Nurse Claire intel: 13,000 dead in NC and TN. Not 250. The situation is fully third-world.

If you aren’t checking in at on the regular, you should be.

Prep, stockpile, hoard. No one is coming to save you physically when the proverbial bell tolls for thee.

Might I take this opportunity to once again recommend the Katadyn Pocket silver-impregnated ceramic water filter. This little guy can fully purify water from bacteria and protozoans in one pass, with a filter life equal to the volume of a home swimming pool (13,000 gallons).

Katadyn Pocket Water Filter for Backpacking, Group Camping & Emergency Preparedness:

Hey, wait a minute! WHAT ABOUT JORGE? How the “We just have to wait for the Antipope to die” argument is completely antithetical to Christianity itself.

There are LOTS of clerics and not a few prelates, and at this point a majority of the Remnant Faithful, who know, understand and believe that Jorge Bergoglio is not and never has been the Pope – an Antipope. I was told many years ago by a Vatican insider that there were “two to three dozen” Cardinals that “suspected that Bergoglio wasn’t the Pope”. Quite a few of those Cardinals have died, and most have crossed the voting threshold of Age 80 by now, not surprisingly.

What every single one of these men have said about the situation is this: “We just have to wait for him [Bergoglio] to die.” This toxic mindset of indifference and despair has spread throughout the Remnant Faithful, pushed hard by Trad Inc. and its self-anointed thought leaders, several of which are now exposing themselves as schismatics (denying the Papacy and/or the need to be in union with the Vicar of Christ on earth), 1958 sedevacantists, and some even as full-blown militant apostates.

Some talking heads are now trying to re-write history, claiming that the Church’s historical response to Antipopes was to just “wait it out”. I have no idea where these people are getting this, because it is so utterly and completely false that I struggle to find the words to adequately describe it. The Church has AGGRESSIVELY sought to resolve Antipapacies – and there have been DOZENS of them – such that nearly every Antipapacy has been identified and rectified WHILE THE ANTIPOPE WAS YET ALIVE AND CLAIMING THE PETRINE SEE.  This is why the case of Antipope Anacletus II is so remarkable – he was one of the only Antipopes to die unrepentant of his crime.

This brings us to Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Yes, as he is now he is a despicable, loathsome man – one of the most evil men alive today, and in the history of the Church. Revolting in every sense. HOWEVER, he is loved infinitely by God, who died for Bergoglio with the same infinite specificity as He died for you. Christ’s infinite Mercy is every bit as available to Jorge Bergoglio as it is to you. Jorge Bergoglio’s sins could be instantly subsumed in the infinite ocean of mercy that is Our Lord’s Most Precious Blood.

So, someone please explain to me why it is that most people today have declared that Jorge Bergoglio is irredeemable, a complete lost cause, and that HOLY MOTHER CHURCH HERSELF has no interest in attempting to correct him and get him back into his Baptismal Garment? That no one should even TRY to correct Bergoglio and get him back into the Catholic Church and the State of Grace?

Let’s leave to the side for just a moment the entire question of the unspeakable damage to souls that this man has done and continues to do, and will continue to do after his death through the scandal of his Luciferian anti-magisterium. Just for a second, let’s do what NO ONE is doing. Let’s consider Jorge Mario Bergoglio himself as a human being.

The position that Jorge Bergoglio is beyond redemption and MUST be written-off as lost to hell WHILE HE IS YET VERY MUCH ALIVE is 100% totally contrary to the fundamental essence of Christianity. This is a huge reason why Holy Mother Church has ALWAYS aggressively sought to rectify and end all previous Antipapacies: for the good of the usurper himself, as well as for the good of the Church Militant in toto.

Do we honestly believe that Our Lord, the Good Shepherd, looks upon Jorge Mario Bergoglio, lost sheep that he is, and is saying, “Nah. I don’t give a damn about THAT ONE. Let THAT ONE go. Don’t even try, don’t even bother.” IF that applies to Antipope Bergoglio, if Bergoglio is a total write-off in the eyes of Jesus Christ, I wonder, who ELSE might be declared a “total write-off”? Are we seeing the horrific scandal that this position incites? There are two types of scandal: scandal that incites others to sin, and scandal that incites others to LOSE THEIR FAITH. If churchmen and professional Catholics openly despair of a man who has not yet died and COULD EASILY repent, be shriven and totally reconciled to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church before any of us sit down to dinner tonight, then what about anyone else? To say that Antipope Bergoglio has no access to the Sacraments is every bit as absurd as saying… that there are no black cassocks in Rome.

