons and the Council of Florence that the souls of those who depart this life in the state of original sin are excluded from the Beatific Vision;

5. Because Pope Sixtus V taught in a 1588 Constitution that victims of abortion, being deprived of Baptism, are “excluded from Beatific Vision,” which is one of the reasons Sixtus V denounced abortion as a heinous crime;

7. Because to reject Limbo strengthens the implicit denial of Original Sin, a chief error of our age;

14. Because churchmen can not reform Catholic doctrine for the sake of alleged “new pastoral needs,” since human considerations and “signs of the times” have no bearing on whether or not a Catholic doctrine is true;

The following comes from Catholic Essentials:

I. The Limbo of the Fathers – A place and state of rest wherein the souls of the just who died before Christ’s ascension were detained until he opened Heaven to them; referred to as “Abraham’s Bosom” (Luke xvi,22) and “Paradise” (Luke xxiii, 43) and notably in Eph. IV, 9 and I Peter iii, 18-20.

II. The Limbo of Children – It is of faith that all, children and adults, who leave this world without the Baptism of water, blood or desire and therefore in original sin are excluded from the Vision of God in Heaven. The great majority of theologians teach that such children and unbaptized adults free from grievous actual sin, enjoy eternally a state of perfect natural happiness, knowing and loving God by use of their natural powers. This place and state is commonly called Limbo. (Definition from A Catholic Dictionary, 1951)

References in Scripture:

“And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom. And the rich man also died: and he was buried in hell” Luke 16:22

“Now that He ascended, what is it, but because He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth” Ephesians 4:9

“Because Christ also died once for our sins, the just for the unjust: that He might offer us to God, being put to death indeed in the flesh, but enlivened in the spirit, In which also coming he preached to those spirits that were in prison: Which had been some time incredulous, when they waited for the patience of God in the days of Noe, when the ark was a building: wherein a few, that is, eight souls, were saved by water.” 1 Peter 3:18-20

“And he said to Jesus: Lord, remember me when Thou shalt come into Thy kingdom. And Jesus said to him: Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with Me in paradise” Luke 23:42-43

Church Teaching:

“Moreover as Christ was true and perfect man, He of course was capable of dying. Now man dies when the soul is separated from the body. When, therefore, we say that Jesus died, we mean that His soul was disunited from His body. We do not admit, however, that the Divinity was separated from His body. On the contrary, we firmly believe and profess that when His soul was dissociated from His body, His Divinity continued always united both to His body in the sepulchre and to His soul in limbo. It became the Son of God to die, that, through death, He might destroy him who had the empire of death that is the devil, and might deliver them, who through the fear of death were all their lifetime subject to servitude.” Catechism of Council of Trent, The Creed, Article IV

“Q: What are we taught in the Fifth Article: He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead? A: The Fifth Article of the Creed teaches us that the Soul of Jesus Christ, on being separated from His Body, descended to the Limbo of the holy Fathers, and that on the third day it became united once more to His Body, never to be parted from it again”. Catechism of St. Pope Pius X, The Fifth Article of the Creed

“The fourth and final reason is that Christ might free the just who were in hell [or Limbo]. For as Christ wished to suffer death to deliver the living from death, so also He would descend into hell to deliver those who were there”. Also, “The reason they were there in hell [i.e., Limbo] is original sin which they had contracted from Adam, and from which as members of the human race they could not be delivered except by Christ. Catechism of St. Thomas Aquinas, The Creed, The Fifth Article, Reasons for Christ’s Descent

“The limbo of the Fathers and the limbo of children, without any doubt, differ as to the quality of punishment or reward. For children have no hope of the blessed life, as the Fathers in limbo had, in whom, moreover, shone forth the light of faith and grace. But as regards their situation, there is reason to believe that the place of both is the same; except that the limbo of the Fathers is placed higher than the limbo of children, just as we have stated in reference to limbo and hell.” Summa Theologica, St. Thomas Aquinas, Whether the limbo of children is the same as the limbo of the Fathers?

