(Originally penned and posted on May 23, ARSH 2012, when Francis was the name of a saint from Assisi and Jorge Mario Bergoglio was humbly presiding over Tango Masses in Buenos Aires. Â This piece was written in the context of the United States and Obamacare, but the same dynamics apply globally.)
I mentioned not too long ago that I was exposed to a bunch of lesbian ex-nuns (and active nuns) when I was a kid outside of Kansas City. My bedroom window looked out onto the bell towers of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth’s headquarters, less than a mile away.
The sisters who were old-school, pre-Vatican II entrants wore habits and were generally conservative, but totally sidelined because of their age. The 1960’s and forward “nuns” were pretty much all lesbians, or if they weren’t, they were sure fooling a lot of people with their high-and-tight six-dollar haircuts, manly clothing and overall butch affectations and comportment. If a child can’t instantly tell whether a person is a man or a woman, there are some serious, serious psychosexual problems afoot with the androgyne in question. And, like I said, Leavenworth was never lacking for “courageous ex-nuns”, many of which ended up living with fellow ex-nun “roommates”. Uh-huh. Well, the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth officially jumped the ol’ shark and have declared according to their own pagan magisterium that abortifacients are just fine with them.
Here’s the citation from the Topeka Capital Journal.
Now, you may be thinking that a little cabal of nuns in Leavenworth, Kansas is no big shakes, right? Wrong. This is a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR business concern, and this example perfectly demonstrates what I and so many others (such as Karl Denninger) have been saying about the evil incestuous problem with the Marxist-infiltrators of the Church and how they have intentionally pushed for government takeover of the care of the sick and the poor.
First, here is a URL documenting the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Healthcare System’s (SCLHS) size:
Fitch rates their bonds as AA-. Yes, that’s right. They have a Fitch rating. Um, is it just me, or does that seem . . . wrong somehow?
Yeah. So, one more time for those of you who might be new or still haven’t figured this out yet. The Marxist infiltrators of the Catholic Church have specifically and consciously pushed for the government takeover of pretty much all charitable functions that WERE the domain of the Church – hence the traitorous alliance with the “democrat” party in the United States.
In doing this, these traitors to Our Lord have essentially used the power of the State to enforce a “mandatory tithe”, coercing every earner in the United States through the Internal Revenue Service, regardless of religious affiliation or personal preference, to pay for the services that the Church SHOULD be paying for, but has ABANDONED. That’s right. The Church has almost totally abandoned caring for the sick and the poor. Now what we have are these massive for-profit outfits like the SCLHS which are for-profit middle-men who bill everything that would have formerly been “charity” to the United States government – while still trying to lord “moral authority” over everyone else by falsely claiming to be “the Church.”
Aside from this being pure evil, the result is a mathematical inevitability: a Ponzi scheme doomed to collapse and failure. But then, that is exactly what the Marxists were driving toward – total systemic collapse leading to the Marxist oligarchs taking complete totalitarian control of the former United States, and then the entire world. The Church has been infiltrated and used as a stooge to push state control of healthcare, care of the poor and the elderly.
The point of the Marxists specifically recruiting homosexualists into the clergy is playing out before our very eyes right now. First, the homosexualists were charged with degrading and draining the Church of its capacity to preach the Gospel, and eventually to have the Church become operationally Marxist itself. The final step in this process has already begun, namely schisming the Church and forming an “American Catholic Church”, which will be a neo-pagan Marxist “Revolutionary church” and will operate as a client and front for the Marxist regime in Washington D.C.
The SCLHS is a perfect example of this. First, they want the billion-dollar gravy train to keep flowing and so they will support the Marxist regime to the very end, because the thought of them actually cutting into their TEN-FIGURE portfolio to actually, you know, PAY for healthcare for the poor in a Christ-like spirit of true charity is utterly beyond their comprehension. Are we surprised, given that they approve of killing innocent babies?
Second, since the SCLHS is almost entirely comprised of lesbians, they WANT the Church to schism and they want to form an “American Catholic Church” that will ratify and celebrate their psychosexual perversions, ordain them as priestesses, and then let those “priestesses” MARRY and engage in sodomite acts. They need statist intervention in order to make this happen, and that is EXACTLY what they are getting. The Obama regime has declared war on the Bride of Christ, and is erecting the frame of the “Revolutionary church”.
So, at the end of the day, it is all about the love of money, and perverted sex.
Finally, one more time, CHARITY and COERCION are absolutely, totally, completely 100% MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. The moment that even the slightest HINT of coercion enters into the picture, charity is DESTROYED. Gone. Adios.
Love (caritas) MUST be freely given. It HAS to be a free choice of the giver. Putting the gun and jackboot of the IRS to people’s heads and necks BY DEFINITION exterminates charity. Apparently, every jackass bishop in the Western World today is either too stupid or too Marxist to comprehend or acknowledge this utterly fundamental truth.
ANY bishop who crows on and on and waxes philosophical about the state’s NECESSARY role in healthcare, care of the poor or care of the elderly is a heretical jackass who needs to sit down, shut up, beg God’s forgiveness for being a Marxist jackass, and then beg the Holy Spirit for a modicum of intelligence and understanding of simple, obvious truths.
Christ charged THE CHURCH with caring for the sick, poor and elderly – IN CHARITY, meaning that the Church FREELY GIVES, beginning with the FREELY GIVEN tithes of the individual faithful, and then FREELY GIVEN by the Church itself to the poor, sick and elderly.
This system worked beautifully up until 50 years ago, when the Marxist-homosexualists took over. Not only did it work, but there was even enough money to build BEAUTIFUL churches. Now the Church pays for none of these things out of its own coffers, and instead money is spent on building butt-ugly churches. There is a relatively new parish here in the Denver metro area for which the rectory – that is the priest’s house – cost $800,000. Apparently this priest felt that he “deserved” to be rewarded with an $800,000 pad. Meanwhile, at the Latin Mass parish I attend, the priests live in a small, old house, and donate their $13,000 per year salaries back to the parish. That’s telling, don’t you think?
These Novus Ordo clergy and religious are TERRIFIED at the thought of being held to the charge and discipline of the pre-Vatican II Church and actually having to spend tithe revenue on CHARITY and embrace poverty themselves, and they will schism the Church before they turn loose of their government coerced ObamaCare/Medicare/Medicaid/SocialSecurity/Welfare gravy train.