Do we honestly believe that the entire Church Triumphant would NOT celebrate the repentance of a sinner so great as Jorge Mario Bergoglio? I have said for many years now that Antipope Jorge Mario Bergoglio COULD be the Anti-Judas Iscariot – COULD BE. But it seems that everyone has decided that the spiritual works of mercy are no longer a thing. Admonishing the sinner? NAH. DON’T EVEN BOTHER. Just wait for him to die. It’s SOOOO much easier that way. And besides, that’s what The Church has always done….

Except that is what The Church has NEVER, EVER done. Because that is totally antithetical to the Church’s entire mission and raison d’être. The Church exists for the Salvation of Souls, including Antipope Jorge Bergoglio’s – for his every bit as much as for yours and mine.

Let’s start calling out this evil, scandalous Calvinist double-predestination “born reprobate” heretical nonsense about indifferently surrendering Antipope Bergoglio to hell and “just waiting for him to die”, not only because it doesn’t solve the problem of resolving the Antipapacy, but because the Second Great Commandment DEMANDS that we do what the Church has always done with Antipopes – reconcile them to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church so that they might someday achieve the Beatific Vision. We love our neighbor for the love of God. God made Bergoglio, God incarnated for Bergoglio, God suffered and died for Bergoglio, God rose from the dead so that Bergoglio might be saved. Deny this true base premise, and it’s a short logical jump to wondering if YOU, ME or ANY OF US MIGHT BE SAVED.

Pray the Matthew 17:20 intention, the third petition of which is and always has been: that Antipope Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, die in the state of grace in the fullness of time, and someday achieve the beatific vision.

As always, I hope this helps.

Over the transom… The best mis-heard lyric ever: “Carry a Laser”, plus the return of Mandolin Boy

Hi, Ann,

My mental jaw is still on the floor after your post about Mr. Mister’s “Kyrie”. I was born in November, 1976, and I can remember the day that my mother got that tape brand new in her first shipment from the Columbia Record & Tape Club. I’ve heard it for years on the radio, and I used to think it said “Carry a Laser”…like, I’m packin’ my Han Solo blaster; I’m untouchable…” Even after discovering Tradition, and thinking, boy, that really sounds like he’s saying “Kyrie Eleison”, I refused to believe it. No way, I thought, could that make it past enough music-industry decision-makers to get on the radio and remain heavily played to this day, even in Canada.

Were the ’80’s really like that? I’m starting to look back to them now the way I imagined the ’50’s not too long ago. We didn’t really appreciate what we had, or imagine how much lower things could sink in thirty, forty years.

On this topic, thanks for putting up that old Don Williams video; my children and I love that song, and my little five-year-old daughter thinks “Madeleine Boy” (sic) is just a riot, with his red jogging-suit and guitar-faces.

God bless you.


The HUGE allegory in this performance is MANDOLIN BOY.  Don Williams, the bass player, the keyboardist, and even the percussionist are reserved.  But then, there, ever-present in the background is MANDOLIN BOY, dressed in solid bright red, the color of the Passion, of martyrdom… and of PENTECOST.  There is MANDOLIN BOY bouncing and smiling, rocking out his mandolin solos, reminding us all that God hears the prayers of His people, and that YES, God is “planning a good day for me.” Let’s call that the understatement of the day, shall we?

But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love Him.
Sed sicut scriptum est : Quod oculus non vidit, nec auris audivit, nec in cor hominis ascendit, quae praeparavit Deus iis qui diligunt illum :

1 Corinthians 2: 9

I hope this helps.  #TeamMandolinBoy

Blunt Talk and Direct Answers About Papal Infallibility, Schism, the Law of Non-Contradiction, the Holy Catholic Church, and Faith in God Made Man, Our Lord Jesus Christ

As events continue to accelerate, the confusion and enmity increases in proportion, unsurprisingly.

So.  Let’s talk about Papal Infallibility.  First of all, Papal Infallibility is a very, very real and very important thing.  It isn’t a pious fabrication, or the domain of “stupid, uneducated rubes who can’t handle reality.”  Papal Infallibility is an infallibly defined dogma, is an absolutely essential component of Sacred Tradition, has been held by EVERY saint and EVERY doctor of the Church (even before its formal definition, obviously – that is why it could be formally defined, it wasn’t an innovation), is testified to by nearly 2000 years of history, is totally logical, and is CLEARLY stated and established by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Gospels.