“Suarez, for example, ignoring Bellarmine’s protest, continued to teach what Catharinus had taught — that unbaptized children will not only enjoy perfect natural happiness, but that they will rise with immortal bodies at the last day and have the renovated earth for their happy abode (De vit. et penat., ix, sect. vi, n. 4); and, without insisting on such details, the great majority of Catholic theologians have continued to maintain the general doctrine that the children’s limbo is a state of perfect natural happiness, just the same as it would have been if God had not established the present supernatural order” 1917 Catholic Encyclopedia, Limbo Summary

Contrary to what some Catholics have come to believe today, the doctrine of Limbo is mentioned in Scripture (albeit by a different name) and as we can see above, has been taught century to century by the Catholic Church. To deny its existence is not Catholic.


Time for this again, spurred by this thoroughly horrific email, which is the ripened fruit of the post-conciliar “Church of Nice” and all of its attached heresies:

Some time back I read that you understood that aborted children were in limbo.  I understood that these children were in what we would understand as heaven.  If that is true, I am glad that I have had an abortion and I am willing to pay the price of hell so another does not have to experience this hell on this earth.


Ah, the “New Pentecost”.  Not quite the same as the first one, huh?
The essay was originally penned and posted on October 16, ARSH 2012, hence the aside on Romney and Obama.  An epilogue follows.

It is getting progressively harder and harder for me to leave the house. Not because I’m threatened or under surveillance or anything like that. It’s because every situation or conversation I enter, or even just OVERHEAR or OBSERVE, is potential fodder for this bizarre website. It’s as if I am eavesdropping on and then plagiarizing the world or some such.

(Pause for moment of scruple-driven angst.)

Aaaaannnnddd……I’m over it.

So, I found myself in a discussion, the base of which was the question of what happens to babies who are killed in abortion. Do they go to heaven?

The answer is NO, they do not.

If you are recoiling in disgust and red-faced rage at this point, I would urge you to humble yourself and receive instruction, as this is a nuanced yet incredibly important bit of theology – and a lesson in logic. When you’re done reading it, I guarantee you will have learned something. If you are Catholic, you will see how shallow and inadequate your catechesis has been, and if you are Protestant you will see how much you are missing.

1. The Church teaches and has taught from day one that baptism is essential for salvation. This comes straight from Our Lord Himself:

He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned.
Mark 16:16

This is repeated throughout the four Gospels and in the epistles. Baptism, baptism, baptism. Go forth and BAPTIZE. Don’t just talk. BAPTIZE everyone you possibly can. With water. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. In fact, baptism is so non-negotiably essential that ANYONE can baptize – even a non-Christian. As long as the baptism is with water, and the form is correct, meaning in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit), then an atheist could baptize. A musloid could baptize. A Jew could baptize. A Hindu could baptize.

(*The notable and particularly relevant caveat to this is if the baptizer says the right words, but consciously means something completely different by the words “Father”, “Son” and “Holy Ghost”. I’m talking about the cult of Mormonism here. Did you know that Mormons teach and believe that God the Father is one of many “gods” who came from another planet and just happens to be the “god” of this particular planet, and that “God the Son” was once a non-divine mortal man, and that satan was his brother, and that the man they call “Jesus” at some point achieved divinity and was made the god of this world? Further, Mormons teach that when they die that they will also become gods and be given their own “celestial kingdoms” to rule. Mormons also teach that the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost are two completely separate and distinct beings.

Bottom line: Mormons are NOT, NOT, NOT Christians and Mitt Romney is NOT, NOT, NOT a Christian. Does that piss you off? Wow. I SO don’t care. It is the truth. Deal with it.

Oh, and for the record, Obama is not baptized either. One of the huge selling points of Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity “church” is the fact that he DOES NOT baptize muslims. Thus, muslims who are engaging in the war tactic of KITHMAN, that is pretending to be non-muslim while infiltrating a culture for stealth jihad, flock to Wright’s “church” because they can pose as Christians while avoiding the sacrament of Baptism. If you don’t believe me, just call Trinity and ask them yourself. Their number is (773) 962-5650. Be polite.

