+Viganò being tried for “schism” from Antipope Bergoglio AND Vatican II – thus proving Vatican II to be a failed council. How can I get in on this action? I want to be formally declared “in schism” from Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch, too!!

Too bad +Viganò STILL won’t say the truth: Bergoglio is not and never has been the Pope. He just keeps dancing around it. Our Lord doesn’t like “dancing around” the truth. Let your “yes” be yes, and your “no”, no. Be ye hot or be ye cold, but the lukewarm He will vomit out of … Continue reading +Viganò being tried for “schism” from Antipope Bergoglio AND Vatican II – thus proving Vatican II to be a failed council. How can I get in on this action? I want to be formally declared “in schism” from Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch, too!!