Further, the Divine Providence is PERFECT in Its designs. Thus, it stands to reason that the Divine Providence saw to it that Vatican I formally, infallibly defined and codified Papal Infallibility PRECISELY SO THAT THE CHURCH MILITANT COULD EASILY IDENTIFY A FORTHCOMING ANTIPOPE, namely Jorge Mario Bergoglio. If a putative “Pope” violates the infallibly defined dogma of Papal Infallibility… like, on a near-daily basis… then the faithful should, oh, I dunno, maybe check and see if anything sketchy, odd, unprecedented, illegal, or highly suspicious happened surrounding the putative “election” of said man, instead of declaring the Ecumenical Council that declared said dogma to have been “wrong”, and by rapid logical corollary declaring Our Lord to be an oath-breaking liar, and thus denying His very Divinity.

You would think.

You. Would. Think.

Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram, aedificabo Ecclesiam Meam.

Twelve years ago, every member of Trad Inc., as well as many conservative Novus Ordo Catholics would have made pretty much exactly the arguments I am making below about Papal Infallibility.  The only thing that has changed is that they have adopted the false base premise regarding the identity of the Pope – namely that Jorge Bergoglio is now or ever has been the Pope.  The result of this false base premise is a logical truth table that is vomiting nothing but SCANDAL, falsehood, error, heresy, schism, and apostasy.  And satan laughs all the way to the Lodge.

Let’s start at the beginning with Jesus Christ (a very good place to start).  Jesus Christ is God.  I honestly think that a LOT of people either don’t quite buy this, or forget this slightly important fact.  Being that Jesus Christ is God, He is infinitely GOOD.  He is not a jerk who is trying to trick people.  He is not a liar who breaks His promises.  He is also not a moron, springing from the fact that He is omniscient and omnipotent.  He foresees every possible contingency because He contains ALL information and exists outside of time, and His Providence provides PERFECTLY, whilst respecting human free will.

Part of the “not being a moron” quality of God Almighty is the fact that He knows how to set up His Church, which is His Mystical Body, His Bride, and His gift to mankind, through which men might be saved, and outside of which there is no salvation.  God is also the Human Resources Manager par excellence.  He knows how we are as human beings, and He has set up His Church to protect us from, well, OURSELVES.

Anyone who has ever had any experience in business, the military, parenthood, or heck, just being an actual honest-to-goodness grown-up, knows that whenever a group of people get together, SOMEONE has GOT to be in charge.  Impotent or nebulous (meaning no one really knows who is in charge – either too many claiming power, OR no one stepping up) leadership yields chaos and failure.  This is AXIOMATIC given The Fall.  So, Christ said, “Thou art Peter, and UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH.”  This was such a big deal that Our Lord changed Simon’s name to PETER so that humanity would be BEATEN OVER THE HEAD FOR ALL ETERNITY by the Holy Pun. Kepha-Kepha. πέτρα-Petram-Petrus.

What Our Lord also did with the words, “Thou art Peter and upon this Rock I will build my Church” is establish the STANDARD OF SCHISM. How does one know whether they are in union with the Church that Jesus Christ founded or not?  Simple.  PETER.  The standard of schism is UNION WITH PETER, because PETER and each successor to Peter’s See is the visible head of Christ’s Church on earth – the Church Militant.  Anyone who denies that Peter is, alone and unique, the Rock upon which Christ built and sustains His Church, and thus denies Peter’s primacy and universal jurisdiction over the ENTIRE CHURCH on earth (such as the Eastern Orthodox, all protestants, etc.) is IN SCHISM.  So, given that Peter is the standard of schism, it was and is utterly essential that Peter be RELIABLE.  Here is where Papal Infallibility comes into play.

It is not possible for Jesus Christ, Infinite Love and Goodness, to put His Church or any of us as individuals into a catch-22 “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” position.  This is NOT POSSIBLE.  This certitude is a DIRECT corollary of Christ’s Divinity.  IF you believe that Jesus Christ would or could put His Church into a situation wherein there are two choices, and both choices lead to damnation, then you very simply do not believe in Christ.  This isn’t Star Trek.  The isn’t the Kobayashi Maru “no win scenario” test.