Not that this election is real, and not that the First American Republic still exists, but I do think that it is VERY interesting and telling that NEITHER candidate is Christian, which would be a first, and is certainly apropos.)

2. What is heaven? Heaven is nothing less than indwelling INSIDE the Trinity, contemplating the Trinity for all eternity. This is hard to understand from the “outside”, but we know that this is the case from the words of Our Lord Himself:

That they all may be one, as Thou, Father, in Me, and I in Thee; that they also may be one in Us; that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me.
John 17:21

This is called “the Beatific Vision”, which could perhaps be simplistically stated as “seeing and contemplating God from the inside.”

3. Who DESERVES the Beatific Vision as a mere corollary to their existence? Nobody. Not even the Angels. The Angels had to choose to serve God even before the creation of the world. They were created by God, and then shown the plan of Salvation History before the Big Bang (Let There Be Light). Those who chose to serve God were granted the Beatific Vision. Those who chose not to serve God, specifically the Second Person, the Divine Man, Whom they resented as being “beneath them”, were cast out of heaven, never having seen the Beatific Vision, and never to see it. Satan and demons are real.

Even the Blessed Virgin Mary doesn’t DESERVE the Beatific Vision merely as a corollary to her existence. She says so in her Magnificat:

And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. Because He hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because He that is mighty, hath done great things to me;and holy is His name. And His mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear Him.
Luke 1:46-50

Given these realities, does an unborn baby DESERVE the Beatific Vision? The answer is obviously “no”.  This is the crux of the entire question, and the poison heresy of Modernism, which has infused nearly everything today, is why people simply cannot grasp this point.  The heresy of Modernism, which is the driving force of the post-Conciliar Church, says that religion is man’s quest for God – that modern man is doing God a favor by creating out of the mind of man various and sundry ways of “encountering” God.  This is a lie.  Religion – True Religion, of which there is only one – is God’s quest for man.  God is the actor, and His actions and interactions with humanity are real, concrete events that are in no way dependent upon or merited by us.  Oh, God most assuredly loves religion – the religion which comes from Him and is His: the Catholic Church.

If you fall for the Modernist heresy, man is the supreme being and “god” is the subordinated, dependent subject.  Therefore, any “worship” experience MUST be centered around the people, and specifically how the people FEEL, because the first movement is the movement of the people.  If nobody FEELS anything, then nothing happened.  Therefore, with the human person being elevated to the position of primacy, suddenly “god” is dependent upon us and “owes” us heaven so that He can exist.  Do you see how subtle and utterly satanic Modernism is?

4. But an unborn baby (Or even a born and yet unbaptized baby) has committed no personal sin. So where do they go? The answer is, they go to a “place” (for lack of a better word) called Limbo, specifically The Limbo of the Innocents. There is another Limbo called the Limbo of the Fathers which was filled with the righteous people who died on earth before Christ opened the gates of heaven on Calvary. The Limbo of the Fathers no longer exists – Christ emptied it while He was in the tomb.  This event is called “The Harrowing of Hell”.

At this point many are screaming, “BUT THAT ISN’T IN THE BIBLE!”

Oh, yes it is. If you bother to READ IT. And again, from the lips of Our Lord, no less:

And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom. And the rich man also died: and he was buried in hell.
Luke 16:22

Abraham’s Bosom is NOT the Beatific Vision. When Our Lord spoke these words, the Gates of Heaven were yet closed because He had not yet opened them. Abraham’s Bosom was the Limbo of the Fathers.

The proof for the Limbo of the Innocents actually comes from the very first scripture I quoted above:

He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned.
Mark 16:16

Read that VERY carefully. Note that the second phrase does NOT tie non-baptism to condemnation. Condemnation (hell) is for those who reject Christ, but the baptismal state is left open. Note that in the first phrase that baptism is only tied to the Beatific Vision. What does this tell us? It tells us first that a person MUST be baptized in order to reach the Beatific Vision. It also tells us that those who die unbaptized and yet without any personal sin (which can only mean babies, both pre-born and born, and children who have not reached the age of reason, and therefore cannot be guilty of personal sin) DO NOT GO TO THE HELL OF THE DAMNED.

