Cardinal Burke, despite his efforts, is also fundamentally unsound on the question of people who are “divorced and remarried” publicly receiving Holy Communion so long as they are living in continence, that is, not having sexual relations with each other.
Sorry, but no. Here is the truth of how this situation worked before the infiltration and attack on The Church concurrent with the failed Second Vatican Council.
When two people who were civilly remarried after a civil divorce reverted to Catholicism and could not separate (generally due to having minor children), and necessarily stopped having sex with each other because they fully acknowledged the truth that they were NOT married to each other and that any conjugal contact would be mortally sinful, even then, these people would NEVER receive Holy Communion publicly, or if they did, it would be in a parish very far away where they were totally unknown.
Think about it. Everyone assumes that married couples have sex with each other. Do we honestly believe that The Church would want people to PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE AND ADVERTISE their sexual activity (or lack thereof)? Of course not. So, what Cardinal Burke is advocating is for people who are “living as brother and sister” to do by receiving Holy Communion publicly is either:
A.) Continue to scandalize the faithful who justly assume that all “married” couples have sex with each other, OR
B.) Require the “married” couple to publicly announce on a continual basis that they are not having sex.
This is insane.
There should be NO PUBLIC RECEPTION OF HOLY COMMUNION by people who are living as a married couple with anyone other than their true spouse. Period. The concession of permitting people to continue to cohabit in continence for the sake of rearing children is already a massive, massive concession. But there is simply no way that such “brother-and-sister” couples can receive Holy Communion publicly, or in a parish in which they are known, because scandal is the byproduct either way, either by the just assumption of the community of the couple’s sexual activity, OR the couples’ persistent public discussion of their sex life, which is a scandal unto itself.
Nope. Sorry. This whole discussion is actually built on a false premise to begin with. Even Cardinal Burke is unsound, which really isn’t surprising, considering that he believes that the failed Second Vatican Council is anything other than the satanic dumpster fire that it so obviously is. The logical progression is simple, PLUS we have the tradition of The Church and the clear historical precedent for dealing with these situations right in front of us. And yet, even one of the “greatest minds” in the Church today discards both in favor of an illogical and unprecedented non-solution solution.
Oh, and he also thinks Bergoglio is the pope. Or, at least that is what he says in public. That is another clue.
Man, if I were a reporter and I could interview Cardinal Burke, I’d put this fairly simple logical corollary to him and not let him weasel his way out of it. Enough of this effeminate “third way” crap. Enough.