Jorge Bergoglio is CLEARLY an apostate, an arch-heretic, only Catholic in the sense that he was baptized as a child, but OBVIOUSLY doesn’t hold the Catholic faith, and is obviously building a Freemasonic Antichurch.  This is all glaringly OBVIOUS.  So if a person assents to the OBVIOUS lies and false religion of Bergoglio, one is denying Christ.  Agreed?  Of course.  To follow Bergoglio is to deny Christ.  How then, could it possibly be, given the impossibility of the “catch-22 damned if you do damned if you don’t” scenario, that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope?  It isn’t possible. That’s the point. A thing cannot simultaneously be itself and its negation.

Furthermore, since Jesus Christ clearly established union with Peter (upon this rock…) as the standard of schism, and given human free will, and The Fall, doesn’t it stand to logical reason that Christ HAD TO bestow and confer the unique grace of SUPERNATURAL NEGATIVE PROTECTION upon the Petrine See precisely in order to render impossible the “catch-22” scenario from ever happening?  Of course.  IF you are going to make union with one man holding one Office the standard of schism, the difference between eternal beatitude and eternal damnation, as Christ clearly did, that OFFICE absolutely HAS to have Supernatural Protection so that the faithful can be absolutely certain that being in union with Peter will never be a damnable offense.

So, since we have already established that assenting to Bergoglio’s heresies and apostasies and eventually entering into the Antichurch which he is constructing is to deny Christ, then it MUST logically follow that Bergoglio is not Peter, and Bergoglio is NOT the STANDARD of schism, but rather the VECTOR of schism.  Schism is the disease, and Bergoglio is the TICK that spreads it.  The True Peter cannot be the vector of schism, and the standard of schism, because Peter cannot both BE and NOT BE The Rock.  This is called the Law of Non-contradiction. Something cannot be both itself AND its negation.  It is also called “God’s infinite, unfailing love for His Church and mankind.”  It’s also called, “common sense.”


Papal Infallibility is an article of faith.  In its simplest terms, the Pope is infallible because Jesus Christ is God, and He made the Petrine Promise.  In much the same way, the Eucharist is transubstantiated former-bread and former-wine because Jesus Christ is God and He explained this in no uncertain terms in John 6.  No one can explain the metaphysical mechanisms of Transubstantiation.  No one can explain the Incarnation, nor the Hypostatic Union.  No one can explain the physical mechanism of the Resurrection. Every one of these things, including Papal Infallibility, is an article of Faith.

Papal Infallibility is a NEGATIVE protection, which means that its workings are largely hidden to the world in the infinitude of the dataset, known only to God, of what COULD have happened, but was PREVENTED from happening.  I remember when I was in college at K-State driving west on Highway 24 between Perry, Kansas and Topeka. A song I disliked came on the radio so I reached down to change the station and look for a better tune.  As I did this, I reflexively backed off the throttle as I momentarily took my eyes off the road.  I found a satisfactory station, and resumed speed.  A few seconds later, some idiot in a late-70s Monte Carlo came barreling down the onramp onto 24 Highway, spun out of control careening across both lanes and went into the center ditch, and then back across onto the shoulder just ahead of me.  Had I not momentarily backed off the throttle a half mile back and had I been a few hundred feet ahead of where I was, he probably would have taken me out.  This VERY unscientific example somewhat demonstrates the concept of a negative protection.  I am absolutely convinced that at the General Judgment, every human being will be shown every instance in which they were preserved from harm, and also had positive, “fortuitous” things happen in their lives, by these “passive” and “preventative” workings of the Divine Providence.  From the rock in one’s shoe that caused one to stop, and thus not get hit by a motorcycle, to the decision to stop into THIS restaurant and not THAT restaurant, wherein one met someone who led to a job, etc.  EVERYONE has stories of these kinds of events.  With Papal Infallibility, the difference is that we have been told by God explicitly that this kind of protection is real, and guaranteed to be in force.  We can’t see it, we can’t explain it, and the truth is that Papal Infallibility can manifest itself in incredibly subtle ways such that only the General Judgment will reveal its full workings throughout history.  But we know it is real and in force because Jesus Christ is God.  Period. It’s called FAITH.  It’s a theological virtue.  If you don’t have it, you better get it before you die.