Makes sense, huh? But you have to start from the true premise that NOBODY deserves the Beatific Vision.

So, the “place” these innocent yet unbaptized babies and children go is the Limbo of the Innocents. The Limbo of the Innocents is a “place” wherein these souls experience MAXIMUM NATURAL HAPPINESS, but do not experience the SUPERNATURAL happiness of the Beatific Vision.

Let’s think about this. Maximum natural happiness. Guys, you have never, ever experienced anything even close to maximum natural happiness. In fact, if you were given the gift of five seconds of maximum natural happiness, I’ll bet that you would swear up and down that you had just seen heaven and that there is no way that there could be anything better. You would be wrong. Heaven, the Beatific Vision, is so far above Limbo that Limbo is considered to be at the edge of hell by comparison, but not just by comparison, but it is IN FACT within the domain of hell simply because it is outside the Beatific Vision.  But it is still better than anything you have ever experienced.

5. Now, we have to answer the question, “Why can’t unbaptized babies go straight to heaven?”

It is a great question, with a great answer. On the surface it sounds “unfair” that a baby, especially a baby that was murdered in cold blood by its own mother, couldn’t go straight to heaven, especially when we consider the fact that the mother could sacramentally confess her sin and die in a state of grace and achieve the Beatific Vision herself.

Boo! Not fair, the critics say.

Again, let’s think this through. WHAT IF all aborted babies went straight to heaven? How would the logical truth table from that false premise play out?  The woman who sent the email at the top of this essay has already showed you.

If all aborted babies are GUARANTEED heaven, but a born person who lives to the age of reason runs the risk of living a life wherein they reject Christ and end up in hell, wouldn’t it be an act of charity and mercy for every mother everywhere to abort every child they conceive so that the child will absolutely, positively spend all of eternity enjoying the Beatific Vision?

Let’s put a context to it. Let’s say a poor woman who lives in an urban slum gets pregnant. She looks around and sees a terrible environment. She knows that her child will be raised fatherless. She knows that the odds of her child escaping the grasp of the gangs and the Marxist overlords are very slim. What should she do? If all aborted babies go to heaven, then the young mother should kill the child in utero, thus guaranteeing her child heaven and sparing it the risk of life in this world and thus the high risk of being lost to hell. In fact, it would be selfish and uncharitable for her NOT to abort the child….

Do you see what happens when we try to form a logical truth table off of a false premise? We easily end up with abortion as a charitable act of mercy. And satan SQUEALS with delight.

6. Now the question must be answered, “Why SHOULD the young mother allow her child to be born even with the high risk of the child eventually being lost to hell?”

The answer comes from Lesson Number One in the Catechism:

Q: Why did God make you?

A: God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven.

Every person is made by God with the desired end of the Beatific Vision. Every. Single. Person. Period.

Religion, namely the Catholic Church, is the conduit through which God is desperately chasing after every person in order to make *possible* this unfathomable result.  If the mother aborts the baby, the baby can never see the Beatific Vision, which is what God created the child for, and nothing less. In order to achieve the Beatific Vision, a person must be born and baptized, and die in a state of grace. Because remember, NOBODY deserves the Beatific Vision. Nobody.

No matter how long the odds seem, that baby is born with the Beatific Vision within grasp. Human beings CAN NEVER deprive a child of that chance, and that is precisely what abortion does.

And Jesus beholding, said to them: With men this is impossible: but with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26

7. What about miscarriages?

True miscarriages and stillbirths are God’s will, and remember, those babies, like the aborted babies, are granted maximum natural happiness in the Limbo of the Innocents. We must trust God in these matters. It is possible that God in His omniscience and Divine Providence allows miscarriages and stillbirths in order to bring about the best possible outcome for the child. This is a very difficult idea to face, but again, it comes straight from Our Lord Himself:

The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of Him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man shall be betrayed: it were better for him, if that man had not been born.
Matthew 26:24

It would have been better for Judas Iscariot to have been miscarried because then he would have the maximum natural happiness of the Limbo of the Innocents. Instead, Judas betrayed Our Lord, doubted His mercy and never sought forgiveness and instead committed suicide, thus choosing the hell of the damned for all eternity.