My favorite example of the Supernatural Negative Protection of Papal Infallibility is what I have recounted before in this space about Pope Paul VI and the promulgation of Humanae Vitae.  Paul VI Montini had promised all of his Freemason and sodomite friends that he would open the door to contraception as Pope.  He assembled a “blue-ribbon panel” to study the question, and they, being the filthy infiltrators and heretics that they were, recommended the ratification of contraception “in certain circumstances” to Pope Paul VI.  So, Paul VI Montini and his ghostwriters drafted Humanae Vitae, and it was submitted to the Holy Office/Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, at the time headed by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani (a good guy).  Cardinal Ottaviani, a good Thomist, took one look at the vomitous lies in the draft, deleted them, and replaced them with the now-famous paragraphs strictly forbidding contraception AND prophesying the calamitous effects that contraception would wreak on society.  The document went back to Paul VI, and, thanks to the Supernatural Negative Protection of Papal Infallibility that he, being the legitimately elected albeit grossly unworthy Roman Pontiff and Successor to Saint Peter, enjoyed, Paul VI promulgated the document AS CORRECTED by Cardinal Ottaviani, and AGAINST his Freemason and sodomite buddies, who then turned on him and despised him until the day he died.  Pope Paul VI died pretty much reviled by everyone – his cabal never forgave him for failing to ratify contraception, and the actual Catholics knew what a foul man he really was.  Why did Paul VI promulgate Humane Vitae AS CORRECTED?  Why didn’t he change it back? The specific mechanisms we will not know until the General Judgment.  All we know until then is that the Supernatural Negative Protection preventing a catch-22 situation kicked in – because Jesus is Lord.  Amen, and A-MEN.


The virtue of HUMILITY means both knowing and acknowledging what you ARE NOT, but also what you ARE.  For a Pope to be truly humble, and not merely engaging in a FALSE HUMILITY, he MUST know, believe and conduct himself as the Absolute Monarch with Universal Jurisdiction that he is.  Isn’t it funny how satan really went to town in his attack on Holy Mother Church as soon as there were men upon the Petrine See who were loathe to exercise their authority as the Absolute Monarch that they were? Pope Paul VI Montini was the last Pope to be crowned with the Papal Tiara in ARSH 1963, and at the end of the Third Session of the failed Second Vatican Council in ARSH 1964, in an act of ostentatious false humility, he descended from the Papal Throne in St. Peter’s Basilica, ascended the High Altar, and placed his Papal Tiara on the altar as an explicit RENUNCIATION of the “human glory and power” of the Papacy in keeping with the “spirit of the (failed) Council”, and then directed that the Tiara be sold and the proceeds be given to … wait for it… the “poor”. No Pope since has been crowned.  Only installed, and all have bent over backwards to project this same brand of false humility.  If you think that it is a coincidence that satan went into overdrive at exactly the same time as the Popes started refusing to acknowledge and exercise their power as the Monarch of monarchs that they are, I have a big red bridge to sell you cheap.

The infamous example of this with Pope Benedict was when he received Bishop Fellay of the SSPX.  Bishop Fellay is said to have asked Pope Benedict why he simply didn’t do what he saw fit to do, and what he (Pope Benedict) wanted to do to begin to correct the many problems in the Church.  Pope Benedict is said to have pointed at the door of his office in which they were sitting and said, “My authority ends at that door.”  That is, of course, totally wrong, and Pope Benedict was catastrophically wrong to NOT acknowledge his massive authority as the one and only living Sovereign Pontiff from April of ARSH 2005 until his death on December 31, ARSH 2022

Folks, all of these Trad Inc. people who intransigently insist against pretty much all evidence (which they categorically refuse to engage – you’ve noticed that none of them have any clue about the Canon Law arguments, and they constantly ask questions which I and others have been explaining and answering for nearly a decade now) that Bergoglio is Pope are all beating the Freemasonic-satanic drum that the Papacy is basically meaningless and powerless, has been all along, and anyone who actually believes in the authority of the Pope as bestowed by Christ and manifested for the past nearly 2000 years is STUPID, SUPERSTITIOUS, and AND IDOLATER. Because “Fwanciss” is Pope, shut up, stupid!

That’s right.  A bunch of social-media addicted, underemployed laypeople have come to the conclusion that EVERYBODY has been all wrong about the Papacy, and that yes, the Church will be MUCH better off once everyone sheds their “superstitious papolatry” and accepts that Christ is a malignant liar who has put us all in an impossible catch-22 damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t situation,Vatican I was wrong and Papal Infallibility has been a superstitious crock for 2000 years (despite all evidence to the contrary), the entire Church including EVERY saint and Doctor of the Church has been wrong, and that the Law of Non-contradiction only applies when it suits Trad, Inc., namely that the Pope can simultaneously be the standard of unity AND its opposite – the vector of schism.

All of this is totally, completely, diametrically and catastrophically WRONG.

The problem with the Papacy is precisely that its power has NOT been wielded since Pius XII, in a nauseating betrayal borne of FALSE HUMILITY, and people, including the Popes since Pius XII, have lost faith in the Supernatural Protection and Monarchical Authority of the Papacy, first and foremost from the terrible example of the Popes themselves.  We don’t need a LESS powerful and assertive Papacy – that is the agenda of Freemasonry and satan!! We need the restoration of the AUTHORITY and UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION of the Petrine Office, recognized and aggressively wielded by a valid Pope, which there has not been these 649 days and counting.

All of this is the fruit of the false base premise that Jorge Bergoglio is now or ever has been the Pope.  And obviously so.  False base premises yield logical truth tables with false, erroneous logical corollaries.  In order to reason soundly and navigate the battle space, you HAVE to have a true base premise.  The greatest act of violence that can be done to the Papacy is calling a man who is NOT Peter, “Peter”.  What we are living right now today is what you get when you incorrectly and invalidly cede the authority of the Petrine Office to an Anti-Peter, who if he isn’t the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, is totally stealing his playbook and his thunder.

Finally, I’ll ask one last rhetorical question.  What do you think the Pope will be like after the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (assuming that it is not concurrent with the General Judgment and Our Lord’s coming in Glory)?  What do the prophecies say?  Will the Pope of the restoration be a meaningless figurehead and groveling milquetoast of false humility, or will he be a bold, potent and virile Monarch who wields his power to defend Holy Mother Church from her enemies and rebuild her to glory? I think the answer is perfectly clear.

To believe as everyone before us, saints and doctors included in perfect unanimity, in the ABSOLUTE Authority of the Petrine Office is NOT IDOLATRY.

To have faith in the words of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, recorded in the Gospels, and His promise of SUPERNATURAL PROTECTION of the Petrine Office, confirmed and promulgated as dogma by an infallible Ecumenical Council is NOT SUPERSTITION.

To hold the Catholic Faith whole and entire, and to be unflaggingly loyal and a staunch defender of the Petrine See and the Universal Jurisdiction of the Vicar of Christ, and refusing to call a usurper Antipope “Peter” is not now and NEVER CAN BE A SCHISMATIC ACT.

As always, I sure hope this helps.

(What do you think? Is this how it should be, or is it the mortal sin of idolatry against the First Commandment?)


The 80’s were so good that we had #1 hit songs about religious/priestly vocations.

Here’s Little Stevie Winwood with his ARSH 1986 solo #1 hit, “Higher Love”. I’ve put the lyrics below, with capitalizations to indicate references to the Triune Godhead, Who is Himself that Infinite, Higher Love. When I hear this song, I hear a young man or woman discerning a Traditional Catholic religious or priestly vocation. CLEARLY. And beautifully.


And here are the lyrics – caps mine.

Think about it, there must be Higher Love…

Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above
Without It, life is wasted time
Look inside your heart, I’ll look inside mine

Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk blind and we try to see
Falling behind in what could be

Bring me a Higher Love
Bring me a Higher Love (oh oh)
Bring me a Higher Love
Where’s that Higher Love I keep thinking of?

Worlds are turning and we’re just hanging on
Facing our fear and standing out there alone
A yearning, and it’s real to me
There must be Someone who’s feeling for me

Bring me a Higher Love
Bring me a Higher Love (oh oh)
Bring be a Higher Love
I could rise above on a Higher Love

I will wait for It
I’m not too late for It
Until then, I’ll sing my song
To cheer the night along (bring It)

I could light the night up with my soul on fire
I could make the sun shine from pure desire
Let me feel that Love come over me
Let me feel how strong It could be


Higher Love. Bring me a Higher Love.

St. Petersburg, Florida, site of one of the biggest sodomite priDE MONth parades and festivals, is about to be hit by a Cat 5 hurricane. Jesuit priests everywhere desperately scrambling to cancel their June ‘25 AirBnb bookings.