But remember, ONLY GOD can make that call. No man can ever, ever play God and induce miscarriage, which is to say MURDER a pre-born child.

8. Why have I never heard anything about any of this up until now?

First, if you are Catholic and under the age of 60 or so, it is because the Church has been infiltrated by Marxist-homosexualists tasked with destroying the Church from the inside. Their father, satan, wants to convince as many people as possible that abortion is “morally neutral” or “contingent on the circumstances”. Beyond that, satan actually does want people to believe that aborted babies go to heaven so that eventually he can convince people that abortion can be a MORAL GOOD (like the woman above). Satan gets two things out of this.

A.) He maximizes the number of people who murder their own children and then DO NOT REPENT, thus dying in mortal sin and going to hell.

B.) The second thing satan achieves is keeping as many human beings from achieving that which he himself rejected and RAGES against: The Beatific Vision. Satan is willing to compromise and cut his losses. He’ll take the baby going to the Limbo of the Innocents, never seeing the Beatific Vision PLUS the damnation of the unrepentant mother AND the damnation of the apostate priests, nuns and clergy who told the woman that her abortion wasn’t a sin because “the baby is in heaven.”  Why?  Because NONE of those people is in heaven, and that is what satan wants.  

If you are Protestant, you have never heard anything about this because Protestantism is intrinsically stupid and insipid. That’s it. Superfun Rockband church. Jimmy Swaggart. Brain dead Methodist “we’re just here to keep up appearances”. Don’t believe me? Okay. Ask your preacher/presider/facilitator/host on Sunday if aborted babies go to heaven, and after reading this, stand back and bask in the bumbling ignorance of his (or her, shudder) answer. Yep. You can almost visualize it right now, can’t you?

Back in the fall of ARSH 2012 I enrolled in a one year course on Aristotelian and Thomistic Ethics for lay people put on by the Archdiocese of Denver.  Aside from the instructor, I was the only Traditional Catholic (if you will permit the term for simplicity’s sake) in the class.  The rest of the enrollees were middle-aged Novus Ordo “Kathys”, and one Novus Ordo man who alternated between talking on his phone out in the hall and sleeping soundly in his chair.  I enjoyed the course very much, and learned a lot.  This question about aborted babies came up in the class in mid-October (thus prompting my essay referencing a “discussion on the topic”), and naturally the utterly contra-catechized Kathys all swore up and down that OF COURSE all aborted babies go to heaven – because babies are so cuddly and sweet and stuff.  The instructor tried to gently make the point that no, that was in fact not correct, but the Kathys were unmoved.  Then I spoke up, and, as you have figured out, I am obviously quite firm when I decide to explain things, leaving no room for confusion.  And this HAD to be corrected.  I walked them through the logical progression of “if all babies go to heaven then abortion is the greatest act of charity any woman can do.”  But, middle-aged American Novus Ordo Kathys and logical progressions don’t exactly… play well together.  

Six weeks later I made my bucket list pilgrimage to Rome and missed one class session.  When I landed in Denver, still riding the spiritual high from Rome, I turned on my phone to check my email, and sitting at the top of my email box was a letter from the class instructor.  The Kathys had approached him after class, in my absence, and told him that my insistence upon my (read THE CATHOLIC CHURCH’S) position and unwillingness to compromise made them feel “unsafe”.  I poop you negative.  Talk about harshing a girl’s mellow.  Bear in mind, none of them had any idea who I was.  I was just a woman named “Ann” who wore fabulous neckties and was “not nice”.  I thought on it and quickly realized that in order to avoid having all of these Kathys drop the course, ask for refunds, and potentially harm this young fellow’s reputation and career, I would just audit the course online and listen to the audio files… so as not to scare the Kathys.  I admit that the frustration this caused me made me cry.  And it was then that I first thought to myself, “You know, between the IRS and this crap, I should just suck it up and go live in a van down by the river.”

And that is exactly what I did.  🙂