A reader checks in:

Dear Ann,

Hello from St. Pete, a paradise with 361 days of sunshine per year on average. But like the garden paradise of Milton, lost soon I’m afraid. St. Pete is home to the largest pride parade and festival in Florida, one of the largest anywhere. Having lived here 20 years I knew/feared it was only a matter of time before God stepped in. I was actually here before the parade because the patron saint of the diocese of St. Petersburg is St. Jude, my patron saint.

Remember our Lady of Fatima said the chastisements will be “man made, and Heaven sent”, so whatever the cause of a November hurricane blowing up to such strength in October, the ends are justified, of that I’m more than certain.

Please send an Ave my way if you could for myself and my family.

Thanks for all you do.
St. Pete, FL

Hoooooo! THIS is worth a rewatch: Mr. X’s expository speech in “JFK” (ARSH 1991). Change a few names and locations and it’s a recitation of current events.

Donald Sutherland’s delivery is masterful.

Remember, the earliest exponent back in the mid ‘50s of the whole “we must fundamentally transform the Papacy into a collegial, synodal shared ministry” crap was… wait for it… Avery DULLES, S.J., son of John Foster Dulles and nephew of CIA founder Allen Dulles. Just sayin’.

Given the events of this summer, this hits harder. MUCH harder.

*** To no one’s shock, you can only see this on a VPN set to outside the former U.S.

If anyone knows how to tweak speech using AI, here’s a project: Mr. Mister Kyrie

The tweak is super-simple. At the very beginning, the singer intones the word “Kyrie” three times. To make the song explicitly Trinitarian, just change the second Kyrie Eleison to CHRISTE Eleison using AI replication of the vocal quality. I’m sure it could be done.

The 80’s really were an amazing period for music. How fortunate some of us are to have lived sentient childhood, when memories are so deeply and vividly engrained, in the last days of anything of quality music-wise. Remember, kids today have no music. They have sodomites and whores grunting and moaning and screeching pornographic utterances over mindless percussion tracks. Share the good music of your life with younglings whenever you can, from chant to classical to the music of living memory – big band, consonant jazz, country, bluegrass, even good pop that isn’t filthy. Like “Kyrie”, there was plenty of clean, beautiful music even with electric guitar and drums.

Lord, have mercy, down the road that I must travel.

Christ, have mercy, through the darkness of the night.

Lord, have mercy, on a highway in the light.

“Why are there no evening Masses listed?”

Happy Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

This image is making the rounds, of the Mass schedule of St. Francis of Assisi parish in New York City from way back in the day…

It drives home a point we discuss in this space, but most people don’t like to discuss.

The reason there are no Masses after 1:00pm is because up until ARSH 1953, the Eucharistic Fast was FROM MIDNIGHT, including water, under pain of mortal sin. The evening liturgy of the Church was Vespers. There were no evening Masses because an evening Mass would require the priest and any faithful that wished to make a Sacramental Communion to fast from all food and water for eighteen hours or more. This is certainly possible, I have done it many times, but the times we live in are abnormal, to put it mildly. After the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, the Eucharistic Fast will be restored, and evening Masses will likely cease, and Vespers will once again be common.

In ARSH 1953, Pope Pius XII relaxed the fast to allow water and necessary medication, and then in ARSH 1957 the Eucharistic Fast was relaxed further to only three hours. Pope Pius XII was very ill and dying in ARSH 1957, and it is suspected that infiltrators took advantage of the situation and rammed this effective elimination of the Eucharistic Fast through. Paul VI finished off the Eucharistic Fast in ARSH 1964 by reducing it to one hour, which was put into the 1983 Code of Canon Law, specifically Canon 919.

Interestingly, the Masses in the 02:00am hour were called “Printers’ Masses”, because men who worked newspaper printing presses had to be at work to print the day’s newspapers at 03:30-04:00am, so Holy Mother Church made certain that those men could hear Mass before going to work. I remember hearing a Novus Ordo priest years ago announce during his homily that he was ALWAYS unavailable from 10:00-11:00am Monday-Friday, because that was when The Price Is Right was on TV, and that was the best part of his day, and he could not be disturbed. And he was as serious as cancer. Talk about textbook EFFEMINACY. 🤢🤢🤢🤮

If you would like to read more about The Eucharistic Fast, my original piece is HERE.